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    Happy Birthday Quit Wining!!!!!
    It just takes time to get out if the AL haze but-it is worth it! So happy for you! Keep up the great work!! Hope your day was da bomb!!! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      How was the presentation Byrdie? It was today, right?

      Happy day on the couch for me and another day racked up. Have a good night - I'm going to bed.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Good evening Nesters,

        Congrats on your 10 AF months Lil

        Quit wining, happy birthday to you & great on your AF time :welldone:

        Kensho, feel better!

        TJ, good article & I agree, no room for negotiation where AL is concerned!

        Byrdie, be safe on the road & don't worry about your presentation. We will be with you in spirit!!

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Still pretty cold outside so stay put!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Happy Birthday Quit Wining!! Great job on a successful lead up to it. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on how it gets easier. Wow, that's a lot of weight loss. And thanks for the convenient kilos to pounds conversion, ha ha. :welldone:

          Croc, I too have an appointment with a therapist this Friday. I saw her a few years ago but it was for career change angst, we did not discuss substance abuse. I am nervous, not sure why. I think it was my perspective that she thought we solved my problem and that I was successful . . . if she only knew the (probably) underlying problem and the path it was taking . . . and now she will. If anyone has some language they have used to get that conversation started from the "So, why are you here . . .?" stage I'd be grateful. (Byrdie, perhaps a powerpoint with notes please?)


            Hi All.
            Not much to write. Another day af is good for me.
            Wishing you all the best.
            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
              Happy Birthday Quit Wining!! Great job on a successful lead up to it. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on how it gets easier. Wow, that's a lot of weight loss. And thanks for the convenient kilos to pounds conversion, ha ha. :welldone:

              Croc, I too have an appointment with a therapist this Friday. I saw her a few years ago but it was for career change angst, we did not discuss substance abuse. I am nervous, not sure why. I think it was my perspective that she thought we solved my problem and that I was successful . . . if she only knew the (probably) underlying problem and the path it was taking . . . and now she will. If anyone has some language they have used to get that conversation started from the "So, why are you here . . .?" stage I'd be grateful. (Byrdie, perhaps a powerpoint with notes please?)
              Hi AG. Since u asked, how about opening with......'I have been using alcohol as a crutch and escape mechanism with increasing frequency, and I am worried about my physical, mental and emotional health.' All the best with it.

              Happy birthday Q Dub!

              Yo Lilbit! Rawk star on 10 months!

              Take care out there y'all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Hi, All:

                Phew - jumped right in to a viper's nest after the vacation. Well, not vipers. Something like a viper's nest but fun, challenging and exciting. Love my work, love my family, but gee to they take up a lot of time. I have NO idea how I managed to get it all done before.

                HBD, Quit Wining!

                Lil - You are a quadruple-axle, hill hiking, novel writing, SOBER ROCK STAR. 10 months was a big one for me. Congratulations my little fluffy friend.

                AG - I just took a breath and said "I have to tell you the whole thing." I did. It took 40 minutes and a lot of Kleenex, but I felt so much better at the end. It really, really helped me to have someone who has sworn to confidentiality to tell all of my stuff to. Once I came clean to her, I knew I would not drink again.

                Welcome Ann, Crocstar and everyone. I didn't read back, so I am sorry if I missed a big milestone or welcoming anyone else. Happy New Year, and keep it up, Nest.



                  I've been reading back but decided I can't catch up and will just have to jump in and say hello. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling strong! I'm good, I think tomorrow is my 30 days again and I'm feeling SO much better. So I'm really grateful to be here and to be sober! I haven't been craving for over a week now and that has been such a blessing. I did gain 4 kgs during the last month, so I need to go back on this diet I was on. But, if any cravings come up that get to intense regarding drinking... I'll just go strait for the chocolate again! I'll actually do anything to not have to repeat the 30 days ever again!
                  AF January 7, 2018


                    Don't worry about the weight now Choices, just plow ahead!
                    Most important is no alcohol.
                    After 6-8 months you can start to address your eating. That is how long it took me anyhow.
                    It took a long time for me to start to lose weight, can't remember how long now?
                    I have lost a total of 13 or so kilos, 28+ pounds. I didn't even look like Ineeded to lose so much.
                    My point is the weight will come off, one major project at a time.
                    Make sure you exercise though and have some fun. The horses was my fun, now fun is on hold which is not good for me.
                    Well done Choices!
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Good morning Nesters & happy Hump day

                      I've been extra busy this week so time is really flying! Does that mean spring will get here faster? Ha ha!!

