Lostsoul, please do lean on us and know that you're not alone. And, never, ever, ever give up. I can't tell you which quit will be the one that sticks, but I can tell you that you'll never know unless you keep trying. One day -- maybe today -- you'll get tired of the old, broken record that promises a false sense of comfort and step into a new world where you can experience the real thing. I assure you, it's a gazillion times better. I can also assure you that that glass of wine or vodka or whatever is in there doesn't give a rat's _ss about you or your well-being. Your friends here do.
One thing that helped me to finally get over the using-AL-as-comfort mentality was to examine the amount of time that AL actually made me feel good. Percentage-wise, compared to all the hungover time, all the guilt-shame-remorse time, all the self-negotiation time, all the passed-out time, and all the time spent craving another glass when I was still in the middle of a glass, when I looked hard at it, the actual feel-good time turned out to be really, really short-lived. What a total cheat! I can't think of anything else in my life (except for knuckle-dragger ex-husband #2 and wasn't he a disaster?) that I would devote that much time and effort to, with so little reward. Whatever this beast is promising you, it's lying. :blahblah: Kick it to the curb!