Rahul, I've had a broken leg that sidelined me from my sport -- not fun, but the time will pass quickly and you can use the opportunity to brush up on fundamentals when you return. I hope things go well with your client. Fingers crossed.
Kensho, sorry about your scary pinched nerve and your experience. I still have the occasional nightmare about doing just what you described so I get it on some levels. Good for you for having your head on straight and being honest. You're going to be fine!
Star, you don't always have to be helpful. Sometimes, you can just draw strength from us. Hugs for you and prayers for your situation.
Londoner, it's good to see you posting. I say this with love: how scary does it have to get? The way I see it, you're either going to A) Quit now, B) Quit later or C) Never quit. Options B and C are absolutely terrifying. They bring possibilities of losing everything you have, hurting innocent people around you and -- oh yes -- death. Chucking the AL once and for all is nothing less than a choice between life and death. Please choose life. I'd personally love to see you hang around.
Thanks, NS, Pav, Lav and Byrdie for your calming and positive presence.
'Dealing with some challenges of my own, mostly work-related. Whatever we're all going through, let's remember -- "This, too, shall pass" and joy comes in the morning. It's not always going to be a dark night or a rainy Monday morning.
