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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,

    The Mamab and Coco show! LOL :H
    On Day 3 today.. feeling pretty good, had my groceries delivered this morning.. feels so great to sit back and not worry about carrying shopping back with a baby in a stroller! Nice and easy. so worth the small delivery charge as the groceries are cheaper online..
    I have plans to take my son to the park, and to get in touch with the Domestic Violence counsellor at the police st. i need some advice on how to deal with my ex and his harrassment..
    Have a great day all,
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone.

      I've had a fun weekend. Got out to do some cultural stuff on Saturday afternoon with my new gf. I played golf on Sunday then had a great dinner with same - we stayed up talking 'til midnight. I'm a little tired today though.

      Hippy - Fun? I'm finding it so much easier to connect with people without being drunk, just by being myself and being passionate about the things I enjoy - believe it or not. What I've come to know is that they really don't sell fun in a can or a bottle (despite what the commercials say).

      Spam - good luck with the new start and the topamax. I never tried it.

      Enjoy your day Molly - spring is sprouting up here too, and our weather is going to be good this week as well.

      Hi MamaB - Happy Monday!

      Hi Lav - are you an Orioles fan?

      Fennel - good job on moderating - I found the cds and supplements very helpful.

      Hi Sunny - don't work too hard.

      Ooh - The Mama and Coco Show? Ha! Gotta have Hokey-Pokey for a theme song to open the show.

      KB - good for you for accepting new ways to deal with the challenges - online shopping and the DV counselor sound like very positive steps in a good direction. You're doing great!

      Take care all!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Morning the Nest!

        Well I have just done a quick read through of the posts (gosh if you are not on am and pm you start to loose track..urgh).

        This is Day 9 (woop) and feeling....very pleased with self!! But not too overconfident! However I now have an incentive not to drink...I need to loose about 7cm off my waist!(Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)
        In 3 months-aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhh!
        The reason being that the family is going to a Medieval festival down south in late August and I have to fit into a beautiful new period dress.....did my measurements yesterday and it is woeful the amount of lard I have aquired over this last year of heavy drinking and not taking care of self! Onwards and upwards!!!!!!

        Hippy-hope you feel better today! The blahness sux mightly and shifting the mood is hard I know!

        I agree with katie too..I used to drink to make the housework more appealing! But I am enjoying feeling more awake and energetic and the thought of exercise seems do-able!

        Tranq- where do I get your social life from..? I want some!
        Hi to Molly,Coco,Sunni GG,Nora,Fennel,Mama,Lav,Spam,Tant & Spuddle and all others who follow this post!
        Big heartfelt welcome to Catsmeow and all newbies also!
        I'll check back in later!
        P.S- the rissoles were yum,but my homemade potatoe chips left a lot to be desired!!*sigh*


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters - each & everyone of you

          Tired as anything here but happy! Had more work than I originally thought & more waiting for tomorrow. That's a good thing when you're self employed - right Sunni?

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - leaving the night light on, just in case....
          Phillies territory Tranq
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello everyone!!!
            I think this is it!!!! It seems to be time!!!
            Maddie is in her box we fixed up for her in the living room. We think it might be anytime now.

            Might be able to report that we have kittens soon. I will keep you posted. :catroll::catroll::catroll:
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Good luck with the mid wifery Nora!
              Chicken well done on 9 days:goodjob:
              Tranq, Happy new Girlfriend
              Katie well done on day 3!
              Molly, that must have been so satisfying..well done
              Right must dash to work..take care in the nest everyone


                Newbies Nest

                Good God Sophie what hour do you go to work at??! I'm awake like sort of in the middle of the night cos plasterer has arrived and you're already gone!! Anyway Sophie, have a nice day and will 'talk' tonight.
                Nora - any news yet ( I actually am not an animal lover - sorry - but have got caught up with the excitement of the new arrivals!!) We'll wet their heads with Diet Coke yeah?
                Chicken - 9 days really turns the corner doesn't it, you start thinking in weeks. Don't know about you but when I dropped the booze the weight fell off my waist first so 7 cms is dead doable, let us know about the medieval festival sounds fun.
                HippyC, just read back on the thread and you sounded very glum yesterday - hate to hear my usual chirpy 3 month co-traveller so down but I so understand I'm still having those days when it all seems like such a pain in the arse and pointless, hopefully today you are back to your usual happy self?!
                Wow Tranq! Seems like you are the man about town these days we will all seem like right boring little ex-alkies beside your jet setting ways hehe!!! Seriously great to hear you are having a good time, you deserve it with all the support you give here.
                Right, so I'm off to earn a few bob, Good morning to all to come - Lav, Fennel, Spam, Johnny (glad you're back) Coco, Sunny, Mama, Katie, Tant, Spuddle and CMeow and anyone else I have left out, sorry will talk later:l:l:l
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone
                  Hope those kitties arrive soon, Nora.

                  Tomorrow I'm getting new lino in the kitchen/dining room (prior to selling the house). As the floor needs to be sanded and prepared, it will mean two days without access to the kitchen, or the laundry as it runs off this area.
                  I have boxes of food in the hallway, the fridge is in the hall cupboard and I'm moving plates and cutlery into the lounge for the kids tomorrow. It's a shame it had to be done in the school holidays, but never mind, it will feel great when it's done.

