Jane - I've still got to figure out my tooth long term; my current dentist doesn't take my insurance and I was going to find someone else anyway. I've got to sit down and call the insurance company soon, annoying as that is. The tooth is much better, but I can tell it's still not 100%. Thanks for your concern.

Dutch - So glad we were able to help, PAWS is definitely no fun but at least you know it has an end.
Quit wining - Welcome back! Settle in, this is a great place for quit support.
Kensho - Glad you're reaching out since it's not working for you. Drinking more than you want, and breaking promises to yourself, is definitely a problem no matter what the amount. I know for me, I had to reframe things for myself. It wouldn't matter if everyone else on the planet could drink with no repercussions (obv not true), if it's affecting MY life, health, and mental wellbeing it's not good for ME. If I could have moderated happily, I never would have come to this forum. It sounds like you might do better trying to let go of how you compare to others and what you want to be true, and focus on what AL actually does to you?
Anyway, it seems to me that the more time you can give yourself sober, the more it becomes the new norm. And not in a boring way, your brain is a pretty amazing thing and will learn how to do just fine without. I don't think you get to feel that with slips, you know? It's like leaving the training wheels on your bike, you won't develop the muscles and technique to comfortably ride without.
Weird comparison, it's early! I know my life is immeasurably better without drinking, and I never would have guessed I'd say that a year ago.
Have a great AF day all, I'm off to work!