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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Tant,

    I'm in Brisbane! Wave when you go passed.

    Spam xx


      Newbies Nest

      Morning All,
      Up early here (builders in kitchen - they walked into daughters bedroom at 9AM Friday to fix a radiator so reckon safest thing is to get up and out!!)
      Morning Spam, Lav, Katie, Sunshine, Tantangra, Chicken and special Welcome to Meow - usual greeting - hang around, post listen and read, its great support here as you probably already know:welcome:
      Well done on 50th Tant.. its good to remember that even when 'sauced up' loads of social functions were dead boring, booze didn't necessarily make everything a hoot! Re. Brisbane and weekend with rellys yeah, lets face it there are really hard situations waiting out there for all of us and sounds like one of yours is the Brisbane and family link. For me the best advice I got here about things like that was from Doggygirl - I would have absolutely NO PERMISSION in my head to drink. No sort of, maybe, just one, etc. just 'no I don't drink'. It actually makes it much easier no decisions to be made, its like when you take Antabuse - the decision is made. Anyway enough of my lecture, good luck with whatever you decide.
      Good morning to everyone else who will check in, am going shopping to town for saucepans etc for new kitchen and then on late shift at work so will catch up tonight. Gorgeous morning here in Dublin:divine:
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone.

        Been a bit quiet over the last few days. Been trying to work things out in my head as I feel unsure of so many things. Feeling really blah!
        Chook - well done on the 8 days AF. I know what you mean about the dutch courage. I miss having that, having to face everything sober...
        Tranq - Fun? Without Alcohol? Dont believe it.... Havent found that yet! Havent had a good laugh in ages.
        Katie - good on you for keeping at it.
        Lav - funnily enough - tilling the garden and mucking out the chook shed sound good to me! I love being in the garden and really miss it as we have a tiny garden. After you described your lifestyle the other day, I had a look on the internet to see what prices houses with a bit of land around here are worth...... Need to buy a lottery ticket unfortunately!
        Betsy Blue - Welcome. Visit us often. Ask us anything and dont be afraid to say anything either. x
        Pap - you rock. You are sounding soooooo good lately, I hope you are proud of yourself.
        Catsmeow (love your name). Welcome to you too. I know what you mean about cleaning the house with a glass or two in your hand! My house is getting dustier and messier cause I am not drinking. Although having a tidy house is not worth the misery drinking brings! Good luck with your journey. Come visit us often.
        Tant - Well done on surviving the party. I know what you mean about things being boring when sober! I am finding out things I have loved for years really are not much fun when I'm not half cut!
        Hi to Spam, Moll, Maz, Sunshine, Nora (has your cat delivered yet?), Dancingon and everyone else who pops in. Hope you are all doing OK.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          hi all. lovely day here for gardening.
          mollyk.. i do not give myself the option in my head to drink. i know it will never be one, or two. i find it the only way to do this
          hope you all have a good AF day
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Newbies Nest

            Hey gang
            off to shower and race to work...
            welcome besty, cats meow
            tantagra....jump back in the nest
            shoulders are sore from yard work.....
            will check in once i get to office....
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              Hi All,

              Well it looks like my relationship with AL is finally coming to an end. I liken it to a relationship I had in my early 20's with a "bad boy." Even though he was bad for me, I kept going back to see if things would change. They didn't. Eventually, I just decided "no more" and cut ties completely.

              I've just taken my first Topamax tablet and I am really scared of what will happen if I do have a drink. I don't want to find out.

              During my weekend away, I had far too much to drink on Saturday night. I had a stupid row with hubby and said some awful things. I was still drunk the next morning. I was trying to play with my son but my head was spinning and I felt sick. The hangover came later in the day.

              On another thread, someone has asked if the AF life is really so good. One of the responses was "Is getting drunk really so good?" I know getting drunk is not good, so I am going to put that thread in my head to carry with me.

              Day 1 again and marching forward.

              Spam xx


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Cool but sunny here right now, good day for baseball as today is opening day for the home team!

