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    Thank you no sugar, yes I need support..I'm tired of feeling like crap and feeling so angery all the time..I used to be a really positive person , now I just feel kind of worthless.. Sorry not on a soapbox but I want be better.. Thank you


      Welcome sothankful! You've come to the right place!

      You'll find some amazing folks here who have been alcohol free for a long time, some not so long and a lot just starting out.

      Your fellow nesters are here to help so don't be afraid to ask anything.

      One day at a time has worked for me. This is not my first time here but I've made it to 40 days this time, in part thanks to the support I've received in the nest. And every day feels better!

      Again, a big welcome sothankful! We're glad you're here.
      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



        Thank you quit wining, congrats on your 40 days that is wonderful :welldone:
        I was afraid to post but I was thinking this needs to happen today..
        Tomorrow is Friday and I want to just get through a weekend with being drunk or hungover.

        Thank you again


          We're so glad you did, too, sothankful!
          It would be hard to surprise this group of people with anything related to AL! UGG!
          Friday is just another day around here! We like to say that it isn't a ticket to BoozeVille! Keep checking in and talking with us, and before you know it, you'll have 7 days under your belt. We give prizes for that, too!
          Keep busy, keep your tummy full and keep posting! Welcome! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Welcome Sothankful! I was amazed at how different I felt after 30 days AF. You will never regret not drinking! Glad you joined us!

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Byrdlady , Kensho , thank you for the warm welcome, as far as the weekend my husband said he is going to keep us busy over the weekend, agree also about not getting too hungery that's when booze cravings kick in for me..I will be checking and posting often..

              Thanks again


                Yo Nesters near and not so far,

                Welcome Sothankful! Go for it.

                Hiya Ginger. Sorry to hear it's more waiting for your ankle to heal, and moreso re hubs' viewpoint! If a GF were to imply I'd been boozing when I hadn't, she'd be on very, very shaky ground. Take care there friend.

                The weekend aint no ticket to no boozeville see?

                Calm farm here and living badass.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Hi Everyone - checking in. All is good here - I'm visiting mom and my brother flew in from Boston. It's the first time we've been together since dad passed last March. So nice to have this family time. And know I'll remember it!

                  Welcome Sothankful -- so glad you're here. I joined in January 2014 and, without question, it was the best decision I've ever made. In addition to many, many issues, I was so tired of drinking myself to sleep (passing out), waking up feeling (and looking) like crap, and saying No More everyday. Which lasted until I got home from work (earlier on weekends) only to be repeated. Everyday. For way too many years.

                  The support and wisdom here is what got me sober and keeps me sober. Post and read often - I probably spent several hours a day here in the beginning - and eat! Others have said that I know, but it bares repeating because so many of us use to drink the majority of our fuel calories so eating well lost its luster. Plus, it really helps with drink cravings.

                  Kensho, Star, QW - you all are doing great. Ginger -- sorry about the issue with hubs and glad it passed. I would have been put off too but I probably would have felt full of self confidence too knowing this time he was absolutely wrong!!

                  Have a great evening everyone.
                  Mary Lou

                  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                    morning nesters

                    Welcome sothankful, MWO is a wonderful place to get and give support in our journey. Keep posting and we will keep listening.

                    A beautiful day for a long weekend here. Yesterday was my daughters 24th birthday and i celebrated 22 months sober. As the children always do they tell me how proud they were of me in not drinking and dragged up before and now photos. Gees i looked bad. The thing that scared me was that if i had kept drinking i would probably be dead now and if not a very very sad shell of a person with no reason to live due to al. I cant believe i have not drank for 22 months, i do know i am grateful and thankful for the life i have been given now. throw as much shit at me as you can and i know i can do it sober. We had a bit of a stressful moment in the afternoon and my son offered me a beer. i just looked at him and said "honey i dont drink remember" and he said "oh yeah thats right, sorry mum". There was no temptation to take that beer, there is never a good enough reason to break my sobriety.

                    Great post Dutch, acceptance and living is an amazing feeling, al is not worth losing the life you have now.

                    Today i have my four children over for lunch and their partners, they have a habit of talking over each other very loudly but it will be a lovely day.

                    I am grateful for all i have in my life now.

                    Take care x
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Hi, All:

                      SoThankful - welcome. I love your name. I am so thankful that I don't drink any more! I took a lot of baths when I first quit - I felt like I was helping my body get clean, and it gave me something to do. I recommend reading about having a plan in the toolbox. There are a lot of good ideas about what to do instead of drinking.

                      Ava - I love having you keep track for me. 22 months for me tomorrow, I guess. Amazing. It doesn't get any better. BTW - did you see Avicci has a new album?

                      Nice post, Dutch.

                      Hope everyone has good sober plans for the weekend.



                        Hopefully tomorrow will be day 1 again. Why can't I do this. I quit smoking for HIM and for me, but why is it so hard to stop drinking. AL has always been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. Things start going really good between us and then I think it is ok, and then I blow it and go overboard. Why do I go overboard and piss him off? He said tonight that he does enjoy a drink of wine, beer, scotch, etc. but says he doesn't do it because he thinks it will set me off. WTF I don't need an excuse. Things are still tuff at work and family issues but I do what I can and being at work I get a lot of employees coming up and Bitch***en to me but I say you have to take it up with the "Boss".


                          Kherro the one thing i noticed in your post is you did it for HIM. We have to do this for ME. As long as we keep thinking we need to drink AT people we will fail. I gave up for ME and also my children. I was worth more than al and my children deserved more than a drunk mother.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            No rain at the moment - nice.

                            Hello & welcome sothankful!
                            Glad you decided to join us. Your story is indeed very familiar, have been there myself. Get your plan together & stay close to the nest. Wishing you the very best!

                            Ava & Pav, Congrats on your 22 AF months, Yay!!!
                            You ladies have grown strong together

                            Karen, make tomorrow your day 1 & revise your plan to cover all of your triggers. Taking AL completely off the table has got to be #1 on the list, it's never the answer we think it is. Stay close to the nest!

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Thanks Lav I really think it is over now so just waiting for the crap


                                I really thank everyone for your comments and support, right now I am really down and just don't care. I am tired of building up hubby making him feel SoOOO important that I could not do it without him, but I know there is a lot on his mind. When I get out to work, sorry to say I really enjoy talking to other adults and not having to stroke his ego all the time. Sorry but when (why do I keep saying sorry) Just had to vent don't even know what I am saying right now, just my feelings. Still CRYING, don`t know what to do, don`t want to loose him BUT.............

