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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Nite all
    good AF day here!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Glad to see so many stop in today!

      I'm just going to say good night to all - it has been an extraordinary day for me.
      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Everyone.

        Just checking in after a cool weekend here. I did manage to sneak in some golf and some other fun.

        Wow KB and Nemed - I have also been discovering these things lately, but in a very positive light... I think that perhaps those "nerves" that I used al to quiet, are exactly the energy that I'm enjoying now which allows me to be myself. That might sound confusing, but what I think I'm understanding now is that I used to try to numb all feelings, thinking that I was relaxing, or easing my "nerves" -- but I'm realizing that I was masking my real feelings. Feelings make me unique, they make me a caring person and bring the energy that keeps me curious and jazzed to experience people, places and things. In other words, I'm thinking that perhaps those "nerves" that we're trying to numb are really the feelings that we need to allow and explore to express and expand ourselves.

        I hope I'm making sense with this - I think the bottom line is that our feelings and "nerves" require some af time to allow them to be felt and dealt with effectively.

        Hi Lav!

        Take care everyone!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Tranq.. I hear what you are saying..
          Having nerves or anxiety is a part of me.. I guess you are right, there is nothing wrong with these feelings, they are "normal".. and usually nerves or anxiety will pass once you ease into conversing with someone or once you relax into a situation naturally.. being in a heightened state of anxiety is only temporary most the time, or your body would run out of adrenaline! I guess I need to learn to enjoy my nerves, as they do help me experience life - AL masks these feelings, and you end up not experiencing life properly with all the senses! Thank you Tranq.. I will remember this for future reference,
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Newbies Nest

            Not sure what happened last night....generally the Sunday pattern would be to start drinking at about 5.00 pm and carry on until midnight. (or fight the cravings.)

            Yesterday, it got to about 6.20 pm and all of a sudden I thought "I haven't taken any L-Glut." Nothing about AL all evening. No fancies, nor cravings. I have been trying to work out what was different and have come up with the following :

            1) I am on Topamax
            2) I had a busy day with the family and was happy with where we all were and how we were for the following week. (Back to school and all that.)
            3) I was not thirsty. I had drunk plenty of water all day.
            4) I had eaten a small amount of chocolate during the afternoon. Usually, I do not eat chocolate but son insisted I have a small piece.

            That must be what a normal person feels like. It was great!

            Seems like I have a lot to catch up on. Back later.



              Newbies Nest

              Tomorrow night, I really have to go back and read the last night's posts again.
              Meanwhile, Fennel, I'm in the South Island. It's unseasonably warm at the moment, with 19/20 degree days and we're halfway through Autumn, but the nights get cold. In Winter it will be 8 or 9 degrees in the day and -4 at night. :dancingskel:
              Sorry, so 20 deg C is about 70 F, 9 is about 48F and -4 is 30F??


                Newbies Nest

                Morning everyone,
                Flying to hold scaffolding (don't ask!!) and then on to work, just saying hello and will pop in again tonight
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening all

                  I am back from Brisbane and didn't have a drink all weekend. I am so happy. Everyone, family and friends were understanding and acted as if nothing was different. I feel very good in myself and my health and am not feeling as though I have missed out on anything. I have done 7 days AF now.

                  I kept thinking about you all over the weekend and about the things I've been hearing here and it must have helped me.

                  I visited my (deceased) best friend's family, husband and teenage girl and boy and they are all doing so well. The kids are very close friends and their Dad is as relaxed as I seen him ever. Rose made dinner, chicken risotto, a recepie she had made in Home Ec at school. God Bless all Home Economics teachers. Anyway, knowing they are going on with life has helped me to relax a bit more about losing my dear friend. I figure if they are managing with losing thier Mum, I should be moving on from the sadness of losing my best friend.

                  Well I will sign off now, say good night and thank you for all your wise and funny words.

                  AF since 12 April 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    tant, well done on the AF free days. i'm sorry for your loss, stay strong xxx:new:
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Well Done, Tant!

                      For not drinking this weekend and for acheiving so much personally. You're an inspiration!

                      Thanks for the wave on the way passed! Where are you?

                      Spam xx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Girly and Welcome,

                        This place is doing me the world of good. Since January, I have cut my drinking from 1 - 2 bottles of wine a night to about 2 bottles per week. I'd be happy with that if I didn't get the cravings in between. I am constantly altering my goals and plans but I am also constantly improving. I had no cravings or fancies last night or tonight. I hope I am turning a corner.

                        The people here are fantastic. Inspirational, non-judgemental, helpful and funny. They listen and they've been through it before. Read and post and keep visiting.

                        Hope to see you again soon.

                        Spam xx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks everyone,
                          I have just been reading back on some posts I missed on the weekend.

                          Meech I am so sorry to hear of the death of your twin. I tried to wipe out pain and anger over a death with alcohol but found the sadness was increased tenfold when I was drinking, it was uncontrolable. Cry sober, feel the feelings, climb into this nest and curl up when you need nurturing. The people here are very good at it.
                          Sending you love and strength.

                          Mama - my avatar is an old buck called Guv. He's a sweetie but no longer very handsome, but then neither is my old aunty - LOL

                          Spam - I live in Northern NSW.

                          AF since 12 April 2010


                            Newbies Nest

                            nemed and Katie.....
                            I am normally a gregarious and outgoing person....great sense of humor, natural leader, yadda,yadda,yadda...... coming off the AL....a 12 pack every night or so....has made me anxious, irritable and depressed....I actually feel MUCH better now, but the point I am trying to make is that it takes a while for our bodies to level out and get back to normal.....
                            we all have issues we will need to work on,but at least we will be sober and we will have each other
                            sending strength love and smooches!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone.

                              Well done Tantangra on your strength on the weekend. It helps to have support and understanding from those closest to you. Now you know you can do it, you will feel stronger and more able to cope next time.
                              Girly - welcome. Glad you found us. Pop in and visit us whenever you can. Amongst all the mayhem and laughter we do actually serve a purpose..... to help anyone and everyone with their desire to get and stay alcohol free. We have a laugh and can offer suggestions and support for anything you may be dealing with. We are all in the same boat.
                              Spam you have done well cutting back. Well done. I know it hasnt been easy but you are gettting there. Keep at it!
                              Hey Molly - hope you are doing well. x
                              Lav, Nora, Tranq, Mama, Soph (where are you?), Katie, Meech, Maz and all who pop in - Hello and goodbye. Am knackered and have had enough of computers today, so I will call it a night.
                              Take care.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mama. Cross posted!
                                Thanks for your support. It's nice to know people are here for me.
                                Take care

