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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all,

    Chook! - I had wondered where you had been! I'm Day 5 also - :yay: - good to hear from you..
    I managed to restrain myself from buying AL today though I was very very VERY tempted.. my ex has been causing me heaps of stress - refusing to take our son, trying to change my memory of what happened the night of the assault - he is an expert in lying.. he has been totally stressing me out - blaming me for everything - all because I refuse to get back with him! There is no way I can go back with him.. he has treated me like sh*t time and time again - but I won't allow him to anymore..
    I saw my D+A counsellor today - he is very pleased with my progress.. in that I am not drinking hardly anymore, and that I seem much stronger.. If I keep away from AL I know I can get through this..
    Hi to Mazzy, MB, Tranq, HC, Mollyka, Nora, Lav and everyone else..
    Spam - have a great trip! That Allen Carr book is great in parts.. but other parts don't make much sense.. but as with anything, you take what you like and discard the rest!..
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Just a quick done to see hello and that I am back and going into day 5.
      Some disparaging words have kept me away from this site for some time. I thought I could go it alone, I cannot. I've decided that it has done me more harm than good, and I must not let anyone's occasional misdirected frustrations or anger effect my progress.
      So here we go.


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Birdies....
        welcome back 1967 and good job for staying strong tantagra.... i need to come over there???? That ex of yours is getting on my last nerve....
        Hope you got some sleep Pap
        Hey Lav and Tranq
        I woke up at 5:30 am to a thunderstorm (which I love) with no hangover...yay....hubs is snoring next to me....kind of nice
        had a house full of teenagers last night so i cooked vats of spaghetti which disappeared instantly....
        BTW...has anyone seen the new Tiger Woods Nike commercial where his dad is talking to him?? It is so creepy, but brilliant, IMO
        my cat, Lucky, is the neighborhood tom and has come home with a big bite on the side of his face that the boys and i are nursing...need to get him neutered, but no extra $$ at the moment....
        hello to everone that pops in later....
        spuddle, Nora, nut!!,fennel,mollyka, chooks,mazzie,spam, and SUPER HERO HIPPY!!!!
        smooches to all
        mama jan
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          LOL :H - yes please come over here and sort him out... he's gone quiet now - he's sent me around 100 texts today (no, i'm not exaggerating) - and left about 8 voicemails - he goes insane when I don't succumb to his brand of mental torture - I just delete everything (apart from the one's that could get him trouble in the future.. lol)
          It sounds like you had a great time with a house full last night, MB! Poor pussy-cat though, I hope he recovers.. I used to have a cat that was the neigbourhood 'tom' too - he was always getting into scraps and having big chunks of fur taken out! he was almost always the one better off though lol..
          Take care all.. off to bed in a jiffy.. super-tired tonight!
          Katie xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Newbies Nest

   you give all his crap to your attorney???
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              nvm...i just reread your post....good girl....evil minds think alike....heh heh heh
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                MB - I don't have an attorney.. I just have the police acting on my behalf.. if he gets really bad, i can just call the police.. but i dont let him get to me anymore, i just delete (mostly) everything.. like i said, he eventually gets the message when i don't respond or reply.. i dont want to make things any messier, he already has a GBH charge..
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  you are strong, wise woman and I am proud of you honey
                  nite nite and sweet sober dreams!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mazzie;835095 wrote: Hi Everyone

                    Nora - I see you over there. Look after yourself today and get back on track. You are doing really well.

                    Yesterday around 3pm al started with the thoughts and 'fancies'. I entertained the thoughts for a little while then thought about all of you here and things that I have learned.
                    Stepping back to analyse why I would be thinking about 'a' glass of wine (getting some on the way home). After a process of elimination I think it was just the habit because I have today off and knew I would be home yesterday for a while by myself before others arrived.
                    I was able to use my own adapted counter thoughts and also my new one compliments of Coco which was to think about the next day and the effects of having had the whole bottle which I would have done.

                    Thanks all you guys because I turned left and drove straight home.

                    Instead I ate too many almonds and ended up in bed with a hot water bottle and the worst tummy ache I've had since I was kid!!!!

