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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Was gonna say 'Morning Nestlings'...

    ... but that boat is long gone, huh?

    Geeez, it's almost 4pm. Dammit, I really need about 10 more hours in the day! Anyone here, who can arrange that? :H

    Anyways... Meech, you sound better today! :l
    Tranq... I was really biting my tongue here.. but since someone else brought it up... WE WANT THE DIRT ON THE LADY!!! :H

    Coco and K-9... yep, "one" usually means one bottle of (insert your poison) or more. I don't get it either... the 'this time will be different' illusion. Not usually THAT dumb.

    I like the 'plonker' as well! Mine ended up being 'ex-asshole' - I'm just not as eloquent as you guys. Lav, Miss Sophie looks a heck of a lot better than last Spring - but I'd still like to see 100lbs on her at the very least. Now, the OTHER one... he's a little porker! Got quite the pot belly on him. That's ok, he matches me :H

    ChickenLittle... you sound GOOD clucking away over there. And, peeing is overrated, if you ask me :H

    Oh wow, Nora... I don't think any of our momma cats ever had a reaction that strong towards the 'perpetrator' papa! Better find a new feeding spot for the poor guy.

    Ok, gotta get back to work... keep plugging away, everyone - love that determination around the nest Happy Humpday!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters (cause it still is here!)

      Still on school holidays, so am taking eldest chick to get hair cut before school starts (maybe me too),then to Dr to check her chest cause she's had a cough now for over 3 weeks-poor baby! Then to Mum's to organise real estate agents to help sell her property & help her move to a smaller unit!
      Then take Mum & both chicks shopping for food, then home and hopefully (cross-fingers) a go on Wii-fit!!! Have taken dog for a walk this am before sun-up and it was lovely to see the stars and then see the dawn arching in the East!

      I like the name 'Tosser' myself...but 'Plonker' is also a fave of mine. Had someone at work yesterday who I could have given that title too!

      Sunni- I bought a rolly-bail of hay for our old horse about a month ago and it is still sitting there,barely touched! There goes $55 down the gurgler! He just likes his pellets/chaff and scraps from our table! *sigh*

      Nora- our mother cat had numerous litters (this was when I was a kid),but I remember one occasion when a stray tom-cat got into the laundry (where she had her 'nursery') and ate her babies! We were very careful after that, because like Lions, male cats tend to do that,even pet ones!!

      Meech;K9;Coco & Islandg.- hope you have a strong AF day! Meech, I haven't read the book, but from the sounds of has alot in it to help! Enjoy reading and relax with it!

      Hi IAD- nice to see you there! Nice picture..looks like Mr.Chook this morning

      Lav- Mum,how you going?Have you been busy and how is that beautiful grandson of yours?
      Pap- how are you?
      Tranq- yes,now the pressure is on "fess up"!
      have a good one folks


        Newbies Nest

        Hi folks...
        Here's the good news....the topa that I'm on takes away any urge to drink. The bad news? I'm really heavy into a topa "fog". I barely slept last night, and when I did, I had terrible dreams. I hope that I can adjust to this med in a few days and come to some sort of happy medium!


          Newbies Nest

          Sunni -
          Oh wow, Nora... I don't think any of our momma cats ever had a reaction that strong towards the 'perpetrator' papa! Better find a new feeding spot for the poor guy.
          No - He is just the Uncle. He was neutered years ago. Poor Uncle Peach. :H

          I'll be posting pics soon.

          I'll be back. Just got home from work. Got to check in with everyone here at home.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone.
            My computer has well and truly died at home and I am not supposed to use the work computer for personal reasons however today I am breaking the rules!
            I just wanted to check in and say hello, see how everyone is going. I am struggling with some personal issues at the moment, however I am staying strong with my commitment not to drink. In fact, surprisingly the thought hasnt even come up!
            Thank you all for your understanding in my recent issue.
            Hopefully the computer doctor will sort out it's problems and I will be back full time.
            Hope everyone is doing well and staying commited. I havent had a chance to read all the posts I have missed - just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here.
            Take care and will chat again when I can.


              Newbies Nest

              NoraC;837475 wrote: Sunni -
              No - He is just the Uncle. He was neutered years ago. Poor Uncle Peach. :H

              I'll be posting pics soon.

              I'll be back. Just got home from work. Got to check in with everyone here at home.
              Awwww....poor Peach! Just toddling in for some kibble, and bam! :H Momma kitties are fierce...when I was a kid, our momma kitty went after a big old sheep dog who was stupid enough to venture into our yard!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Chook,
                Busy day for you!!
                I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Just got home from work about 45 min ago and the furkids are all fed and pottied. Now it's me time. Had a scare today at work when I went to take my after breakfast supplements and realized I hadn't brought them with me!! I actually panicked a bit!! Took a minute to meditate (had to look up a mantra on GOOGLE lol!!) and get my breathing back to normal and then I was OK but I sure missed them today!! I was pretty much a grouch all day long due to lack of sleep and I'm sure the Calms Forte has been helping to keep me on an even keel. Always wondered if it was really doing anything-now I know it is!!
                Other than that just tired and looking forward to bed. Think I will up my Miralax tonite to see if I can sleep through for once.
                Hope everyone else is doing OK. I'm slowly getting through the day's posts.

                ChickenNumber3;837454 wrote: Morning Nesters (cause it still is here!)

