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    Hi nesters. Trying to keep my head above water these days. I think I am so much busier when I am sober because I actually get things accomplished rather than pushing them under the rug and avoiding them so I can drink. It feels good to get things accomplished, but not so good to be too, too busy. I need to look for a happy medium.
    Everyone is sounding good and that makes me very happy.
    Welcome to the nest CS! You have found a great place for support. Just listen and heed the advice given by the experts here and you can't go wrong.
    Sothankful...yeah...I have been saved by many a burger. Of all the triggers, I believe hunger is my biggest one, anger is a close second.
    Have a great, AL-free day everyone!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Dutch, what I'm hoping for is two part time jobs. I don't want to leave the shelter, especially if I'm thinking about a career with animals, but I also want to get that debt out of the way a little faster. I had two part time jobs for a while before, and in some ways it was really good for me. More hours, something like 60 a week, but I got less obsessive about being perfect in either one. At the time I was also in school fulltime, but THAT I don't plan on doing again. Also, part time like that used to be a problem since it meant no health insurance. I don't want to drag politics in here, but now that I have more options for health insurance I don't feel as much like I NEED something fulltime if that's not what actually makes sense. It's been hard for me to decide what to do since most of my long term goals are things I can't really just jump into, but after a few conversations with friends and family, I can see how getting out of debt would be a good first step no matter where I want to go, and that it's ok to just focus on that for a little while!
      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
      AF on: 8/12/2014


        Lost Soul, I totally didn't see that you had 7 days. Around here that scores you a 2-cheeked salute from your nest-mates! :butt: Congratulations on a full week, the worst is behind you!! Great job! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Awww Thank You, Byrdie!


            CONGRATULATIONS, Lost Soul!!! :sendflowers:



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              No probs Dutch. I wish you and your bro all the best. There are family support groups around for folks (you) with family members who have mental health issues too. One international self help group is called 'GROW'.

              Congrat's on 7 days LS! :yay: Rawkin!

              47 here and closing in on 50, then 100. After that it is to 7000 and beyond.

              Have a bewdy out there and throw in some self care.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                I wish this didn't have a grammatical error in it, because it is a powerful message. B
                Last edited by Byrdlady; October 6, 2015, 04:44 PM.
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Howdy, Nest! I've been hopping about some other branches lately and stopped in to say hello. OK, that's not true...I saw that Lost Soul had a week (!) and couldn't resist the opportunity to bare my own fine two-cheek salute, heehee. :butt:Great job, Lost Soul, and don't worry. This is all the nudity self-expression that we indulge, here in the Nest. (Well, except for Matt during a full moon, but we don't talk about that anymore.)

                  LavB, I think your two-PT-job strategy is so wise, and I'm glad that you're so satisifed with your work in the shelter. What a gift for you, and for all those animals.

                  Byrdie, sorry about your colleague sharing the email. Loose lips, indeed. I hope it didn't cause you too much trouble.

                  Dutch, congrats to us on our 7 months and I hope your brother finds the help that he needs. That must be really tough on you to have to carry that weight when you're dealing with your own quit and struggles. But you're setting a great example for everyone, including your brother, the Newbs and me so keep at it!

                  Lav, I'm glad you finally got some sunshine. Do the chickens stay inside when it rains, or are they impervious?

                  Gingerspice and Kensho, it's great to see you doing so well. I don't always comment on them but I find your consistent posts very encouraging and uplifting.

                  Sothankful, all hail the humble hamburger! It feels so good to finally enjoy food without worrying that it will take away from my allotted wine calories for the day. Keeping even blood sugar levels helps everything. I'm like those Snickers commercials where people turn into divas when they get too hungry. But, I'm more like a Gremlin.

                  Css54, a big, hearty welcome to you! How are you doing today? How's the new job?

                  I am rocking right along. The novel is going well, with chapters just pouring out every day. I'm writing a scene today, in which a woman who is confronting someone from her past is explaining how she has moved up into a whole new realm of existence with new friends, new priorities, etc. and I realized -- Oh, this part is downright autobiographical! They say your first novel is, whether you intend it that way or not. So true.
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Howdy Pardners. Feeling a stiring of those darn cravings tonight. I feel spent - it seems to be that feeling that gets me the most. Just want to unload, unwind and check out for awhile - and I know that I will be up very late tonight! We are river camping this weekend so I will be cooking chili and preparing for that. Have three client meetings tomorrow. I will be proud when I complete tomorrow - and I would be in a really funky mindset if I listened to the AL voice. So I won't. Reaching for lime LaCroix - taking some deep breaths. The new coping mechanisms have to start sometime - how about tonight??

