Had a half decent, not overly busy day, yay!
CONGRATS on 14 AF days QW - great work!!!
Can't believe you lost 10 pounds, lucky you

Nice to hear you are looking after your Mom G & glad to hear she's doing well.
I once asked my kids what they would do if I got old & sick. My daughter kindly said she would hire a nurse to take care of me. my son said he would take me out in the woods & shoot me. I sure hope my daughter shows up first, ha ha!!
Starfish, hang in there. Weekends can be a little quiet around here, especially holiday weekends. Keep yourself connected to MWO & do a lot of reading - helps!
Kensho, keep your plan close & your goals forefront in your thoughts.
Byrdie, let's see the wonky cookies, ha ha!
Have a safe night in the nest everyone!