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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning all,
    Still feeling kind of blah. Woke up once at 2:30 am then again at 6 or 7 can't remember, to let the pups out than finally got up after 8am. I have lots on my list to do this weekend but if I do none of it the world won't come crashing down. I think that's what the problem is: too much free non structured time on my hands!! Hows that for being a baby- complaining about free time. Jeesh.

    Don't worry Tranq-I would NEVER mix sleep meds with AL-the main reason I never asked my doc for them before was because of my AL habit and figured it was my punishment for being so foolish with AL. I guess I am just really disappointed that now that I'm AF my sleep patterns haven't changed but in some ways gotten worse and it's been over 40 days. Doesn't seem fair somehow.

    Katie-Hope your date went really well. Hope he turned out to be a decent chap even if you decide their won't be a second date. but if there will be, whoo hoo!!

    MB-you're doing a great job-keep it up!! Hope the Topa Dopa dissappates soon!!

    Chook-good luck on the mod plan today-hope you were able to stick to the one and still feel satisfied and part of the conversation.

    Nemed-so glad to hear from you-I hope you'll be able to stick close-sounds like you are doing well.

    Shout outs to everyone else in the nest today. We've got a gray rainy day ahead but at least no SNOW!!
    Will check back later.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning, nestlings...
      I "slept in" the tune of 11:00 am!!:shocked: Mrs. Fennel and I were kept up late last night by our neighbors. They decided to have one of their impromptu beer drinking, fire pit, screaming kiddies, barking dogs fetes. Then, the hillbillys on the other side of us were up at the crack of dawn banging metal objects together. It really galvanizes our decision to find a piece of land out in bumble-f*ck WI, and build a tiny shack on it. The only thing I want to hear is cows.


        Newbies Nest


        That's why we built our 'retirement' home in Bumblef..k. PA :H:H

        Our neighbors are mostly 4 legged.........a few humans thrown in here & there for good measure

        Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          'God bless us and save us' as my Mother-in-law used to say, those neighbours sound right feisty Fennel, sounds like a touch of inbreeding!!! Reckon you should go for the piece of land!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Close One

            Good Evening all,
            Spent the late morning/afternoon doing errands and shopping. As I ran out of places to go, and feeling pretty blah still, I wondered what would it matter if I stopped and got a nice large bottle of PG and just got wasted tonite. Who would know? Who would care? I have all weekend to get over it and start again on Tuesday. HALT: Hungry, kind of. Angry? No. Lonley? You bet. Sis and her family heading to the Bahamas tomorrow. Bro and his heading for the Cape on Tues. Dad heading to FLA next week. No money, no friends anymore. Yep, lonely. Tired: yep. No energy today. Can't even take the dogs out-cold, gray and rainy. So, I'm at the pivotal intersection on my way home: Straight-liquor store. Right-home. Took the right and immediately felt an enormous sense of relief. I was never so glad to get home and see the pups!! I'm munching on pistachios now and drinking Iced green pom/blueberry tea. Couldn't find anything fun for dinner at Trader Joes so I guess I'll just nosh. Plan on sticking close to the nest tonite. Hoping tomorrow is a much more upbeat day. I'm only taking half an Ambient tonite to see if that prevents the doldrums in the morning.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Well done Papmom. Your babies will thank you and I bet you feel better this morning.
              I'm going to have to apply that butt velcro this week. I've come to realise that I can do AF through the week with just a little urge surfing, but come weekend, especially if I have been good all week, I have this old reward yourself thing happening. This weekend I shall attempt to reward myself by staying AF, no strings attached, nothing up my sleeves except some planned activities.

              High School Musical went well, except I had three 11 year old girls, who were bouncing off the walls and decided to have a game of spotlight at 11pm. Finally got them into bed at midnight. The weekends go too fast, but a t least the kids are back at school tomorrow. :yay:


                Newbies Nest

                Bravo Pap....I still have not mastered that self control, but am working hard on it and getting better everyday....dancingon....for some stupid reason I am the opposite of urges to drink are stronger during the week b/c of my weekends are for rest and recovery.....strange huh....
                and I am glad YOU had the 11 year olds and not ME!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning the Nest!

                  Well had a nice evening last night and lots of interesting conversation with my Sister-In-Law about the family we have both married into..some information I did not know and new insights obtained about Mr.Chook and our marital issues!!!

                  Can't say that I stopped at one AL beverage, but when they left and hubby went to bed,I had the 'urge' to stay up and drink, but then I just went to bed and as a result do not have the awful hangover I would have had! Just a bit tired and bloated feeling!! So not great, but not terrible result either!