                Greetings spam, Spud, Molly & Mama Bear! Molly, I hope you have a great day shopping, I loved Dublin when I was there, such a vibrant city

                HC, keep your eyes open, you never know when an opportunity may arise. Real Estate prices have taken a real dip the last few years here in these parts. I suppose we were lucky to have made the move when we did.

                Well, I do have some work this to do this morning & will head outside this afternoon!
                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Spam.....I SO feel what you are saying......stupid fights....feelig sick and feeling awful about is just not worth it
                  don;t be afraid of drinking on topa....i just feel a little extra buzzed....nothing more......
                  what i don;t like is the brain fog and the forgetfulness....but ifigure it is worth it for a short while to get past this monster
                  hope hubs forgives you......
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    whay are you blah Hippy????
                    everything ok??
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      tantangra;836254 wrote: Hi everyone,
                      I can't get used to the idea that I will never drink again.
                      Glad to be back.
                      I struggle with this one, too. In my case, I've had many memorable/enjoyable times while drinking. Enjoying a glass of wine with Mrs. Fennel at a sidewalk cafe in Venice...a Tui in New Zealand...a pint of Guinness in, all the picnics while hiking in far flung environs. I want to be able to drink that way. Too often, my drinking has gone past that "fun" part.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning, nestlings! We had good weather this weekend, so Mrs. Fennel and I made good use of it. A sixteen mile bike ride around the lake and bay near our house on both days, plus some gardening and art projects.

                        We had burgers on the grill on Saturday evening, and we each had a beer with our burgers. I'm pleased that the sky didn't come crashing down on me and I wasn't longing for more. In fact, the one beer hit me rather hard! My topa delivery is in town, and I'm picking it up this morning...apparently, you have to sign for it?

                        Anyway, I hope that this attempt at moderation is successful. I'll be ordering the hyposis c.d.s from MWO and see how things go.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters! Sounds like some good weekends were had. Glad to hear it!! I wasn't on very much this weekend and need to get caught up with everyone. So welcome to the newbies. :welcome: Hello to the regulars which now includes some newbies which is very nice to see.
                          I will be back after work. Have a wonderful day everyone.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nestlings!

                            Another beautiful day here in Northern Ontario - too bad I'm stuck inside. I see another ingrown desk chair coming on!

                            HippyChick... you do sound very blah, indeed. How about renting a really good comedy flick to get a good laugh or two? It sounds very much like you are in deprivation mode at the moment... feeling the 'loss'? Can you perhaps try to pick up a new hobby/activity? Something you've always wanted to try and that you won't associate with a glass in hand? :l Hope you'll get out of Bluesville really soon!

                            Spuddle... I'm jealous! I want to get out there SOOO bad.. it's sunny, over 10 Celsius! I'm desperately looking for excuses to get away from this desk You're right, in my early AF days I got myself through some trying times by 'drinking is not an option'... we had a thread named just that, actually.

                            Mamabear - you sound like me. 'Work' for recovering from gardening/looking after animal leftovers! LOL My best to your shoulders!

                            Fennel and Tant... let's not even think about 'forever' right now. Let's just focus on today
                            Your weekend sounded lovely, btw (Fennel) - glad there was no sky crashing going on for you

                            Hi Nora, what do I hear about kittens? My little buddy at the boarding barn is VERY preggo (poor thing, she's still quite young) I check her over every morning. She still has at least a few days to go, though.

                            Lav - have a great gardening afternoon! I'll be thinking of you - green with envy

                            Of course, sitting here yapping isn't gonna get any work done, either, is it? So, I better hop back to it! Happy Monday, everyone!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning, everyone and a very happy Monday!

                              The Mama & Coco Show ... I LOVE it!!!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening All
                                How's everyone out there tonight? I'm only in from work so have just skimmed the thread I'm afraid so not really up with what goin on.
                                Went shopping in town this morning, gorgeous day and really enjoyed shopping, used to hate it either hungover or pissed, I used to get so tired it was unbelieveable, today I shopped til I dropped and then went and did a full days work - and all the money I spent was money I saved being off the grog - result!!
                                Going to bed now folks, hope you are all well and sober and will check in tomorrow
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

