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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss, Meech

    But I'm so glad that you have turned back here and see things for what they are "... another way to bring AL into my life."

    AL is not going to bring back your sibling. AL is not going to help you 'cope'. AL is going to prolong the grieving process and spiral you into an even deeper sorrow and depression. But you know that.

    Allan Carr's book is supposed to be very good - I have not read it yet.

    You may have lost a few battles, my dear (and you are in a very fragile state at the moment). But you will NOT lose this war. Take heart, and set one foot in front of the other. Baby steps. All that matters is NOW. THIS minute, THIS hour, TODAY.

    Sending you strength and peace. :l
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Meech, I have been thinking of you and glad you are back posting - thats a good sign anyhow. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel in your grief but you say it yourself you want the sober road. Personally I always found when I was really sad about something, yes the booze numbed it for a time but the next day sober realisation that that sadness was still there was always like a hammerblow, it felt like I went through the sadness time and time again.
      I can only say try and keep strong, but don't be afraid to grieve, crying is cathartic.
      Thinking of you and stay on here, thats what you need is a crutch and so many people here will be more than happy to be your crutch till you are strong enough not to need the crutch
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        OMG Meech...I missed that post....I cannot imagine the pain you are in....please stay close to us and let us help you throough this....sending much love and should PM Rusty 576...she went thru a terrible personal loss and made it sober....she might be able to help you....and she is always on chat

        doctor wants to see me on Thursday....after another low life tenant told to f myself today,i had to leave.I came home and took a two hour beer...i just can't take the abuse at work right now....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          Hey everyone, I'm back, on day 2 of no drinking. Last week I had 6 days goi9ng but drank Tue-Sun. Absolute horror show. What an aweful way to live, by myself, isolated and loathing my existence fealing no hope.
          Yesterdays detoxing was physically and emotionally bad. Today I feel 1000 times better and I hope I never turn back.
          Just wanted to say hey and claim my spot in the nest.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks for the kind words everyone. I know a few of you knew before and gave me great words and support too.

            I ordered the book MWO today and just figuring out how it works. I ordered it to download because I don't want to wait another minute for shipping.

            Mama Bear, I am sorry that people are treating you so unfair and hurtful. No one deserves to be treated like that - especially you. Hope you felt better after you nap.

            Thanks Sunshine and Mollyka.

            I'll look for that other book when I'm in the city on the weekend. If anyone else has any other suggestions. I think reading some powerful books to get me through the addiction and the loss is what I need. Along with lots of hot baths so I can't be reaching for the AL.

            Please send more reading ideas if you have any?

            You are all so special. Thank you.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi guys,

              Meech - so sorry to hear about your grief.. stay strong, and we will help you get through this without AL.. take ODAT and keep posting, we are here for you xx
              MB - Hope your boss has coughed up what he/she owes you! So sorry to hear about the verbal abuse you are copping at the moment... some people out there have no conscience! (such as my ex hubby..)
              Mollyka - good to see you..
              Beanzy - sorry to hear you are feeling down on yourself.. I also drink in isolation.. it does not feel good! I am determined not to go down that road again.. we are here for you, jump back on board, take ODAT..
              Hope everyone else has a lovely day.. I'm fine - working today.. On Day 4; feeling so tired though as the anti-depressants I am on make me feel a bit sleepy,
              Katie xx
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Newbies Nest

                Morning All!

                Well I am rushing in before I go to work!

                Meech-so,so sorry for your loss and anytime you need to talk,just PM,we are all here for you!
                There is an author who writes books about grief called Elizabeth Kuhbler-Ross (I think that's how you spell it) which could be of some use to you! It is good that you are reaching out for help,so keep talking and posting!

                Nora-congrats on the babies! We used to have a mother-cat who was the best little mum I have ever seen!They are beautiful to watch!

                Mama- how are you travelling? Hope things are on the up and up!
                Coco- stay close and snuggle on your twig,it's safe here!
                Katie- yeah,I am still struggliing with the tiredness, despite getting better sleeps! Guess it is just the toxins leaving still!
                Hi beanzy-stay close to the nest!It's amazing how good 'sober' feels isn't it! You've just got to harness that feeling and draw on it when the cravings kick in...that's what I'm trying to do too.
                Big cheery wave to Molly,SunniGG,IAD, Lav,Tranq, Spuddle,Spam,Nemed and all who follow! Am hoping to get on chat this evening, but that shall depend on the wee chicks( they are after all my 'boss').
                Hugs to all,especially those having a rough time!:h:l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Elizabeth Kubler Ross.....On Death and amazing book....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Wow, a super busy Nest today!

                    Meech, I am very sorry for your loss. I understand the desire to want to feel numb although we know in the long run it just doesn't help. Good that you downloaded the book today. Also, take a look in the
           for ideas to help you with your plan. Please stay close, we will be here for you.