                  Tonight we had fish and chips, seeing as my stove is under a tarpaulin on the back deck. Believe it or not I always used to grab a piece of battered fish and a salad and have a glass of white wine with it to get rid of the fatty taste. I convinced myself not to buy wine for such a stupid reason, and found that vinaigrette dressing (on the fish, not to drink) is not a bad substitute.

                  Glad the date has turned into the new girlfriend, Tranq!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All
                    Mama is feeling under the weather and is staying home in bed today.....and NO....I am not hungover....just tired, pounding headache, and sick of work,,,,,,mental health day I suppose??
                    Plus I am a little blue about life in general,but I will snap out of it.....I always do....
                    Good luck with the new GF Tranq...we want juicy details!!!!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      No sun this morning in my end of the nest! Oh well, we had a nice run.

                      Mama Bear, hope you feel better very soon

                      Nora, Good luck with your kittens. Our Golden Retriever delivered 12 pups, it was an amazing experience & a lot of work! We had to bottle feed to help her out.

                      Greetings Sophie, Molly, dancingon - hope you are having a great day!

                      dancingon - we've fixed up 3 older homes, I know exactly what you are going thru right now. It is worth it though - when all is said & done

                      Have a great day everyone, I'll check in later.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        day 2

                        Hello all,
                        Thanks for all the tips and sensible thoughts.
                        How are things with the kittens Nora.
                        I will wave when I get to Brissy, Spam.
                        I love Rissoles, Chicken. I even like chicken rissoles! (sorry)

                        Re my weekend in Brisbane, I phoned my mum yesterday and told her I was not drinking. I asked her not to buy wine for me but to get tonic water instead. She was great about it. I plan to ask my other friend I visit in Brisbane the same thing. That way it eliminates the need to say No. I looked at the toolbox threads and printed out a couple that really made sense to me. I am re-programming my mind to think of alcohol not as a reward or a prerequisite of fun, but instead to think of it as a poison to my body, brain and my spirit. I feel so let down with myself when I get drunk, that's not good, that's bad. So I am rethinking alcohol=good and changing it to alcohol=bad.

                        I went for a good long walk with hubby this afternoon which I feel good about. Exercise is a good way to get past the cocktail hour. I often feel like a drink as soon as I get home from work. I bought the "all one powder" and instead of having it in the mornings I now have it with juice as soon as I get home and it takes the need for alcohol away.

                        Thanks again everyone. It is so good to be able to listen to and talk with you all.

                        AF since 12 April 2010


                          Newbies Nest

                          Need some help...

                          I'm not doing very well. I'm afraid I failed miserably at my own April Challenge - since my out of town job interview I've somehow lost my motivation. I need some strong words of encouragement from all my nestmates - either that or a public flogging.

                          Part of the problem is I haven't had time to stay in the forum and read through everyone's posts, etc. That was really helping me to keep on track.

                          Grab both my flippers please people. Thanks you all for being there.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I want to be here to comment on everyone's posts but I must get to work. My coming in late everyday got noticed. :stomper:

                            Hippie - Hang in there sweetie. You are special & you are doing great!

                            Coco - I grabbed your get up here.

                            Lav - 12?!?!? We had problems bottle feeding just one. Wow!


                            And our very brave Mama Kittie did it all by herself after we went to bed. Drumroll please.................

                            5 kittens!!!!!!!! Healthy & Happy!!!!! 1 Black - 3 Gray and 1 Orange:catroll::catroll::catroll::catroll: :catroll:

                            Mama and Babies resting comfortably
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nora - congratulations on the new members of your family, I adore kittens/cats have 2 of my own, if I was there would sneak them all home with me :l

                              Mama Bear - please get well soon :l

                              Coco - Am right there with you, need lots of motivating myself think we need a good :b&d: I'm still remaining positive though as I'm still drinking alot less

                              Hi to everyone else really wish I had time to reply to everyone but this bloody thing called work keeps getting in the way LOL
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                                Newbies Nest

                                A BIG WHOO HOO FOR MAMA KITTY!! What nice surprise for you Nora when you woke up!!

                                KatieB-great job on seeing a DV counselor. I sure hope they have lots of help and support for you. Seriously, if this X of yours doesn't get the message soon I think the bunch of us might book a trip to come over there and show him whats what!!

                                MamaB-we all need a mental health day every now and then esp. when our job and boss sucks. I just hope you feel better real soon and can do something for you today instead of spending it in bed sick.

                                Chook, you're sounding good. Keep it up!! I lost 7 lbs but I'm stuck there. Too much sugar and chips!!

                                HC-hope you are feeling better today and that the blahs are gone.

                                Tranq-way to go on your new GF. You sound like such a wonderful guy. Wish I could meet your twin out here in NE!!

                                Tant-way to hang in there. Your plan and thinking sound right on!!

                                DancingOn-kitchen reno-yuck!! Went through that 3 years ago and will prolly have to go through another house reno when I go to sell in a year or two. Yuck!!

                                CoCo-hang on tight!! We won't let you fall!!

                                Good Morning/Evening to everyone else-good to see you here!!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

