I know folks here on the site have different ideas and opinions of what alcoholism really is. I choose to believe it is a disease. It's very difficult for me not to blame myself for the fix I've gotten myself into, but you know, people can't help being sick. What they can help is ignoring their illness and getting sicker and sicker. We deserve better than that.
You just admitted, in your post, that you are addicted and you said that you have been "working hard" to become un-addicted. In my opinion, if this is a disease, then, no matter how hard we work, we can't become un-addicted any more than a diabetic can work hard to become un-diabetic or a person with a peanut allergy can work really hard to overcome that. It's really simple when you think that way. The only thing we can do is avoid what exacerbates our illness, whether it is sugar, or peanuts or alcohol.
Kensho, by giving up the notion that you can control your impulses over alcohol, you are not admitting defeat at all. You are showing courage and strength and you are WINNING, not losing a thing.
Yes, you need to give up the battle and be kind to yourself. And I bet your marriage will not only survive, but thrive. I can't imagine anything differently, and surely your children will benefit.
Good luck!