                Still on school holidays, so am taking eldest chick to get hair cut before school starts (maybe me too),then to Dr to check her chest cause she's had a cough now for over 3 weeks-poor baby! Then to Mum's to organise real estate agents to help sell her property & help her move to a smaller unit!
                Then take Mum & both chicks shopping for food, then home and hopefully (cross-fingers) a go on Wii-fit!!! Have taken dog for a walk this am before sun-up and it was lovely to see the stars and then see the dawn arching in the East!

                I like the name 'Tosser' myself...but 'Plonker' is also a fave of mine. Had someone at work yesterday who I could have given that title too!

                Sunni- I bought a rolly-bail of hay for our old horse about a month ago and it is still sitting there,barely touched! There goes $55 down the gurgler! He just likes his pellets/chaff and scraps from our table! *sigh*

                Nora- our mother cat had numerous litters (this was when I was a kid),but I remember one occasion when a stray tom-cat got into the laundry (where she had her 'nursery') and ate her babies! We were very careful after that, because like Lions, male cats tend to do that,even pet ones!!

                Meech;K9;Coco & Islandg.- hope you have a strong AF day! Meech, I haven't read the book, but from the sounds of has alot in it to help! Enjoy reading and relax with it!

                Hi IAD- nice to see you there! Nice picture..looks like Mr.Chook this morning

                Lav- Mum,how you going?Have you been busy and how is that beautiful grandson of yours?
                Pap- how are you?
                Tranq- yes,now the pressure is on "fess up"!
                have a good one folks
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  Goodness, it's 10 pm & I'm sitting in my shop now finishing work I couldn't get to today.

                  Welcome back Island Girlie, sounds like you are making progress!

                  Coco - we are all experienced in the fine art of denial!!! That's why it takes us so long to get the message

                  Meech, happy reading - the book is very helpful!

                  Sunni - I'm calling Fed Ex tomorrow to pick up the extra 30 lbs I'm carting around right now - Ms Sophie can have it

                  Chook - I am just fine, thank you! My grandson was here today while his Mom was in class (that's why I'm working so late). He started walking last week - oh God!! No wonder I'm so tired right now!

                  Fennel, I hope your fog clears soon. I haven't taken any of those meds myself, I imagine they can be harsh.

                  Nemed, Maybe you should treat yourself to a brand new Notebook laptop - something personal sized that no one else can use......just a thought

                  Papmom, sleep is a blessed thing for me. Not always easy to get though, huh?

                  Nora, have fun with you babies!

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - time to call it a day now.
                  Leaving the night light on for my late arriving VP - Tranq!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    ChickenNumber3;837454 wrote:

                    I like the name 'Tosser' myself...but 'Plonker' is also a fave of mine. Had someone at work yesterday who I could have given that title too!

                    Morning all,

                    Chook - LOL- I think I prefer "Tosser" too - "plonker" is a bit too affectionate a term to describe the evil crap my ex has put me through..
                    Nemed - good to see you, sorry to hear about your personal problems.. but glad to hear that you have remained AF, well done!
                    IAD - love the pictures you put up!
                    Hi to Meech, Mollyka, papmom, k9 lover, Spam, Lav, Tranq, Nora, , Fennel, Coco, Sunni and to anyone else I may have missed.. I hope you all have a great AF day,
                    Katie xx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nemed, also sorry about personal issues - onwards and upwards -like Katie says well done on staying off the sauce throughout.
                      Hi everyone else, not going to name everyone cos I'm running late and I would leave out someone and hurt them and I sort of have 'topa fog' without the topa!!
                      Have a lovely day everyone and will check in later
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Everyone

                        Just a quick check in. I'm not in a good place right now but only have myself to blame so need to pull myself up by the bootlaces and get on with it.

                        I have been lurking with the limited time I have and it is so good to see you all. I have been wondering where and how Hippy Chick is? Does anyone know?

                        Maybe on the weekend I'll have more time to be on here. It is so helpful I know.

                        All the best to you all esp those kitties NoraC. Talk some more soon when I have my head on straight!!!
                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Mazzie,

                          Don't disappear if you're in a bad place. Stay with us and we'll pull you along with us - by your laces if needs be! :H

                          Spam xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Hope you are all having a good day
                            Katie, Molly, Mazzie & spam - greetings to all of you! Fasten your nest belts snuggly, we are on our way!

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all - yes once again I need to just say a quick hello and rush off. I hope to have some time to actually sit and be on here later. I need the nest.

                              Coffee is on......
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                HI All,
                                Quick hello as I am at work and MUST be productive today!!
                                Katie B-you sound so good today-good for you!! Keep up the positive attitude and AF-I just know you can do this!!

                                Good moring to Lav, Nora-how are those kitten today?, Spam, Mazzie, Fennel, Molly and everyone else visiting the nest today.

                                I had a horrid's nite sleep last nite and although I have no intention of resorting to the beast to help with this, I am fed up. The Miralax does seem to help with the RLS and I am definitely dropping off to sleep faster but even with 2 pills, I am waking up mulitple times through the nite which causes excess tiredness the next day which causes me to eat junk, not want to exercise etc etc. Vicious circle. I've just put in a call to my MD to switch me over to Ambient CR. I've got to get a full nite's sleep soon or I'll go crazy!!

                                Pups are good but no walkies since Sunday due to not being able to get up at a decent hour. This weekend's forecast is downright miserable so no exercise there either. Pooh.

                                OK, gotta get cracking! :b&d: Have a great day (last nice one for a while in the Northeast) and stay strong!! :l
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

