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Newbies Nest

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    Hey Pav - they got that glitch fixed today. We've already had a new member sign up. However, it looks like I hurt her feelings accidentally. I hope that she comes back.

    Anyway - I think there will be some new nesters coming soon.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Originally posted by NoraC View Post
      Hey Pav - they got that glitch fixed today. We've already had a new member sign up. However, it looks like I hurt her feelings accidentally. I hope that she comes back.

      Anyway - I think there will be some new nesters coming soon.
      For what it's worth, I see nothing judgemental or hurtful in what you posted. Simply a recommendation of other threads on our site, and you said in a compassionate way....
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Good morning Nesters!

        Dark & seriously damp in my portion of the nest ~ oh well.
        No chance of clearing until after this tropical system moves thru Saturday.

        I'll have to go looking for potential newbies & direct them to the nest

        Karen, it helps me a lot to remember to focus on things I can change. No matter how much we would like to fix other people's problem we cannot. That was a hard lesson for me to learn, believe me!

        Pav, I feel for you because I went thru similar difficulties with my son when he was young. Now he's an accomplished college graduate, Eagle scout, married father of 2 little boys. He has remarkable patience with them because he understands them. ha ha! Hang in there!!

        Wishing everyone a good AF Wednesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Well, this is the first I've been able to log in and post! Hopefully, we are getting some attention so that we ARE able to welcome some new folks in! Off to read what happened to the new one we got yustaday! Hope everyone has a peaceful day! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Hi everyone!

            Still feeling under the weather here and will be super happy when I shake whatever is causing this illness.

            Good to see you, Karen!

            Pav, I'm sure glad our homework days are over here in Starworld. I guess some kids struggle more than others with it and I guess some parents fret over the kids' homework more than others do too. I bailed one of my daughters out of so many late assignments that it was ridiculous. In the long run, I don't think I did her any favors. She took advantage of me and didn't learn to accept responsibility for it herself. I'm not saying that's what is going on with your son...just saying I understand the angst that homework can cause. Hang in there!

            Hope everyone has a great day.



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Hello Nest! We have the same battle with my son nightly, he is 9. They want to do what they want to do, not work. I understand, but part of growing up is learning that it isn't all indulgent fun - there are chores and homework too. Sorry for your frustration Pav!

              I'm working right along here - have way too much on my plate and I feel tired. But it feels good to be making progress. And it feels good to be NOT drinking.

              Have a good day all...

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Get well soon Starfish. I've just come out of a bout of flu which I rarely get and it was a real killer! Not much fun at all so wishing you a speedy recovery.

                Keep up the gr8 work there Kensho!

                All the best to the young and older folks with homework duties. I remember one or 2 savvy teachers who could weave something we were actually interested in as kids in with our studies to get our attention. Worked well.

                41 here and the feeling's goooood. I'm so into this.

                Take care out there. L8tr g8trs.
                Last edited by Guitarista; September 30, 2015, 05:32 PM.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  I hope everyone has their homework done, ha ha!!!
                  I remember the pain of it all - I really do so just hang in with your youngsters everyone.

                  Glad you are better G & I hope you start feeling better soon Star.

                  Not too much going on, just watching & waiting for catastrophic rain, floods & wind - oh boy. I hate hurricane season.
                  Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Feeling a little more energy today, just in the past hour or so, don't know what triggered it but I am going to enjoy it, listen to some good music, and read my book.

                    Starfish I have always liked that story, I actually have a framed poster of it hanging up in my bathroom at work. Best to remember the purpose of grand endeavors like starting a business weren't always about providing for a family. It used to be just making a difference in one persons life. It is a much easier pursuit, like taking it one day at a time, taking it one lesson at a time on long work days like today.

                    I had my first personal training lesson today, even though I haven't been certified this woman took a class with me a few months back and wanted to get started. I already have one personal training student, and I haven't even taken the test yet haha. My daughter cried last night from 430 to 6 when I woke up, at the time it was a bit irritating but I couldn't be happier, how many people around the world wish thy had a kid to keep them up at night.

                    I was thinking about our struggles today and the unique challenges we deal with on a daily basis being a part of this group. This paragraph struck me:
                    “When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden.”

