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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A fat little mouse with its jaws still clamped on the piece of chocolate fish in the trap! Eeeew.
    Eww is right! CHOCOLATE FISH???? :yuk: LOL

    ChickenLittle... yeah, I remember being just a sack of potatoes for the first few weeks when I went AF. Hang in there... your energy will return! And, GOOD FOR YOU.. reaching out to your sis! You're a lucky little chook

    K.. I hope everyone is having a happy, busy Saturday... I should probably get some dinner going.. seeing that it is past 7pm Night night all!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Oh Dancing! I hope you got it & that was it. I had that rat in my house that was smarter than we were! It took us a couple months to get rid of it. I tried all types of traps. Had 2 different exterminators come out who said we were doing everything that they would do and that eventually we would get him. I was just at the end of my rope. He thought he owned the place!!! He finally ate thru a plastic bag that had rat poison in it!! Wouldn't touch it when we put it out. But he climbed up on the kitchen sink and ate thru the plastic bag. Then we were able to trap him behind a shelf.

      Good to have you here Sunshine!!

      We have had a wonderful relaxing day today. Had a nice veggie barbecue (well, veggie for me of course but hubby had his chicken and son had his steak). I was going to have a Gardenburger but we had so many veggies that it would have been too much. I'll probably end up going to work for a few hours in the morning but it was a nice day today.

      Catch you all later.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest


        Well I managed to get through the awful cravings yesterday and the awful bad mood and tiredness by posting here, sipping diet coke and texting my sister!!! But had an awful night with little sleep (probably all the caffeine) and feel like I am getting a cold! Worse still, we have visitors coming over today, in-laws, who all drink and hubby will be going hard with them. I am out of diet coke, so will do a run this morning to get more...cause I know I will cave in if I don't have any & everyone else is on the turps!

        Thanks to all Nesters for your supportive words! Yes, hubby does use my 'drinking' against me when we I know exactly how it invalidates any arguement you may have! I guess it just gives me dutch courage so to speak to actually express my frustration, even if ineffectually!
        Nora-you sound good! Our city is actually experiencing a mice plague at the moment, my Mum had them in her air con unit & ate through all her cables..urgh!

        Sunni- not the only one here with tail firmly clamped between legs!!!but I guess we are all still learning!

        dancing- Yes I can relate! I think I would be in the exact same situation as you if anything did actually happen in my relationship! Maybe I am just not wordly enough or savvy enough or even mercinary enough to just take what I want! I would rather just walk away!
        Fennel- after last night (staring at the ceiling until about 1am) I guess the catnaps would be a good idea. Previous to this I have been sleeping okay though. But I guess it is the toxins leaving the system and making me feel sluggish! Just got to ride it out.
        Today is Day 7..the longest I've gone in quite a few months now..the longest I ever got was the 30 days, but I think that was back in last June /July 2009! So here goes for 2010!

        Will be back here today no doubt when the cravings get too bad!
        Chook *clucks like mad*


          Newbies Nest


          I thought I heard some loud clucking
          Good for you Chook! You are learning little one - makes a nest mum proud.

          Sunni, I am glad to see you back here! You have plenty of strength & determination - you just need to remember that

          Greetings fennel, Nora, dancingon & everyone - hope you all had a good day!

          Speaking of our rodent friends - I lifted the lid on a can of chicken feed this morning & found a super-stuffed, comatose mouse sleeping off his overindulgence, ha ha.

          OK, I'm calling it a day. I did get out for lunch & some shopping with my daughter today, very enjoyable indeed.
          Leaving the night on as always....
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all,
            I also have my tail between my legs today - I drank a whole bottle of wine last night.. I had lots of support on here, but the urge to drink was just too powerful.. My son was fine and fast asleep.. and I had a big meal and drank lots of water so I have no hangover today.. I am about to start work.
            I need more motivation though to not drink, as I did feel a bit depressed this morning for giving in to the cravings.. I know my ex being horrible is no excuse, as no-one has the power of whether I drink or not, it is ultimately my decision..
            So, back again, ready to try again to be AF for as long as I can.. I always feel so much better mentally when I don't drink.. I cannot risk getting depressed again..
            Hi Chook - well done for not giving in yesterday - I wish I could say the same!
            Hi Nora, Lav, Tranq, sunshine, fennel,dancingon.. i hope you all have a great day today,
            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone.

              Hi Chicken, Sunni... Glad to hear from you both. I know you guys just like coming around for some Lavand-itude.

              NoraC, you can't beat BBQ fun! I can't wait for summer here.

              Dancing, KB and Fennel - hope you're all having a good, safe weekend.

              I'm just getting in from "date night". I've had a really nice day. It is amazing to realize that I never thought it was possible to have "fun" that didn't include getting hammered. Now I think the opposite is true.