                  BUT, I will say that I have no desire to keep drinking and turn it into a daily thing! I did it and I can't say I even overly enjoyed the actual drinking, and don't feel compelled to need to do it again for awhile at least! So AF again with a blip!

                  Dancing- I find the weekends difficult because that is usually when we are doing social stuff! But I also have the Wednesday after work urge quite often!!!(Don't know why!)

                  SPam- I am in WA, and the weather is doing weird stuff here at the moment,going wintery and then swinging back to full on summer! Yes, private messages are ok for now!

                  To all who follow, have a lovely Sunday!


                    Newbies Nest

                    chook...from previous comments you have made.....does someone read your posts.....cause if that's the case i am gonna have to come hurt 'em......
                    nite nite all....reading a new book and slobbering over Russell Crowe in "The Gladiator" hot Aussie....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      I'm not slobbering over anyone right now - don't want to scare anyone

                      Had a great day shopping at a plant farm. Bought lots of annuals for the empty pots and a few perenials to dig in the flower beds. I'm sure I'll be going back for more.

                      Chook, good that you found success moderating last night. Be careful there little one.

                      Mama, you are reducing your Topa dosage - feeling any better? Hope the weekend is relacing for you.

                      Greetings to all tonight - I'm going to put my feet up & just chill.
                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - night light is on.........

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all -- Haven't posted in a few days. I was feeling awfully tired and achy and was thinking it was maybe from the topa. I researched it on the web after a few members (including mamabear indicated the same symptoms) on how to wean down. DO NOT STOP COLD TURKEY. Ramp down at the same rate you ramped up, which is what I am doing. I am ramping down week by week until I feel "normal" again." I have been at 250 mg for the last week. 300 was definitely too much for me. I have noticed an improvement at 250, but am going to ramp down to 200. I am also pretty tired of the diarrhea effects of some of the supplements. So I am going to review those again. Anyway, I have DEFINITELY felt the anti craving benefits of the topirimate but I have definitely felt some side effects. One of the best parts of the MWO program that I really enjoy is the hypnosis part. I don't know how it's taking but it is such a respite from the day. Most of the time I fall asleep. I really don't know if my subconscious is absorbing this while I'm out or not, but I'm definitely getting good relaxation. And the best part, I can drink one drink. Or two. Or none. I used to have a drink at my side all night long. I don't do that anymore. Not even when my husband was out of town for 1 1/2 weeks. I over ate, but did NOT over drink!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Everyone

                          Sounds like we're all doing pretty good at the mo. Good for you Swede choosing food instead of al.

                          Giving myself permission to have a chill day today. Its so nice - good weather and feeling happy. Definitely in for the May challenge but can't wait until May so am getting in early

                          Have a good day/night everyone.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest


                            Yes they could very easily read my posts Mama,so I have to be careful with private messages coming up on email! But for now I think it is ok!Thanks for the offer thought
                            Lav-I am AF again as of last night when my head hit that pillow and the big old demon didn't keep me up guzzling until the early hours!I am not modding though, just the very occasional drink on an occasion. And now, not for a long time! I will be in for the May challenge,starting now!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone. Just got back from watching my daughter play soccor or football as the poms like to call it.
                              Pap - Do you know who will know if you have just one? The only person that matters - YOU! Well done for resisting that terrible urge. You are doing so well, dont blow it now.
                              Fennel - your dream sounds fantastic - a property in the middle of nowhere.... my dream too.
                              Dancing - sounds like you have a good plan. Well done.
                              Mama - Russell Crowe isnt actually Australian. Us Aussies have a habit of adopting famous people as our own as we dont have enough of real Aussies to be proud of. Russell Crowe - New Zealand, Mel Gibson - America, Crowded House - New Zealand..... the list goes on.... He is yummy though wherever he is from.
                              My two minutes on the shared computer is up (wish ours would hurry up and get fixed), so gotta go and let my son have his turn.
                              Take care and look forward to starting the week without a hangover!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Swede....glad to know you are feeling better....I am at 75 mg of Topa and feel MUCH better.....still battling bit of depression,but I have had that battle for years....before I was of drinking age!!!!
                                I am up at the Butt Crack of Dawn on Sunday morning.....see what being AF this a good thing?????(THAT'S A JOKE PEOPLE!!!!!)
                       did 1/2 an ambien go? I cannot function without sleep,so I have been feeling miserable for you.
                                Lav.....will you come redesign my yard? I'll provide the labor....maybe you could start a shop on HGTV???
                                I'll have to think of a can follow the Mama and Coco Hour....
                       to the lakehouse today to mow, trim, burn brush, inhale 900 pounds of pollen and just be outside.....yay
                                hi to all who pop in later
                                Mama Jan
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