                    Woke up af today and happy. Onwards and upwards

                    Have a great day/night all.
                    Isn't it the greatest thing waking up in the morning following one of those bouts with temptation (when you have won, I mean!!)? YAY!!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm putting the coffee on this morning - thought we should let Nora have a bit of a lie-in. So... hope everyone likes it very strong and black. We've got bagels and croissants this morning, too. (All of it served up on sturdy planks.)

                      Happy Friday, my friends!


                        Newbies Nest

                        ChickenNumber3;835282 wrote: Hi All!

                        Ummm...I'm Day 5 AF.....first time in awhile...feeling quietly/tentatively good about self!
                        Will post later, have to go pick up the wee chicks and feed them....
                        Back in a bit
                        Hello Chooks - missed you and your smiling 'do!


                          Newbies Nest

                          KatieB;835312 wrote: MB - I don't have an attorney.. I just have the police acting on my behalf.. if he gets really bad, i can just call the police.. but i dont let him get to me anymore, i just delete (mostly) everything.. like i said, he eventually gets the message when i don't respond or reply.. i dont want to make things any messier, he already has a GBH charge..
                          Katie, I think you should save all his texts, no matter if they contain threats or not. The sheer volume of them will prove to the courts that the man is freaking insane! That amount of unsolicited contact is harassment in it's own right. You're not replying to him, right? At least call a cop and have the cop look at the texts and make note of the number and dates, so there's a record.

                          What's "GBH"? Hang in there, and stay safe...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Coco-Nut;835372 wrote: I'm putting the coffee on this morning - thought we should let Nora have a bit of a lie-in. So... hope everyone likes it very strong and black. We've got bagels and croissants this morning, too. (All of it served up on sturdy planks.)

                            Happy Friday, my friends!
                            Mmmmm....bagels! I'll have mine with PB and J! Hope all my fellow nestlings are having a great morning.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Friday morning Nesters,

                              Busy, busy here as usual

                              Tranq, you know me - I'm always complaining about something..........usually weather extremes. But, I am happy to report that the AC is off, temps have returned to normal for early April!

                              Molly - lunch time cow herding??? Sounds different

                              Chook, clucking good to see you today! Good job on your 5 AF days - feel the strength!

                              Tant, good luck at your after work party - you can do it!

                              Katie, good for you staying strong with your 5 AF days too! It wouldn't hurt to give the police an update on your spouses behavior. Hopefully, you have a restraining order??

                              1967, it's been a while, good to see you! Sorry you felt uncomfortable on the threads. Stay here in the Nest - we do our best to look out for one another!

                              Mama Bear, a trip to the Vet for anything these days can be very costly. When I take my 2 dogs I experience real sticker shock. Hopefully your first aid kit will be enough to care for your cat.

                              Coco, I'm on my 2nd cup of French Roast this morning!

                              Fennel, good to see you!

                              OK, time to get to work.
                              Wishing everyone a good Friday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                I LOVE PB and J on my bagels!! thanks Coco!!

                                Katie, I agree with fennel-don't delete the texts!! They can be used as evidence. Don't delete anything from him!! OOOOHHHHH if only my arms were long enough to reach across this country and the pacific I'd give you a great big hug and your ex a great big choke!!!

                                Great job MamaBear-you can do this and you must. as far as your kitty goes, there may be some very low cost neuter programs out there or even free ones. I know there is a cat rescue group in my state that goes around offering free spay and neutering to those who qualify. Hope your kitty mends quickly!!

                                good job Tant and Chook-be strong!! Welcome 1967-I'm so sorry you've had a bad experience on this site. lav is right-stick with us in the nest. We'll protect you!!

                                Molly, you crack me up!! Hope you had a good time in the wild wild west!!

                                Well, night 2 of my sleep journey would have gone off better if my cat hadn't knocked off the full bottle of natural hairball remedy onto the floor when i was at work, where my littlest dog got a hold of it, chewed the cap off and devoured 56 tabs of slippery elm/psyllium/marshmallow concoction!! Spent and hour with poison control, slept fitfully until 4am when he started the elimination process. Up every 1/2 hour to let him out. gross. I'm working from home this morning (no, really I am working he he he) until he calms down and I can leave him for a few hours without fear my house will be filled with crap. At least I'm not so groggy today so that's an improvment. thanks Tranq-I will give the meds a chance through the weekend and then call her for a new rx if they don't work.

                                Well, now I do need to get back to work. have a great day/nite everyone!!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

