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    Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
    Hi Peeps. Too tired to read - just sayin' good night. Doing fine here - but realizing the impact overcommitting has had on my drinking career. Time for changes.

    Nighty Night.
    Good night my friend. Good to see you today 💖
    The easy way to quit drinking?:


      Day 5 is done. I am grateful I could take my son's friend home at 11pm. Similar to Pav's post, I would have said no to them spending time together . . . so glad I could do that for both of those great kids.

      Ava, hang in there. Things sound tough, my heart goes out to you. Wishing you strength, wisdom, and lots of patience.

      IJM, I am also worried about tomorrow . . . but will make a plan to keep busy. I really want to get that awesome MWO salute on Day 7!!!!!! Good night all!


        Thanks everyone, all went well. We chatted on the way down to his brothers and i said to him the hardest part is accepting that he can never drink again and for someone so young it is hard. He wants to give up and wants to be like his mum. I felt very proud of him today. He knows it is going to be hard and we talked about that also. I am only a phone call away if he needs me and my other son is on the ball. So the trip i was too exhausted to do made me happy that i went and happy that he is prepared to put in an effort. i cant ask for more than that.

        Keep on here IJM and keep reading and posting. It helped me so much in the early days and is helping me so much now. It doesnt matter if we are at 4 days or 1000 days MWO is a life saver for many.

        41 degrees here today, summer has hit with a vengeance, at least no scarves, gloves, etc in sight for us and xmas will be seafood and salads.

        Take care x
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Hi Nesters,

          Just a quick fly by to say hang in there over the weekend. Try not to think of the weekend as an empty space you used to fill with booze but as time you were robbed of, time that you should have spent recuperating from your busy week.

          The body and mind need rest but when we drank we gave it even more poison. I drank for 25 years and lost 2500 weekend days to alcohol....if I am lucky and live long enough I may get them back!

          You are missing nothing, you are avoiding missing everything.


            Good Saturday morning Nesters

            Cold & sunny here on my birthday - won't be telling you exactly how old I am but you can probably figure it out, ha ha!!
            Grateful to be alive & healthy at this point, believe me

            Glad everything went OK with your son Ava!
            You have done the best you can possibly do for him. I will think positive thoughts for both of you!

            Have a great AF day everyone. Keep your goals & plans close

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Happy Birthday, Lav, you savvy Spring Chick!! Young is a frame of mind and I bet that you absorb a lot of it while hanging out with all those grandkids. 'Hope your special day is relaxed and fun.

              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Happy birthday, Lav! Thanks for always being here. FB_IMG_1449930726586.jpg



                  I always say aging is God's cosmic joke as we never feel as old as the people that were "old" to us when we were younger. I remember when I thought 30 was old, LOL. Got there and...what a joke that was. 40 was a crucial age, sent a card to a classmate not believing how old we were, laughing about that one now too. Goes on and the story remains the same. We will always be young at heart. We are certainly helping ourselves by not drinking too. How great I feel these last 5 months with no hangovers and hopping out of bed rejuvenated and ready to go. Have a beautiful day Lav. Took our grandson to a house last night that had 121 blowups and 40,000 lights. He kept running back and forth having so much fun. I think the best blow up was the steam roller that ran over grandma. Grandson kept saying "She's flat!"

                  Have a beautiful birthday and an enpowered day everyone.

                  "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

                  God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

                  But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


                    Happy Birthday, Lav! Hope you have a wonderful day.

                    Ava, that post gave me such a good feeling, of you driving with your son, and being grateful that you had the chance to have the heart to heart. Special moments. Your son knows first-hand that it can be done and the gift of sobriety is like no other.

                    I hope everyone has a Sober Saturday. I'm hanging out at home, wrapping gifts and organizing my life a bit before Xmas week. I think I may blast the Xmas music and finally get into the holiday spirit.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Happy birthday, Lav!
                      Sending strength your way, Ava.


                        Happy Happy Day Lav!! I so appreciate you!

                        Ava, thanks for posting an update. I'm so happy it went as well as it could. I'm also happy you were able to be there for him. Good job. Our sons need their momma!! You are such an inspiration to me.

                        This weekend will be challenging. I have a close friend that is will want me to drink with her. We need to exchange X-mas gifts. I have explained where I'm at but will need to do it again. I am DETERMINED to get Day 6. That is all I can manage to think about today. Can't think ahead of that or I'll spiral . . .

                        How have others dealt with drinking buddies in the early stages of their quit???


                          Hi, All:

                          Happy Birthday, Lav! Hope it is as fabulous as you are. Are the Stella baking a cake? (vegan, of course)

                          Addy - I saw something on Facebook - "I always said I still feel like I'm 20. And then I hung out with a bunch of 20 year olds, and I realize I am NOT." Made me laugh because that's about me.

                          Ava - glad you had the drive.

                          Going to work today to get some things finished up. But I am doing so with a clear head and no GSR to hold me back.

                          Happy SOBER Saturday,


                            Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                            How have others dealt with drinking buddies in the early stages of their quit???
                            AC, You may not like my answer but I couldn't hang with drinking buddies in the beginning or know I would have relapsed. Didn't see my BF (who also has a big problem) for 3 months because she didn't want to be around me not drinking (which would have made her have to take a hard look at her own drinking) so I became a bit isolated for awhile. Felt very strong to finally go to happy hour with a good friend and shared with her I had quit (she was surprised but didn't try to sway me to drink with her). In some cases we can't get out of it (friend coming to town, etc.). Guess I would just share that you've quit and need to stay that way. If she seems like she'll support you then get together. If she acts like she can't, change your plans and don't put yourself in that situation. Your quit is more important than a so called friend who doesn't respect your sobriety.

                            Pav, like your fb story. So true~ LOL!

                            Have an enpowered day friends.

                            Last edited by All done drinking; December 19, 2015, 01:52 PM.
                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

                            God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

                            But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


                              Happy Birthday, Dear Lav!!!! Gosh, you are a Christmas baby!! :balloons: I hope you have THE BEST possible birthday! I know you are the best gift there is, no telling how many people you have helped in your life! Wishing you much JOY!

                              I did make it to the craft store, but the constant ding of my work emails got me rattled. I bought a cookie stencil I already had, grabbed a cake stand that is impractical to use and for some reason, bought a fabric flower pin for my lapel (I dont wear pins). I came home in disgust.

                              ItsjustMe, welcome to the nest! Is this day 6 or 7? You wont want to miss your prize for achieving 7 days! We all will MOON you! So do whatever it takes to get thru this day! What time zone are you in? Maybe we could set up a time on chat? So far, its just been NoSugar and I over there, so Im trying to drum up business! If you get wobbly at all,you just come here first! We can help! You, too ActionGirl!

                              Ava, you are just amazing. Your example speaks volumes. Well done to you, we are thinking of you constantly.

                              Hope everyone has a peaceful day! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Hola all!

                                Swooping in to wish the lovely LAV the happiest of birthdays! I'm so grateful for your steady presence here and the great gift of gratitude that you have so graciously shared. It makes my life better every day!

                                IJM - so happy you are back...the early days of withdrawal are challenging as your body expels the poison, but the tough parts will soon be in your rearview mirror. Within two weeks, your brain will have put back on some critical volume and your gut will have also done some healing in terms of patching the lining where the bulk of serotonin is produced. That's just the beginning of all good things to come with your life-changing decision to boot the toxin out of your life!

                                Thinking of you, Ava.....

                                Hugs and happy holidays to all ....

                                Sober for the Revolution!
                                AF & NF July 23, 2011

