As a working musician, my workplace is usually a bar lol. There is always some sort of 'party' atmosphere going on wherever I play, understandably. It's cool though. I have drank enough for a few lifetimes, and I don't reckon i'll top some of the parties I've had in the past. They are gr8 memories and I'm happy to leave them where they belong. A nice memory/snapshot of fun moments in time. Of course, booze became my go to fix and cure-all for any stress I felt. And it became a more important (24/7) lifestyle than making music. I began to isolate myself from friends, family, my band, whatever job I may've had. I didn't care too much, shut out the world and all resp....respon.....responsibility, only caring that I had enough booze for the day/week to get to oblivion. Recycling old memories, good and bad amid some distractions of momentarily watching/listening to inspiring music videos or my own past work. Living in the past drinking away the present. This could go on forever quite easily......
The thing I know though, and mind set I am going for, is that the more time I put between now and my last drink, the easier it will get for me to just relax, be at peace, enjoy the surroundings and just be. I'm looking forward to doing a gig somewhere new years eve and absolutely enjoying myself, partying like there's no tomorrow (there isn't is there?) amidst the boozy chaos unfazed. I may even find meself a wife. ha!
Which reminds me. We sure do look a hell of a lot better and healthier with some AF time behind us, non? Living life without the constant thoughts and stress of focusing on not drinking, and 'I'm missing out on the fun' I believe will fade into obscurity enabling me to live and exist in a peaceful state of mind and live inside my dreams. I know there are no limits and anything is possible when we decide to ditch the booze and commit to living sober 24/7. I have to summise and holler......Go for it!
Take it easy out there and kick some arse in your own way. :llama: