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    On Sunday I picked up the book The Secret to read during my workout. Read it years ago. This speaks to the law of attraction; how we attract whatever our thoughts are. This morning I watched Joyce Meyer. Her message was about connection. Read a little more during today's workout and read a quote about only needing to see 200 yds in front of you & trusting the next 200 yds will take you where you need to be, etc. and here I check into NN and you, Byrdie, talk about the 200 yds.

    It works.
    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      Londoner I think you bring up an interesting point of discussion. I wouldn't mind learning how everyone on here feels connection in their lives. I know martial arts, my wife and daughter, my small group of friends, parents, weight training and meditation are where I get my connection. Even activities I do by myself, like reading, help me connect with others since I feel like we can connect over the material. I always used to think I had to connect wth others to feel that connection feeling, but have found I can take time meditating and connect more with myself, which honestly seems just as important. Everyone now and then this wussy gets inside my head and makes me stress and worry, but the more connected I feel to my true self the shorter those tangents seem to get.

      Connection does require risk, alcohol doesn't, at least in terms of putting yourself out there. Even on here an asshole seems to pop up now and again and get off on trying to stir the pot.


        Thinking of you, Byrdie. I was away from Sat afternoon onward so I didn't see the news about your BIL until now. Wishing you and your family comfort and strength.

        Kherriott, it's great to see you again! No worries, ever. Just pull up a twig.

        I'm helping a close friend deal with an unfolding devastating situation, so I'm channeling my energy there, and might not be posting as often for a short while. But, I will continue checking in and reading and saying "hi," even if that's all that time allows (knowing that I won't be in any position to help her if neglect my own self-help, which is right here).

        Happy Monday, all. It's great to see such positive goings-on in the Nest.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          Strength to you and your friend, Lil :hug: Please check in when you can.



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Thanks, Star. And guess what!? A little Byrdie just reminded me -- I'm six months sober today! I would have missed it if not for her. TY, Byrdie. I will forever have a new meaning for the phrase, "Doing a 180."
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Yo Nesters near and not so far!

              Wow Lilbit! Big congratulations on 6 months booze free. What a gloriously cool achievement. Bravo friend!

              Connection. Yep, this is what it's all about I reckon. Being connected is natural for humans and damn healthy. Broken, otherwise healthy connections I think are unhealthy in the way that negative emotions and behaviour is often the result, maybe not always, but for me if I notice I am isolating myself, this can be a danger sign. As opposed to just wanting some 'me' time and having some healthy time out. There is a difference.

              Take care out there y'all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                Lil Bit! Six months is grand!!!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Kensho -- big hugs and congratulations to you!

                  LilBit -- six months in fabulous. You can be fully there to help your friend knowing your whole self is no longer clouded by AL. Way to go.
                  Mary Lou

                  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                    Morning nesters

                    My village idiot boss is off for a month and up to day 2. For a whole month i wont have him asking "is everything under control". FFS i could run this department with my eyes closed and i so want to punch him when he says that but for now i am basking in the pleasantness of office life.

                    Lil a huge congrats on 6 months sobriety, really proud of you. With all you have been through you have made your quit your first priority and its paying huge dividends. Hugs for today.

                    21 months for me today, i said to a couple of dear friends that it is the 1st of the month so another milestone but i could not remember how many months. Such a change from marking the days off the calendar when i first quit. There is light at the end of the tunnel and funnily enough i can see it very clearly now.

                    Byrd, sorry about the loss of you BIL, thinking of you dear lady.

                    well best i go back to salt mines!
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      :hoopup::hoopup::hoopup::bravo: for AVA!!! Twenty one months!!! AWESOME!!!



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Great stuff Ava! Congratulations on 21 months grog free. What a fab way to kick off our springtime down here. Take care my friend. :dancin:

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Glad I checked in

                          Lil, CONGRATS on 6 months AF!!!
                          I know you are feeling happy & proud & you certainly should. I hope everything is OK with your friend.

                          Ava, 21 AF month - very nice!
                          I hope you enjoy your month of office peace

                          Staying connected with our tribe here is important in so many ways, for so many reasons. Why would we walk away from something that works so well?

                          Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Hi, Nest:

                            NS - Yes, you nailed it. I spent a lot of hand wringing time, too.

                            YAY, Lil! 180 is right, keep going for that quadruple toe loop and I'll see you on day 1,440. I hope your friend is ok and I'm glad you can be there for him/her with a clear and sober head.

                            YAY, Ava. 21 months. I can't believe it myself.

                            Londoner - so glad to see you here and posting two weeks sober. I think you're on to something with connection. Being away from booze has helped me connect much better with my immediate family, and even my friends. I don't have long, boozy conversations at 4am any more, but I actually remember and can contribute to the conversations we do have. Keep it up - we're here for you!

                            Byrdie - so sorry about your brother in law - you've had a lot going on this year.

                            Off to have dinner with the family. Hope you all have great nights.



                              Hey everybody
                              All is well in my world, just super busy.
                              Hope to get caught up and read back..

                              Big Congrats to LilBit on 6 months.
                              I personally look forward to and appreciate your contribution to the nest!
                              So glad I've gotten to know you, you are a champion!

                              Stay Hard Freaks!
                              AF 08~05~2014

                              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                                Good Morning!
                                So if yustaday was Ava's 21 months, that means today is Pav's! Simply amazing!! Mr G's dancers even had 21 on the shirt of the lead dancer, well played, G!!! Great job, everyone, on these milestones!
                                Londoner, I looked all over Cowboy's posts for that article, I was hoping he would stop in and recognize what we were trying to locate! Star, I'm glad you thought it sounded familiar, also! It will turn up!
                                Hope everyone has a peaceful day. B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