                    Suffering may be our unique task, but it does not have to be alone. We have a great network of people on here to offer support, and it makes the world of difference. One of the best things about this group is it establishes hope for the future and the idea of a normal life when some of us can't see life as normal with AL. That's why I come by, because it reminds me there's hope, and I add another day. Happy hump day!


                      Dutch, what a wonderful post!
                      I agree 100%, when I first came onboard, I would see all the happy people with long stretches and it seemed as tho I would never get mine. It really DOES come a day at a time and you wake up one morning and realize you've had PEACE the previous 12 hours, and that is NICE! Then you notice that the previous day wasn't filled with obsessive isn't so much what you notice as much as it is what you don't notice! Peace is hard to explain, but it comes with time! The clearer thinking alone is worth the price of admission....the ability to concentrate on a thought and devise a solution is priceless. The skills I have learned right here in this nest apply to more than just AL, they apply to life. I reckon that is why I was so bad at it, I just didn't have the skills to cope!

                      Thank you for that thought-provoking post. I hope you (and our fellow nesters) have an easy day! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good morning Nesters, happy Thursday to all!

                        Dutch, we are indeed very lucky to have found such a welcoming group. Learning new skills & passing them on to others as we go along is priceless!

                        Byrdie, the storm is coming, are you prepared? I hate hurricane season, really.
                        Be careful out there

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Oh man! I just lost a long, long post-I will abbreviate it now, sorry!

                          Duth- Your post made me cry. I am so thankful that I have you and our whole network and that we can all help each other. You certainly have helped me!

                          Thanks for the well-wishes, Gman! I think I am on the mend! Standing up sober sure takes a lot more vim and vigor than staggering around like a drunken fool, so I need to be well and energetic to keep up with my new, sober activities. I like it this way!

                          Lav, Byrdie and all east coasters...I am praying that Joachine heads back out into the abyss where he belongs. Y'all have had your share of storms over the past few years. Give 'em a break, Mother Nature!

                          So, I had a big test last night! DH and I went out for Mexican for the first time since I quit drinking and I was afraid those Margaritas would be calling my name. I did fine though. I am liking the sober life.

                          I'm glad you all liked the starfish story. I like it myself. It's funny, as LavB and I were talking about our love of animals the other day, I was reminded of that story. I am so softhearted when it comes to saving creatures of all kinds that I even have to save each and every earthworm that I find trying to cross the street when I am taking my early morning walks. And sometimes there are many of them. I don't know what they are thinking, trying to cross those busy roads where they will either get smushed or dried out by the sun! I throw them back in the moist grass where they belong. Poor wiggly creatures.

                          Have a great day everyone!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Good evening all !
                            Wasn't able to log in yesterday kept coming up as an error ,but thought site might be under some maintenance.
                            Thanks for post Dutch - I am coming round to the thinking i have to use all the difficult struggles in my life as opportunities to grow as a person.- to think of them as gifts to try to come alongside others,
                            On that note had a bummer of a day today went to physio for ankle --9 more weeks min till i can go back to work , i work for myself and are on my feet all day so its depressing. + had a fall out with husband today ,he said i was acting strange and he accused me of drinking again. - I was really a bit hurt , his reasoning was that i had used too much money lately and thought id bought wine, He didn't even compute that i cant walk very far , i cant drive , wasn't slurred how the ... was i do get some even if i wanted it.?

                            anyway we have got over it now but it made me mad i thought he trusted me more ?
                            well tomorrows another day x
                            AF 10th June 2014


                              Ok here it goes, I am new and I hope I'm in the right area to start? Been binge drinking for many years. It's taking a toll on my health and I'm feeling depressed. I am also going through early stages of I'm tired all the time and trouble staying asleep.
                              So my drinking has increased to several times a week and the amount that I can consume is pretty scary.. So that's where I am at now.. I woke up this morning of course with a hang over again. I thought I want to get at least 30 days ..thank you all for listening .


                                Welcome, sothankful! You are in the right place for sure. Your story sounds very familiar and believe or not, you can change it and if you want us to, we can help. I'm glad you posted. :welcome: NS

