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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mornin' folks
    Lovely very early morning here in Dublin! Builders 'skimming'? (NO idea what skimming is but it seems to make a lot of noise!). DancingOn, I've been living in a sitting room out of a cardboard box for nearly 3 weeks now and another week to go, no cooking facilities, no kitchen sink, no washing machine!!!!!!!!!!!! I am loosing the will to live. Daughter is studying for her final exams and has a constant moan on about how they keep knocking out our internet conn. and the noise aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!
    Sunshine, hope you are doing well the 4 km trot made my bum feel sore from across the Atlantic oooohhhh haha!!
    Katie, you are doing great and also more angry with the plonker which I think is good, well directed anger can make us stronger IMHO. Don't worry about burdening your friend or people on here, thats what friends are for - aquaintances can do everything else.
    Beanzy, well done, also sounding strong, keep it up, it keeps getting easier, I promise. Just watch out for 'guerilla cravings' I gather from the olbies they can hit anyone, anytime.
    Tranq. Won't you give us a few details of your lovely lady (name, tall -small blonde-brunette, old-young, that sort of thing), us ladies are nosy!!! Get out and spend the few bob on a few new threads and dazzle her! 'Booze money' I call it.
    Good morning to everyone else, Tantangra, Papmom, MamaB, Nora, Chicken and of course Meech, thinking of you. That book that Mama mentions was given to me shortly after my Mum died last year and it has lovely coping thoughts in it and don't be afraid to grieve :l
    Where's my Dublin Sophie, not up so early this morning??? ha ha!
    Hi Fennel, Coco and sorry if I missed anyone else ( theres an awful lot of us ).Lav of course our minder greetings!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Sorry wrong place to say this
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        Newbies Nest

        Hi guys. Just checking in.

        Sorry Meech. I missed that post too. Hope you're feeling bit better today. Big hugs for Mama and Beanzy too.

        Sunshine, glad you're sounding so good. I haven't ridden a horse in years, but it sounds great.

        KatieB you're doing so well.

        I have a really busy week at work so don't get in here much. Have to start at 6.45am tomorrow and have a really full day. I'm feeling a cold coming on, so seriously thinking about a sick day on Friday, but as it's the last day of the school holidays it might not be a good idea. At least the floor will be laid and I'll have my kitchen back tomorrow. I haven't drunk anything this week, and it certainly wasn't hard today. I'm picking the weekend will be a challenge. Have a nice sleep everyone from the underside.


          Newbies Nest

          Evening all!

          Had a busy day at time even for a pee at one stage But am getting used to the new job-my 3rd day).
          This is day 10 af...feel strong & content right now!
          The Nest is such a wonderful place,I feel like I have found some wonderful friends and mentors! Had one random thought about a drink at knock-off time,butit was fleeting,which fora Wednesday arvo after a long day at pretty amazing for me!!

          I hope everyone else is travelling okay! For those who need some hugs... *HUGS*
          Will check in later when the wee chicks are abed!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all,
            Mollyka - I love that word "plonker" reminds me of Rodney out of "Only Fools and Horses" lol :H I will refer to my ex as "that plonker" from now on..
            Thank you Dancingon..
            Tranq - i've been having some nice rest time this evening, about to go to bed - congrats on your g.friend.. i'm about to start dating again soon myself! have one lined up for the day on sunday.. no AL allowed!!!
            Chook - hope your new job is going well.. and super-congrats on your 10 days AF!! :cheering:.. thanks for the hug too, I was in need of one, had a stressful morning.. a big hug to you too! *HUG*
            Take care all, hope everyone has a fab AF night,
            Katie xxx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Lots of HUGS flying around here today - that's nice

              Sunni - make sure Ms Sophie has all the hay she needs! I remember seeing her ribs last year at this time, poor thing! Hope you have recovered today!

              Katie, hang in there - you know we have your back!

              Tranq, I hope your new GF knows how great you are & that she doesn't interfere with your VP duties!! Just kidding

              Greetings Molly, Beanzy & Chook! Hope you are all well today!
              I love the reference to a 'plonker' - I've known one or two of them in my lifetime too

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump Day, I'll check in tonight!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good for you Tranq but I was hoping to meet your GOOD twin LOL!!

                TranqWilly;837160 wrote: Hi All.

                Meech - Condolences to you and your family. You are wise to know that you can't self-medicate yourself out of your grief. Good for you to get the book and supps. Regarding books - there is a book forum on mwo called "What We're Reading". People share their thoughts on the stuff they've read there; you might get some insights there.

