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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters...hope everybody's doing well!

    I've spent a portion of this morning trying to fix my wireless connection, to no avail. Gonna have to spend hours on the phone this evening dealing with a far-off person to fix it...:damn:


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning nesters.

      I am running late. Here's the coffee.

      Hippy - Congratulations!!! You are doing great!!!!

      Well.....I slipped off my branch yesterday. So, I'll be over here on my twig with my Diet Coke and headache and supplements.

      I'll check back in later.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        NoraC;834947 wrote: Good morning nesters.

        Well.....I slipped off my branch yesterday. So, I'll be over here on my twig with my Diet Coke and headache and supplements.

        I'll check back in later.
        I notice a recurring trend here - many of us are falling out of the nest lately. I attribute this to faulty twigs. Although Lav has installed nest-belts, many of the branches and twigs are old, brittle or just downright flimsy.

        One minute you can be perched there, minding your own AF business, and the next - snap! and down you go... headfirst into that large vat of vodka at the base of the tree. Wind knocked right out of you - gulping to get your breath back - THAT's how it happens. And it's no wonder we wake up the next day with sore heads - we've landed headfirst for goodness sake.

        I suggest Lav also refurbish the older twigs - perhaps something sturdier? (Maybe Mollyka can advise on planks.)

        ...Or better yet, someone move that damn vat of vodka...

        Hope you feel better soon, Nora. (Lot's of water and exercise!)


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon Nest check.........

          Coco - if the nest belts are not working we could also install straight jackets :H

          Seriously though - we do need to remember the importance of identifying triggers. Once we do that we can then tweak our plan to make sure we don't keep repeating the same mistakes.
          I know it sounds impossible to be prepared for every/any contingency but the reality is - shit happens! (Pardon my potty mouth but sometimes you need to make your point).
          When we move drinking off the table, make it no longer an option to 'solve life's probems' - life actually gets easier!! It IS easier to deal with life when you have a clear head

          Nora, hope you feel better very soon. Let's revise the plan, OK?

          OK, back to work for a little bit.
          Have a good afternoon one & all.
          :h Your Nest Mum, Lav
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone

            Nora - I see you over there. Look after yourself today and get back on track. You are doing really well.

            Yesterday around 3pm al started with the thoughts and 'fancies'. I entertained the thoughts for a little while then thought about all of you here and things that I have learned.
            Stepping back to analyse why I would be thinking about 'a' glass of wine (getting some on the way home). After a process of elimination I think it was just the habit because I have today off and knew I would be home yesterday for a while by myself before others arrived.
            I was able to use my own adapted counter thoughts and also my new one compliments of Coco which was to think about the next day and the effects of having had the whole bottle which I would have done.

            Thanks all you guys because I turned left and drove straight home.

            Instead I ate too many almonds and ended up in bed with a hot water bottle and the worst tummy ache I've had since I was kid!!!!

            Woke up af today and happy. Onwards and upwards

            Have a great day/night all.
            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


              Newbies Nest


              I agree with your thinking. That could have been any one of us and prob has been. I am so impressed with the 'now' you and how far you have come. Do yourself proud and stay sober and get revenge on al.
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All,

                Just a quick one as we are off for the weekend and I need to pack. Son doesn't know so he has got to work with hubby whilst I pack in secret.

                I am still ploughing my way through Allen Carr's EasyWay to Control Drinking. He does like to waffle on and he is repititive but once you get through this, there are some aspects that make sense.

                Have a good AF weekend everyone.

                Spam xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Have a wonderful trip Spam!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Family...
                    Wow...I have been reading the past few pages and feel so blessed to know all of you....seriously....
                    you make me crack up....twig seat belts:H:H and alka seltzer rockets.....
                    you humble me...HIPPY......3 months:goodjob:
                    and you make me think......stupid stuff i have done too while drunk
                    and you are all helping me through a tough time in my life that in a crazy way is actually a good time too because I am learning and growing.....
                    and I have added all of you to my family
                    much love to all and welcome new folks!!!!!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nesters,

                      Another HOT day has come to an end - waiting on the promised thunderstorm to cool things off

                      Mama Bear, hope you are feeling better today & hanging in there!

                      Oh, I think I hear the thunder starting now - great!!!
                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest. Fasten your nest belts!!
                      Leaving the night light on......

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest


                        Coco - you're not supposed to be opening that thing anyway, right? Go ahead and shake it all about.

                        Lav - straightjackets? Yes. I wear a size 44. Now, you can't start complaining about the heat already dear - you just got rid of the nastiest winter ever. If I were you I'd be out in the yard sunbathing!

                        NoraC - hang on tight to that branch next time. You know the nest is always cozy when times get tough.

                        Nice going on toughing-up Mazzie - glad you were able to bring it home af.

                        HippyC - write that list, burn it - send any guilt and your old al life up in smoke!

                        Spam - have a good trip! Papmom - do give the meds a chance to work, but if they don't call your doc for sure.

                        Take care all.
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          day 5

                          I'm off to the club for a work colleague's 50th b'day party. I'm designated driver so won't be drinking. will just have a glass of tonic water with me all the time. Wish me well. Thanks for everything
                          AF since 12 April 2010


                            Newbies Nest

                            Missing in Action

                            Good Morning Campers Hi-De-Hi!!!
                            Hi everyone - remember me! Am flying this post off as am at work out in the wild woolly west today and they don't even have broadband and my boss is due in any minute and my internet connection is off at home again (builders!!) so justed wanted to say hello and that I'm thinking about you all.
                            Can't go back over thread so sorry if I'm missing newbies Hi to the usual suspects HippyC, Nora, Lav, Tranq, Mama, Papmom, Fennel, Coco if you're around, and everyone else posting. I feel like my right arm has been cut off not being able to keep in touch here, didn't realise quite how important this place is to me til I lost you all!! Hope everyone is in good form - lovely sunny weather here in (where am I!!!!!!?) Janie Mac I never knew places like this existed, very peaceful alright but Wow would it drive you to drink!! ( only joking!). I'm doing really well thanks to you lot. Mamajan I hope some of your problems are sorting out and the AF time is kicking in, Hippyc, into our 4th month - how good is that!
                            Nora, hope the kitten is ok?
                            Anyway, hillybilly boss key just in the door so had better flee, really hope I can get back in touch at home soon, am missing you so much (really - thats not bullshit). Might get a chance to check back in at my lunch hour if HB boss goes to herd his cows or something!
                            Love and kisses
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              OOps Katie, Runningwind, Mazzie, Spam K9L........................and all else
                              thinking of you all!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All!

                                Ummm...I'm Day 5 AF.....first time in awhile...feeling quietly/tentatively good about self!
                                Will post later, have to go pick up the wee chicks and feed them....
                                Back in a bit

