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    Let's all work together & make 2016 the best year ever

    ADP, good for you, great on your 5+ days!

    Matt, I hope your day is relatively quiet. My son texted me last night from work saying he's celebrating by working 24 hrs OT! Never a dull moment!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day & a grateful start to 2016

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Happy 2016!
      The OCD in me likes even years.
      Quiet evening here, we went to bed at our usual 10 o' 12, my sister calls....I didnt answer. A few minutes later, Cuzin Mom calls.....didnt get that either! OY! These people know me, so its not like a new friend calling! I come from a family of night owls and I am the lone early byrd.
      Im not sure what today holds, but I dont plan on practicing that presentation today! You guys are fantastic I am so grateful for your tips and tricks. I can hold a Skype session later for anyone interested in a sleep aid (my powerpoint). Just knowing that other people speak in public and dont die is encouraging. Mind you, if this were just to the customer, Id be ok (I do that all the time) but my boss is what has my shorts in a wad. He is a _____(insert four letter word here. Clue: Just because you got one, dont mean you gotta BE one). Sorry.

      Hope we kept everyone on board thru the holidays!! Things should get considerably easier! Hugs to all, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest



        [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post

          Bacman, I was just reading your thread earlier this morning about 2016's challenges. I have 2 thoughts for you. Firstly, I think everyone you see in the nest at present is not using Baclofen. If I am reading your posts correctly, it seems almost as if Baclofen has made your drinking worse? I have never taken it but I have been around these boards for a long time....maybe now that you have some top-drawer support with us, you'd consider trying to go AF without Bac? We wouldn't expect you to change your name or anything (:haha, but we all have been able to get the support/strength we need by checking in here every day. It's a thought! Rule #1 when you find yourself in a hole: Stop digging!

          Thought #2. You mentioned that Mrs BacMan has booked a rehab stint for you. I can tell you this....4 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things and the 10G's it will cost will come back to you by way of savings! I was a cheap drunk (~$10 a day). I am 1757 AF days today....if we do the math, I've saved at least $17K on booze alone! If you ever drove drunk, throw in another 10K for the inevitable DWI and all it's shame and glory! Those 4 weeks you might spend at rehab could be the best money you ever spent! You'll get it back, too, by NOT drinking! Now that's just looking at it from a dollars and cents standpoint. Now let's look at the power of YOU. You mentioned that the task of not drinking in 2016 looks like The Impossible Dream.... The more you consider it, the harder it looks like it's going to be. You are prolly sitting there thinking after all is said and done, that you can't do I true?

          BUT (and it's a big but!) What if Oprah Winfrey told you she'd give you $10 Million dollars if you would put AL down and not drink again. If you are like me, by hook or crook, you'd find a way to do it. You'd reach WAY on down in your soul and find a way to make that happen, right? Why? Because YOU WANT IT. In this case, that money would give you and your family financial security for the rest of your lives, it would give them all they could ever want or need, right? It would be BEST for everyone! Now, if you can quit drinking for 10 Million dollars, you can quit drinking period. Instead of the money, you are giving your family a husband and father. You ARE giving them financial security because you will be around to provide it. You are fighting for much more than 10Mil you are fighting for your life.

          Yes, it is hard those first few days...but put it down today and make a vow to never buy or drink it again. That's what I did. My hubs was the poster boy for patience with me over the years but on Jan 19, 2011, he walked out on me and said he didn't want to be married to a drunk. Nobody does! I had a hard choice to make....try to get him back and stop drinking or give in to AL totally and lose it all. I chose life. By the time we get to MWO, we are really looking at two choices....drink ourselves to death, or put it down and live! I know I made the right decision! It takes time, but every single one of us here can tell you, it is worth it!

          Stick close, if I can get sober, I know you can, too!
          Happy New You!!!!!! Byrdie
          One of the most inspiring writings I have ever read

          Thank you Byrdie - I will re read this whenever I need a reality check

          Kind Regards

          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


            IJM, when my parents aren't in Florida, they live five hours away in Philadelphia. I've been driving across PA since 1985, and yeah, it can get boring, but it's worth it. I can entertain myself quite well with a little music and dancing in my seat (I get strange looks at times) and I stop at rest stops to take short naps when needed. Yeah, try and get there when you can. They won't be around forever. Lots of great resolutions. I hope you meet your goals.

            So it's not the presentation, it the ____...well, dear Byrd, the 3 P's should help you with this. Apply them, and see how it goes. My "Clarity" book by Jamie Smart is on its way in the mail for me. I have a feeling it's going to be a great help for me as it has for others on this site.

            Kensho, glad all went well for you last night. You sound great.

            Pav, it's that time where the kids go out and we wait at home. And that's fine by me, especially on a night like NYE. I did say some prayers here and there for their safety and ability to make good choices. I know son makes good choices all the time, but he's human, too, and might test the waters. It's others on the road I worry about. I was one of them, not usually, but enough times that I don't ever want to go there again, and the great thing or relief I should say, is that I DON'T HAVE TO. Thank goodness.

            Happy New Year's Day 2016. Here's to a sober year one day at a time.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Happy New Year's everyone.

              I was in a FUNK last night for a number of reasons, but my husband and I ended up going out for a good meal and then a quick hug at midnight before going to sleep for 9 hours straight. SO happy to be clear-headed and well-rested.

              Hope everyone is ready for an amazing 2016.



                Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                Happy New Year's everyone.

                I was in a FUNK last night

                Hope everyone is ready for an amazing 2016.

                Hiya Nesters. Happy new year everyone. Glad u outta dat funk Pavi. Next time you talkin funk, put on the Godfather.............James Brown. "Get on a sex machine".....

