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    Happy birthday, LilBit!
    Way to go on 30 days, Daisy, great feeling I'm sure.
    So glad you got your name back, Honeysoup, now you can work on becoming you again!
    Mentium, sounding strong, a few more days and the ride smooths out.
    Hang tough, Jvo
    Overit, So so sorry about your mom, wish you could be closer!


      Good morning Nesters, happy Thursday to all!

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL :heartbeat:
      Sober birthdays rock, I have one coming up too!

      Mentium, glad to hear you have found your way out, great.

      Pav, hope you feel better today!

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday.
      I am watching my grandaughter today & grateful for this opportunity

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Sorry you're sick PAV! If I were in Cali I would make you some chai myself!

        Glad to hear of your success Mentium

        Happy, happy Bird-day Bittie! Hope your day is fabulous!!

        I just woke up from the most awesome dream! I don't remember much on the detail end, but I was smiling and happy about how i was interacting with someone or something - and I KNEW it was because I was not drinking. Take THAT AL! I don't even want you - and I know how happy I can be without your sorry ass!

        Have a positive day peeps!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Good morning! I've been outside for an hour in the dark and 30MPH winds to button down the hatches. Wind=scary to me 😩
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Happy Birthday LilBit! Wishing you a great day and year filled with all good things! Xxx
            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


              Happy birthday lilbit!

              Overit I was doing our Xmas lights with like 5mph winds this weekend. You'd never see someone hug a ladder as tight as me, I WAS the ladder. It's amazing sometimes how little wind it takes to make something not fun terrifying.

              I was listening to the bubble hour on boundaries and realized I don't really have any with my brother, other than I wouldn't drink if he asked me to. This has caused a strain on my business, my relationship with my wife, and just stress for me. I think the next step in my sober journey is stick up for myself and minimizing the stress from that.


                Hi Nesters!

                Happy Birthday, Lilbit! It's my birthday, too, today! Do you have some nice plans to celebrate? Or do you like to have a quiet day? My youngest daughter has her b-day tomorrow, so I'm about to start baking and wrapping presents for her!

                Kensho, I love chai! Actually, I'm steeping a vanilla chai right this minute.. waiting patiently. What a nice dream you had.. I love the fact that I'm beginning to remember my dreams more.. and isn't so wonderful to wake up refreshed and happy?

                Pav, get well soon! Warm foot baths!! That's what my Japanese co-worker always made me do.. she swore by it..said it's the sure-fire way to get well soon.. and to prevent a cold (especially if it's in the chest) from getting too out of control. The temperature should be as hot as you can handle.. I've always had good luck with that. And if it's a chest cold/cough, lavender oil and a warm water bottle on the chest.

                Great job Mentium on 9 days!

                Today I found the strength to end a love relationship that I've had with someone for the past 4 months. We have been friends for years and became involved this summer.. it began while I was drinking again and it carried on that way (that we would meet up and have drinks and talk till the middle of the morning) until I stopped drinking 5 weeks ago. It has been a quite complicated situation and, without going into too much detail, I wanted to say that I realized a couple weeks ago that I wasn't being honest with myself about how strong my feelings were for him, about how I was being treated (I'd agreed to the situation and found it ok in a drinking context), about the lack of freedom I felt we had to express ourselves and develop a relationship, etc. It was so confusing because we have known each other for so long and I already trusted him. I still do.. but I figured out that I can't be strong on the path I've now chosen for myself, for good and for 100%, if I stay in the romantic relationship with him. It has been so difficult the past 2 weeks to follow through on my gut feelings. I KNEW what I should do for myself, but I so f******* wanted to be with him. So. this morning, for extra help and for my birthday I drew a mother peace tarot card from a deck that a good friend leant me.. and I got such a nice card (they're all pretty positive!) "The Shaman of Discs is a strong woman who knows in her heart what she wants and will not be swayed from her path." That was the first line. So we met up today and I told him and I was so sad. I am still so sad.. though after talking to my mom and crying for an hour I feel a bit better.. and I know in my heart it's the best decision for myself. I do not ever again want to drink.. and this is the first major decision I've had to make against what I WANT to be true to myself and to keep on my path. In the past, I ignored/lied to myself or manipulated situations so much of the time to get what I wanted or thought I wanted. So a sad and happy day.
                Sorry about the waffle.. but I wanted to get it out to people who could understand how important that was for me.. a step forward..
                Last edited by lifechange; December 10, 2015, 01:58 PM.


                  Happy Birthday, LifeChange!! :balloons: Wow, lots of December babies around here!
                  I was reading on NS and Kuya's 3 Principles thread today and there is so much in there about trusting our own intuition and being true to ourselves. You are walking the walk for sure! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!!! B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Happy Birthday LilBit and LC! LC, :hug: You did what was right for yourself and your children.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      This was me:
                      Attached Files
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good Day All,
                        Happy Birthday Lilbit and LC! I'm on day 4 and pretty proud of went for lunch with a group and only had egg nog hold the rum. ( I'm the one that passes on dessert for another Martini) couldn't have done it without each of you and your sharing on the forums. I had a plan and it felt good to be in control for once. Just need a plan for the weekend. Thanks again everyone.


                          Happy Birthday LilBit!
                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Wow, another birthday today!
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY LC
                            I'm glad to hear you are choosing to do what is right for you. Good old fashioned self-care is what we all need to thrive.
                            Keep your focus right where it is - on you!!

                            Inthesky, good for you today. Having a strong plan, always being prepared helps us reach our goals. Whatever you plan this weekend, just don't invite AL

                            Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              So happy to be here with all of you. I have a bit of an emotional hangover this morning.. feel like I've been through the ringer. But I baked cookies and wrapped presents for daughter's birthday for the first time in a long time without a drink. Didn't burn a cookie, went to bed exhausted, but knowing I'd be able to get up 5 for the day..

                              InTheSky, great job yesterday with having a plan and following it through.. I loved eggnog as a kid and there was definitely NO alcohol in it. 4 days is awesome! That means on Monday you'll be Un-hung and gettin' a moon. What is your plan for the weekend? Can you foresee any sticky situations? And what if something just comes up and takes you off guard? The support of all the people here is amazing.. I agree with you 100%.

                              Have a wonderful day, Nesters..


                                Quick late check in for me, hope everyone had a great day.
                                My youngest son is 8 and he had a Christmas show tonight were they all sang and performed. Soon after the performence started i begin to get disgusted with myself as I recalled the past years that I missed, and or have forgotten due to my addiction. I promptly snapped out of that remorseful self pity, and instead fell back on some of the great advice I've received in these rooms, - became grateful that this will be my second consecutive sober holiday season, and noticed my son looking at me in the audience excited to see his daddy watching him, this "tough" guys eyes filled with tears before I knew it.

                                It wasn't that long ago that I could imagine a holiday season without cocktails or "spirits" let alone a life without it, hell any day that ended in "Y" was my favorite time to drink. Little did I know that Sober living is truly amazing.

                                0500 will be here very soon so I must rest.

                                Stay hard freaks!
                                Last edited by Matt M.; December 11, 2015, 08:26 AM.
                                AF 08~05~2014

                                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me

