I am grateful to be alive, awake, aware, attentive, available, accepting in this incarnation right here, right Now, present, patient, peaceful, at this point of my karmic cycle and spiritual development. I am grateful for the interplay of light and shadow.
For the light in your eyes and the beauty in your soul. For reflections inner and outer. For growth, transformation and healing. For the healing power of touch, the healing power of listening, the healing power of patience, the healing power of Love.
That Love, not time, heals all wounds. I am grateful for being sentient and sensitive, for nature and nurture, for Grace and gratitude, for Love and Light, laughter and levity, compassion and kindness, blessings and bliss, I am grateful for being kind, gentle and Loving with myself and others... for tender concern and generosity of spirit, for Loving acceptance and compassionate awareness. We are all doing the best we can from where we are with what we've got.
I am grateful for my life perfect precisely as it is ... and with vast room for change, growth, transformation and healing, that I have a practice that leads to practice, that the obstacle is the path.
Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. Fall down seven times, get up eight.
That there is no "right" and "wrong" nor "good" and "bad." There are only lessons. "Like" and "dislike", "me" and "you", "wanting" and "rejecting" only lead to suffering. There is an infinite and inexhaustible Source of Love available to Us, if we make ourselves available to it.
I am grateful for surrendering my illusion of control, surrendering my fear, anger worry, self-pity. Surrendering trying to figure "it" out, whatever "it" may be. Breathing a little deeper, pausing a little longer, judging less, fearing less, complaining less, and Loving more.
I am grateful for expanding my faith and trust, my Loving acceptance and compassionate awareness just a little wider. For talking less and listening more. I will become quiet enough to hear the truth whispering in my heart. I will live with all that is "unresolved" and trust the unfolding of the Universe.
I will fear less and trust more; I will judge less and Love more; I will whine less and breathe more; I will take less and give more; I will know less and understand more; I will posses less and appreciate more; I will complain less and help more; I will talk less and listen more; I will destroy less and create more; I will criticize less and compliment more; I will reject less and accept more; I will do less and accomplish more; I will compete less and collaborate more; I will think less and Be more; I will react less and respond more; I will speak less and say more; I will blame less and resolve more; I will resist less and harmonize more; I will have the courage to live authentically and unapologetically. I will be kind, gentle and Loving with myself and others. I will look for Love in me so I can see Love in you.
No matter what I will give myself a break and be kind and compassionate, gentle and generous, patient and peaceful, unconditionally Loving to myself and others!
I am so grateful for you! Thank you for letting me share these lists with you. You make my heart smile! I am grateful for you being you precisely as you are, me being me precisely as I am, Us being Us precisely as we are.
One Love. One Heart. One Mind.
Thank you.
Have a wonder-full day!
PS - Hi gingerspice, Lavande, NoSugar, abcowboy, Byrdie, Starfish1, KENSHO, All Done Drinking, sothankful & to everyone else in the nest