              Take care everyone.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Katie..just pick up and dust off and find your twig again girl!
                we are all in the process of it!
                Tranq..good to hear that life is fun without the poison! At the moment I'm not sure I believe that completely,but this is almost a week for me and I'm at that point of....."don't stuff up now girl you're on a roll"
                Visitors arriving soon, no doubt with wine or some form of alcohol...urgh..but got the diet coke in the fridge! Wish me luck!
                Afternoon the Nest,


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yeah, don't let it get a hold Katie. You're doing great.

                  Now, chocolate fish - I think maybe our northern neighbours don't know to what I was referring. This is a kiwi thing. They're marshmallow fish-shaped creatures covered in chocolate. Mice don't like cheese. Na ah. They like grains and peanut butter and chocolate fish. A friend put me on to this and it is now a tried and true recipe. I have caught so many mice on chocolate fish. If you're cunning you can even use the same piece of choccy fish twice, because they never actually take it away do they?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All,

                    How's things?

                    I'm back from my weekend away and exhausted. It was wonderful and I am so thankful that we made the move from the UK to Australia.

                    Will catch up more later.

                    Spam xx


                      Newbies Nest

                      hey to the lake for the day
                      have to put my seatbelt on as i slipped friday night.....almost made it a week damn...
                      love you all more than you know, but being chased out door
                      chooks...nice to see u back
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Sunday morning Nesters,

                        Sunny & nice here today

                        Katie, Your health & your son's happiness is plenty of motivation! You just need to apply my special brand of attitude - Lavan-itude!!! Don't allow your idiot ex or anyone to control you any more! You stick to your plan so you can be the healthy, strong, young woman you want to be. Changing the self-abuse habit is a priority for all of us!

                        Late night for you VP Tranq, glad you had a good time

                        Wishing everyone a terrific AF day in the Nest!
                        Today's outdoor activity is shoveling the chicken poop bedding out of the coop & tilling it into the garden.
                        Now that sounds like tons of fun - right????

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all,

                          This is my first time ever on a forum...really great area

                          Am not feeling nearly as scared about posting in a newbies area.

                          On day one AF after a horrible nite that I am still paying for.

                          Is anyone else just starting out?

                          Betsy Blue


                            Newbies Nest

                            :welcome: Betsy Blue. Glad you found us!! I still consider myself very new even tho I have
                            40 days of AF under my belt. You will find this nest very comfy cozy so just find yourself a nice twig and settle in. You are where I was 41 days ago (I had 2 glasses of wine at Easter which I had incorporated into my plan for the day)-hungover and at wits end, knowing something had to change. I found MWO and my life is slowly changing for the better. I still hate my job, don't have a social life BUT I don't hate myself anymore AND the best part is I have tons of energy now so my pups get their walks and I get my exercise. Have lost 7 pounds so far and if it wasn't for the sugar cravings would be down even more. What is really nice about being AF is that you learn things about yourself and the world every day (right Tranq?). All those neat diet plans in the mags that I never could follow because they didn't include a couple of bottles of wine a nite, are now mine to try. My friend has been after me for a year to go camping with her but I refused: why? due to the abuse of wine I snored horribly, tossed and turned everynite and had (she said delicately) digestive issues. We're now going to share a motel room May 1st and 2nd while I compete in my first agility trial. I probably still snore but I think everything else is pretty much under control :H
                            Anyway, this is a very long hello and welcome but sometimes I just have to share my joy. Pretty soon you too will be asking: Why didn't I think if this before????
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone, haven't been posting cos internet was down, working at the moment but for how long??
                              Anyway, had a quick look back on the thread and good to see everyone still around and still functioning. Welcome Betsy blue, loads of newbies here join the crowd!!
                              Katie, don't be worrying about a slip, just hang around and you'll be grand.
                              Sophie, see you have internet probs too, bugger isn't it!
                              Glad you enjoyed your weekend away Spam and Mama have a good day.
                              Greetings to Papmom, HippyC, Lav, Sunny, Tranq glad the date went well, Chicken, Fennel, Dancingon Coco and everyone else.
                              Survived my experience working out in the 'outback' and looking forward to working as normal in suburbia tomorrow!! - Lovely sunny day here in Dublin, planted my marigolds and hollyhocks and tomatoes etc so garden will be nice in a while I hope! Nora, any chance you could pop over and cook for me - I still have builders in my kitchen and no cooker - if I ever see a take-out meal again it will be too soon!! (pity when we OD on booze we don't feel the same way!)
                              Will check in again later if Internet still working
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks for the welcome ladies and your words of encouragement. Is really good to know other people are dealing with the same thing.