                      Choices, Congrats on your almost 30 AF days, yay!!
                      I never lost any weight when I stopped drinking & that was OK. I actually gained 13 pounds a few months later when I quit smoking & had a real hard time losing that. I am just grateful to be addiction free & will never put myself back into that mess. Protect your quit, always

                      Eloise, do you have a bicycle like everyone seems to have over there? I stayed with my SIL's sister for a week years ago & I think we must have walked 500 miles, LOL
                      Walking or biking everywhere is great exercise!

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day ahead!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hi everyone...back to minding kids tomorrow. Will be nice to get back to a routine.
                        After spending over a week of the holidays very sick I am just glad to be feeling ok again.
                        Last night I read back posts I wrote when I was at the same amount of AF days early last year......I was in.a totally different headspace then compared to now.
                        I was still actively struggling with wanting to drink....this time it feels different. I do think it would be nice if I could just sit down and enjoy a few drinks but I know that is not where it would stop....having those drinks would lead me to a painful existence that I really don't want to be in again. Life was so I am living, not everything is perfect but there are possibilities and opportunities ahead that would remain out of sight if alcohol was still in my life.
                        I am quietly content......I notice some things and realise how I am different and changing....not hiding, feeling more confident, laughing harder, being sillier, playing pranks on my kids, just subtle small things. That is enough for me for now....I am not actively seeking the big change that being sober promises, just satisfied that what I am getting is enough......all I have to do is look back and see that sad, lonely, depressed individual and know I do not have to be there again....
                        On the weight loss issue...I always lose weight naturally after being sober for a while....
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Thanks G & Pav - PERFECT!!


                            Good Morning, Nesters!
                            My presentation is TOMORROW! Today I will drive the 4 hours to get there!

                            ActionG, maybe I am getting old, but I have learned quite a few things these last years, especially on this forum where we have a wonderful slice of every type of person and lifestyle. It boils down to this: Garbage in, garbage out! I am in sales and I provide solutions for people. If they aren't honest with me in what the problem is, I'm not going to be able to craft the best solution for them. They can throw some money at it, but it really won't fix what their issues are. I have seen that a lot on these boards. Unless you are honest with your caregiver, there is just NO way they will be effective. You might as well flush you money down the toilet! I have seen folks with pain in their liver area go to the doctor and instead of admitting they drank 2 bottles of wine a day, they tell them they've been eating too much BACON!!! WTH? Be honest with your can't fix what you can't identify. That's my 2 cents, anyway.

                            LilBit and Dutch, 10 months in the bank for you two!!!! Wow, times flies! Well done to both of you, you have participated and there's no telling how many people you have inspired! GREAT JOB! :spin:

                            Keep going, everyone! Don't let AL back in, it's the most cunning, destructive foe I have ever seen! You will never outsmart AL.....learned that the hard way. Stay strong, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Yup, I have a bike Lav but I am not able to carry ANYTHING on it.
                              Just little ole me and maybe some milk and carrots for the horse.
                              I have my own little private office at our new house. It is kind of cool. My husband is being very good about me not being able to do much while we move. I just unpacked some boxes and my thumb is THROBBING. Gonna go back upstairs. I am drawing now a couple of hours each day, cooking (and cutting myself a lot) but that is about it. Typing is also tricking but I try and read here... I am with you guys! I do see what is going on.
                              I am doing my new Yoga camp with Adriene, love it.
                              Very inspiring. I think you are all doing just great and the reading & posting whatever I can manage I find just so important.
                              I have not had any of those drinking thoughts either. Probably because we are sleeping a lot, and sleeping really well.
                              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                                Eloise, it's so nice to see your positive attitude about your new house! Sorry your thumb still hurts a lot. I checked out the Yoga with Adrienne - need to jump in there - sounds great, thanks for sharing!

                                Daisy, you sound really good! I remember lots of inner struggles posted by you as you referred to about a year ago - so glad you are finding peace and enjoyment in the small thrills sobriety offers!

                                Ok, so sorry for the confusion BYRDIE - stomach flu will do that to you! Good luck tomorrow!

                                All I really have to say about sobriety at this point is that around 30 days, my body and behaviors have been modified. It's this point where the mind is make or break. This time, my mind is in the right place. I went back to drinking enough times that I finally arrived at "This takes me to the same damn sucky place EVERY time - and I'm OVER that place!" The "could I's" or "what ifs" still wander in and out at times, but the bottom line is that I know I will never be happy while drinking. And I choose happy.

                                Have a good day!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