                Morning of Jan 2nd here, so getting ready for easter. Noooo. Hold on sonny! Slow down there. This reminds me of the importance of not rushing ahead. Of slowing things down in order to enjoy and experience situations and people more fully. Of taking a step back sometimes. A pause. Living one day at a time and living in the moment has a lot going for it.

                I hope we've got everyone. If not, jump back in. Here's the butt Velcro.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Hey guys!

                  Lovely reply for Bacman Brydie, helpful indeed. I definitely did not take medicine when I finally stopped drinking Bacman, just lots of vitamins, sleep, a yoga practice and horse riding. Looking back at the chaos I was dealing with it is rather a miracle I was able to stop on my own. But, I did it.
                  I have been rather abscent, limited internet, but we are online and I am back in action.
                  First thing is our new apartment is magically quiet (except for last night's fireworks).

                  If giving up my art program I get a quiet house, then I am most grateful for it.
                  I think 2016 is going to be about gathering my strenth and prioritizing.
                  And ART naturally.
                  I also plan to further develop my yoga practice, mindfulness and start to study Dutch again.
                  And spend more time here.
                  Happy New Year guys!
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Many great posts here as usual. Haven't had much time at all to post but have wanted to. Work and life have been keeping me on a short leash but now the craziness (work) will settle down and I will spend more time reading and posting b/c I know in my heart that this place has gotten me to where I am. I am grateful to be at Day 100 and thank any and everyone for their posts and insights. I have been doing much work on myself and plan to continue. I have been able to cut my Klonopin by half knowing this would be impossible while drinking. I plan to be totally off the Klonopin, hopefully this year. Have been using Trigger Point Therapy, Amino Acid supplements as well as various vitamins and minerals. So much to talk about but mostly I am looking forward to a great year. Feeling really good for the first time in recent history ~ actually~ longer than I can remember. Very Grateful to be starting the New Year with the wind at my back. ~~ I wish peace and happiness for everyone in 2016 as we all face our own challenges and the strength to conquer. ~
                    I promise nothing more than I will not drink today.


                      Hi nesters, Jan 2 here. I think 2016 will be about more yoga for me too. And getting organized. These are kinda life long goals though, so I would like to come up with an easy-ish simple one... Hmmmm... Not drinking is a life one too. The day is going well here. Pretty rainy, but it's alright with me, it feels like a break from the heat that was going on in the days leading up. Not much going on here which is good. My husband has a poker game tonight and I am alone with my girl. I can't remember how many times I drank this time away when he is gone. I'm so glad I'm not doing that. Towards the end my daughter was beginning to notice. She once grabbed the wine glass and said 'you, drink this?' 'You drink a lot of this' then she said "I drink milk". Grabbed her bottle, climbed on my lap and nestled in. I remember this sinking feeling.. This was a few months ago. I'm glad I'm not showing her how to abuse alcohol anymore, and that I'm not getting drunk taking care of her. I am grateful an emergency didn't happen and that we are spending this time tonight without mommy getting drunk. Yuck
                      AF January 7, 2018


                        Originally posted by Eloise View Post
                        Hey guys!

                        Lovely reply for Bacman Brydie, helpful indeed. I definitely did not take medicine when I finally stopped drinking Bacman, just lots of vitamins, sleep, a yoga practice and horse riding.
                        Ha Ha This reminded me of when I was married to my first wife - On a weekend of trying to repair our broken marriage we (she) hired a couple of horses in Norfolk for some together time - I did not know this until we turned up at the stud- me in boxers and joggers - needless to say she got none that night and the marriage went south

                        Good job I have my Jo now - she hates horses lol....

                        Regards my friends

                        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                          Good evening Nesters!

                          I had a quiet, uneventful day & that's OK with me

                          Glad to see everyone doing well & making plans for self-improvement. It's nice when we really take the time to take care of ourselves after the years of self-abuse. With a little care, we can all be so much more!

                          Eloise, good that you like your new place AND have internet too

                          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest - it's getting pretty cold here!!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Afternoon Nesters

                            Hyer congrats on hitting the triple digits, i so loved making the 100, i felt i was in with a chance of succeeding in this merry go round of emotions and not drinking.

                            Taking my 13 year old pup to the vets soon, my anxiety always comes to the fore when i have to go to the vets. I am sure she will be fine but she is not her normal happy girl.

                            Mum goes home on Wednesday, i see how old she is getting now and i still get very frustrated with her and then my sarcasm comes out. Must work on that, well i do then she says something lol. She had her mastercard bill to pay and the only bank open is in a shopping centre i refuse to go to. Why the feck did she not pay it two days ago is beyond me so of course i felt guilty and took her, which puts my already stressed stress levels up a notch. I need to go back to work for a break. I am enjoying the sleep ins though.

                            Hope everyone is enjoying the start of 2016.

                            Take care xx
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Morning Nesters, Well day 6 didn't quite get there..... 5 days and 19.5 hours but then, for no particular reason other than I would like one, I had a drink. The interesting thing was I didn't enjoy it and had instant the mind set is changing, if slowly.
                              No real after effects other than being annoyed with myself and having to wait until next Thursday for a day 6....AAUUGGHHH!!!!
                              OK, tweak the plan and start over.


                                Choices check this out for some new year's yoga motivation

                                Yoga Camp

                                Bacman, what to say? Not sure. This is a journey we all have to make our own. As Brydie has said we have to own it... Our behaviors, our actions, our reactions and the solutions we find to make it possible.
                                Perhaps this makes more sense to you than a yoga practice or finding solice in a passion.
                                We are all different (wonderful news I would say).
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

