Bad days here guys. Looks like I am closing down my art program, losing my space. I surrender. I will move to the the house of my husbands mother & he will continue to work in the city. That is the plan today anyhow, maybe it will change? Good part is no more paying rent. Bad news is rather obvious.
I actually fantasized about going back to being a drunk today.
I am going to have to plan things carefully. I plan to dive into my drawing & paintings although not sure where I will be able to do it? Basement maybe?
Then tonight I made a bad decision to help a lady saddle a horse I know to be old and difficult. He snapped at me and bit off the tip of my thumb. He took some bone so it hurts like crazy. Went to ER and all messy. Cancelled art tomorrow as arm is in a sling to the hand elevated. Could things get worse? Oh yes indeed. I think we all know the answer to that one.