                    Have a good night my friends. If I can do this, you can too.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Just wanted to report in quick, because today went better than I expected! I'd applied to work at Walgreens over the weekend, I know someone who works there and I feel like I can handle retail in a store like that. Still not my career goal, but as a job not so bad. I went in today because after the online application, they ask that you complete a skills assessment at the store. Well, after I did that, the store manager asked if she could interview me right then! She wants to get back to me in the next day or so, and it sounds like she's leaning towards the supervisor position for me. It might be a little more fulltime-ish than I planned, but she'd like to work with me as far as the other job. I think if I'm careful not to burn myself out it's something I can handle. I really liked her, which makes a huge difference.

                      I can't count the number of ways none of this would have happened if I was still drinking. I was able to interview with confidence even though it wasn't something I'd planned for, and remember that my schooling and work experience are valuable. I've got to get some things done here since I was out of the house longer than I planned, but it feels good to feel like I made such a good impression.
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Hi, All:

                        Welcome, Css54. You have found a great support group to help you get and stay sober.

                        Sorry you drank, SoThankful. One resource you might find helpful is the Bubble Hour - especially the ones on denial and willingness. You can find them in the app store through the podcast app, or online at The Bubble Hour. Denial always sounds so harsh, but the episode is really about finally admitting that alcohol is causing problems in my daily life. I found I wasn't really in denial about how much I was drinking - I knew comparatively I was drinking too much to be healthy. But I was in denial about how much it was affecting my life - from health, to well being, and even my relationships (especially with my patient and loving husband). ALL of it got better when I quit drinking. And quitting drinking became easier when I finally accepted how much alcohol really was interfering with how I wanted my life to be.


                        Way to go, LostSoul! Cooking delicious and nutritious food is good for the soul (as is baking beautiful cakes, Byrdie!). Way to go on week 7.

                        G - great resources.

                        I am going to throw this out there because I miss her and have been thinking about her - K-9, I hope you're well. I miss having you and your cheerleaders around.

                        Good night, nest.



                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Pav, I've been thinking about K9 too!

                          LavB, great on the interview! You have come a long way girl - good for you

                          Kensho, slow & steady, OK? Glad to hear your hearing has returned to normal - what a relief!

                          Lil, are you writing all of us in to your new book?? That would be cool, ha ha!!
                          Chickens in the rain? Some don't mind going out & getting wet but boy do they ever stink, LOL This current flock seems to prefer staying dry, thank goodness

                          Byrdie, I would venture to guess that most of us have had some sort of trauma in our past. Sometimes we bury it very, very deep too & it eventually surfaces one way or another. Why not in addiction, huh??

                          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night on the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Originally posted by LilBit View Post

                            I am rocking right along. The novel is going well, with chapters just pouring out every day. I'm writing a scene today, in which a woman who is confronting someone from her past is explaining how she has moved up into a whole new realm of existence with new friends, new priorities, etc. and I realized -- Oh, this part is downright autobiographical! They say your first novel is, whether you intend it that way or not. So true.
                            Scene 2: " One of Fabiana's new friends, G from the far off space station Australis, took her riding across the galaxy on his Geetarboard one sunday afternoon in search of the fabled Vegemite and avocado ice cream plant. They are yet to return, but at least they took the butt Velcro."

                            Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                            I will be proud when I complete tomorrow - and I would be in a really funky mindset if I listened to the AL voice. So I won't. Reaching for lime LaCroix - taking some deep breaths. The new coping mechanisms have to start sometime - how about tonight??

                            Have a good night my friends. If I can do this, you can too.
                            Onya Kensho! :thumbsup:

                            Originally posted by LavenderBlue View Post
                            Just wanted to report in quick, because today went better than I expected! I'd applied to work at Walgreens over the weekend, I know someone who works there and I feel like I can handle retail in a store like that. Still not my career goal, but as a job not so bad. I went in today because after the online application, they ask that you complete a skills assessment at the store. Well, after I did that, the store manager asked if she could interview me right then! She wants to get back to me in the next day or so, and it sounds like she's leaning towards the supervisor position for me. It might be a little more fulltime-ish than I planned, but she'd like to work with me as far as the other job. I think if I'm careful not to burn myself out it's something I can handle. I really liked her, which makes a huge difference.

                            I can't count the number of ways none of this would have happened if I was still drinking. I was able to interview with confidence even though it wasn't something I'd planned for, and remember that my schooling and work experience are valuable. I've got to get some things done here since I was out of the house longer than I planned, but it feels good to feel like I made such a good impression.
                            :thumbsup: Lav B!

                            Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                            I am going to throw this out there because I miss her and have been thinking about her - K-9, I hope you're well. I miss having you and your cheerleaders around.

                            Good night, nest.

                            Me too Pav. Yo Niner! Git your ass here and check in will

                            L8tr g8tr's.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              hi nesters,
                              Well I guess I made it through af day 3, drinking lots of herbal tea and reading the threads thanks ladybyrd for putting the link to the toolbox on one of your comments. just popped into say hi. going to sleep now stay strong everybody.


                                Focus on becoming the type of person you want to be...

                                The Extraordinary Value of Identity on Your Willpower — Willpowered
                                Go as far as you can see.
                                When you get there, you'll see further.