                Chicken - you're sounding great. My social life? Simple - I refuse to sit around watching tv. Moving is my relaxation.

                Thanks for the good wishes Sophie, MamaB, Dancing. New gf is fun, and she' no Margarita Mary that's fer sure.

                MB - I don't know about Topa either. Check with the doc if you can to see if the ADs will help.

                Molly - I guess I get to spend a few bob too. The bob I've saved on al all goes on my jet setting. But, yes, I'm enjoying myself.

                Hey Tantangra - you've got some great strategies going. I like the idea of all-one after work. I might try that one too.

                NoraC - Aw. I'm sure the kittens are cute.

                Papmom - Thanks, but I ditched my evil twin in a bar somewhere. Ha!

                Hi Beanzy - Nice to hear you're feeling better. Don't turn back - but no matter what happens, you can always turn back here! Stick around.

                KB - Get some rest - don't push yourself through the meds. Just treat yourself really well right now, ok?

                Hi Sunni - the long ride sounds great. Hit the hay and your back should be better too.

                Take care all.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all! I don't have time to read everyone's posts. Dang work. Ok, I'm just kidding. It's my fault for staying in bed so long. :H
                  I will catch up with everyone when I get home.
                  Kittens are so cute. Mama actually let me reach down & pet them. Had a horrible incident this morning. Let our male cat in the house. He was minding his own business. Went over to the food dish and started eating. Mama jumped out of the box and attacked him. Viciously. Hubby had to break it up. He was yelling for me but I was fast asleep. Finally got them separated. Poor Peach didn't have a clue as to what was going on. He was just trying to eat. Mama was protecting her babies with her life. Obviously, we will be more careful from now on.
                  Ok - off to work.
                  Have a wonderful AF Day everyone.:h
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Don't let soberity make you Grumpy ! Keep up the good fight ! IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good pic IAD
                      that was me before finding MWO :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        hello again

                        Hi Everyone,

                        I finally found a trig again, thank goodness, this is a great place and I need to stay close. I have drank twice in two weeks which is pretty amazing for me. AF 5 days. I am doing the CD supp and excercise but my doc recommended the meds because my goal was soberity and it hasn't happen. I have begun the tropaz this week I am okay just feeling a little light headed. I was swimming last night with my team and had to get out of the pool. I felt I could swim. weird!! I usaully swim 3x a week. Anyway its great to be back I was a little ashame about the drinking, but isn't that why we are all here? :thanksbubble:
                        sigpicIsland Girlie


                          Newbies Nest

                          It's true - I can have 'one'!!

                          Hello everyone - Happy Wednesday!

                          I really can have 'one' - except that 'one' stands for 'one hundred or less.'

                          Why is it that for (fill in the blank) years, we have told ourselves, "I'll just have one?" knowing full well that is absolutely impossible????? Years! Ridiculous. I'm not a stupid person, but I seem to have this little blind spot...

                          That's my trivial little thought for the day.

                          Interview #3 of a series of 5 tomorrow. I'm still in there, feeling a little like a contestant on American Idol!!!!

                          Hope everyone is doing well - keep the faith!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just checking in to see how everyone is doing today, and say "Happy Wednesday!" Hope all is well with everybody. Coco: I'm with you on knowing that I can't have "one" body is not phyisically capable of processing alcohol normally. Me wishing I could have "one" is the same as wishing I could fly....not gonna happen

                            Hope everyone is happy and healthy!

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Time to clean up. AL sure doesn't make you feel better and you can definitely count on it to make things worse.
                              I went to my hubby's work and printed off the MWO book. 88 pages - better to use his printer at work than mine at home.
                              I am going to start reading right now. Just wanted to check in. Thanks for the resources everyone and the book ideas. Shall shop this weekend.

                              Looks like many of you have been busy running, renovating and best of all, keeping sober. Best wishes for everyone to fight off those cravings tonight.

                              I am looking forward to hitting my head sober on the pillow tonight. Enough is enough. Thanks for all the support!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Coco and K9 (cross-post)

                                Exactly! just one or maybe two. Tonight will be different then every other night of my entire life where I didn't stop after a couple. Why do we repeat this stupid stupid cycle? Arrggghhhhh. I really have to just say no to the first one and problem solved.
                                Okay now I'm going to read my book. Good to share. Thanks