                    Mama Bear, Katie, you guys have had a difficult day too. I'm sorry but I'm glad that you both are staying close to the Nest. Somehow we will all get thru the difficult times together!

                    Sunni, let me know when you need a hay delivery

                    Nora, I hope the babies are settled for the night!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest (or day if you're just getting started).
                    Leaving the night light on for the late arrivals
                    Don't forget - the 'Lavan-itude' is free - take & use all you want!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Guys,

                      It is looking like a hard day today.

                      Meech - Love, Hugs and Support from your Australian Buddies.

                      Mama - You'll get your bounce back soon. In the meantime, come and visit and talk.

                      KatieB - Always here for you.

                      Well, the morning chores are done here. Son and I are off to the local shopping centre for some lunch, bowling, arcade games (for him) and retail therapy (for me). I shouldn't really buy clothes as I am losing weight but there's always shoes and handbags!

                      Catch up later xx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Evening fellow nestlings.
                        Wierd day today. I slept better last nite than I have for ages but still couldn't get up with the alarm. Slept for another hour until the pups forced me up and then went back to bed but didn't sleep for another 45min. I wasn't late for work tho-at least not much!!
                        I spent more time on this site at work today than I did doing what I'm being paid to do-I just felt like I needed to be in the nest most of the day but for no particular reason. Glad you all were here!!
                        Meech, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you can get through this without AL but I can only imagine how difficult it is. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
                        MamaB-Oh what a horrible day you had!! I'm glad you were able to stay away from the beer tho. I sure hope you can find another job very soon. This one is going to kill you!!
                        Nora-how are those little kittens and mama kitty doing?
                        Katie B-you hang in there OK? You are stronger than you know. Did you see the DV counselor yet?
                        To everyone else-hope you had a good day/evening and I'll see you tomorrow/Thursday.
                        Nitety Nite!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all,
                          I am feeling so wanted and cared about here in the Nest.. I think I will snuggle under some leaves and rest for a bit on my twig..
                          Thank you for everyone's support this morning.. been a really rough past few days.. my only friend called me this morning and I felt I just totally burdened her with all the crap i've been going through.. but I know I can come on here too.. I know everyone has their own problems, and I hope I dont use up too much time of anyone.. but it is great to know there will always been the support of the amazing ppl on here..
                          Hope everyone has a great rest of the day.. I am determined to stay AF this week.. Day 4 for me today,
                          Katie xx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            Pap - cross post!
                            Yup, i'm seeing my DV counsellor on Fri.. he is amazing and helps me heaps too.. he knows everything i've gone through with my ex - he's been my counsellor since the assualt.. he has offered to come to the police station with me to talk to a DV person there about what I can do..
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening, Nestlings!
                              It has been a busy day in the nest! But that's a good thing... means that there's lots of support to be had

                              Welcome beanzy... glad you are feeling better! REMEMBER that god-awful feeling! Bottle it and take a wiff when the beast comes calling

                              Meech... are you hanging in there? Were you able to download the book?

                              Nora, how's the litter? MamaB, I'm sorry you got so much crap going on at work :l
                              Lav, yes, I do need tons of hay! LOL Although, in a couple more weeks the grass should be up a bit more as well That'll help put some pounds on Miss Sophie.

                              I had a loooooong ride tonight on Atlas. Holy. We figured we trotted for about 3-4km. All in all we were on the trails for 3 hours. My back is NOT liking that.. LOL Hence, I'm rather baked (no, not like THAT) and ready to hit the (wait for it...) hay *yawn*

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful night... over and out!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All.

                                Meech - Condolences to you and your family. You are wise to know that you can't self-medicate yourself out of your grief. Good for you to get the book and supps. Regarding books - there is a book forum on mwo called "What We're Reading". People share their thoughts on the stuff they've read there; you might get some insights there.

                                Chicken - you're sounding great. My social life? Simple - I refuse to sit around watching tv. Moving is my relaxation.

                                Thanks for the good wishes Sophie, MamaB, Dancing. New gf is fun, and she' no Margarita Mary that's fer sure.

                                MB - I don't know about Topa either. Check with the doc if you can to see if the ADs will help.

                                Molly - I guess I get to spend a few bob too. The bob I've saved on al all goes on my jet setting. But, yes, I'm enjoying myself.

                                Hey Tantangra - you've got some great strategies going. I like the idea of all-one after work. I might try that one too.

                                NoraC - Aw. I'm sure the kittens are cute.

                                Papmom - Thanks, but I ditched my evil twin in a bar somewhere. Ha!

                                Hi Beanzy - Nice to hear you're feeling better. Don't turn back - but no matter what happens, you can always turn back here! Stick around.

                                KB - Get some rest - don't push yourself through the meds. Just treat yourself really well right now, ok?

                                Hi Sunni - the long ride sounds great. Hit the hay and your back should be better too.

                                Take care all.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

