sitting at home I am surely watching them a lot. Will surely follow.
Strange how the life can change suddently. Here I was having no time at all .... and suddenly....
Good to see that Dutch is feeling better now.
Lav, I too drove around Pennsylvania last month, went to University to meet a cousin but loved driving thru the farms etc.
Tomorrow is a big day will be closing hopefully on a big contract. Strange how even big customers who expect you to be there can understand and can close deals on phone. But sitting home for me also brings a sad truth. when no one visits you, one does realzie that you dont ahve friends. All those years of drinking away and working like a horse all I did was to distance myself from existing friends.
even my wife asks me, how come you dont have friends. I could answer her in so many ways. But I guess some people have that art of attracting attention, while most of the time its fake just to attract attention but even with that they do end up surrounded by people.
take care and have a nice day folks ...