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    Good morning Nesters,

    I'm watching my granddaughter today so it should be a fun day
    I am so grateful for these wonderful opportunities.

    Byrdie, wishing you the very best today AND dry pants too, ha ha!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Byrdie, they sell adult diapers, you know?! Was a Grey's Anatomy fan and when they'd have surgery that last 12+ hours, they wore them! Fiction, I know, but great idea.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        So, I laid in bed last night trying to do this math in my head... I've drank (drunk?) the equivalent of 4 drinks a week for a typical 60 year drinking career (say age 20-80?)... AND I'M ONLY 40!!! So, I've had my fill - used up all my "drink" tokens.

        And another thought... whoever makes the "rules" that say that women can safely have no more than 1-2 drinks a day didn't take into account that that amount is just enough to get someone addicted. I don't think that's safe at all.

        Choices, so happy your desires are changing! Way to go on 10 months Lil and Dutch! Both of your posts are so different now than 10 months ago. If only people considering quitting could feel what even 30 days feels like... more people would kick AL out for good!!

        Happy Thurs! I really have to get some work done today!
        Last edited by KENSHO; January 7, 2016, 11:10 AM.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Originally posted by KENSHO
          Done. Moving on to life.
          Like that


          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


            I am doing okay. In the basement on the laptop = better than trying to type with the iPad.
            after all is said and done I think my husband and I have been through a lot of CRAP the past three years and have tried WAY too hard to make it work in the Randstad (where the action is in the Netherlands).
            I do think it is okay to throw in the towel, so to speak, if things just do not come together. We are realising how good it is we decided to head to the countryside. Too much nonsense never ends well.
            He quit smoking and I quit drinking, so that is pretty amazing.

            Yeah, not sure which might be harder to accomplish, but that does not really matter now does it?
            Thanks for all the encouragement folks, it means a lot!!

            Dutch: Love this one : a new website domain called

            Hysterical. And in the beginning it really doesn't matter so much now does it? You will get there if and when you are so inclined. Well done with the psychiatrist. I rather appreciate your point of view on this topic.
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Good Morning Nesters, Day 5 for me. Sleep IS getting better - I slept in and am late for first job today. But nice to be calm about the approaching day and not seedy, reluctant and full of the nameless dreads!
              Cheers All


                Well, I made it!!!
                Didnt sleep worth a toot, of course, so drank coffee to compensate. Than I got the coffee shakes! Funny how our thoughts work. After all this time, I thought, 'This would be an ideal time for a stiff belt to settle my nerves'. WTH!!!!! So I tried to FEEL the relaxation that I imagined AL brought me and it worked! That was kind of amazing to me (thanks Kuya).
                All that practice paid off....the big boss sat quietly as long as he could and I noticed he kept looking at his watch! Finally, he got up and took over.....I guess we Southerners just dont talk fast enough for the busy excutive types. It was fine by me we actually worked well together. The customer kept asking questions and I was able to answer them all. There really IS no substitute for preparation. Thank you all so mch for you great tips and tricks!! I made it through to the other side!!!!
                Hugs to all! B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  :welldone: Good for you Byrdie, I knew you would rock it today!!!
                  No more coffee for you tonight, ha ha!!

                  Eloise, I like living in the country too. When I miss the hectic convenience of city life I can always go visit but I'm always happy to get home. I'm glad you & your husband are liking your new place.

                  Hello to everyone checking in today & tonight.
                  I'm exhausted after a busy day with a very bubbly almost 5 year old. Granddaughters are fun

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Gr8 stuff Byrdy! Congratulations. I like and get how you imagined how relaxed you'd feel with AL, and then felt relaxed without the poison. Goes to show we have the tools already inbuilt!

                    Sounds like the sound and lights were perfect. I'll be sure to add your gig to Bob and Evanthia's resume when they put in for the next Motley Crue comeback tour.

                    Rawk on Nesters.

                    xpost. Hi Lav! :checkin:
                    Last edited by Guitarista; January 7, 2016, 06:54 PM.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      :yay: Byrdie!
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Hi, Nest:

                        Congratulations, Byrdie. We knew you had it in you...

                        I have slept through my alarm twice this weeks. Thankfully I woke up in time to rush through the morning routine and get to work on time, but goodness. Back before I quit drinking my sleep stunk, and a lot of time I woke up really early with anxiety and couldn't get back to sleep. I LOVE the sleep I get now, but I need to adjust from my vacation lie ins.

                        Hi, Lav. Loving your grandmother time. They are so lucky to have you.

                        Off to dinner with friends (who IS my scheduling assistant?!) Should be early, and at least I don't have to cook or clean. Phew.

                        Night, nest. Hope all is well.



                          Still exhausted from this cold hanging on but would feel a whole lot worse if I was still drinking. No cravings today, that was really really nice.

                          Great job Byrdie! I'm sure it feels good to get that over with.

                          I am seriously starting to crave ice cream!! Thanks guys!! Going to work on that one for Friday night, yum.


                            Byrdie, congratulations on a job very well done!! Great that you and your boss worked together. Hope the customer was impressed.
                            And see, you didn't need alcohol. Good for you for recognizing that a stiff belt wasn't what you needed to be successful.
                            Hopefully your boss recognizes your good work in a tangible way!
                            AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                            F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                              Yay action girl on not craving.. Isn't it a relief?! I didn't crave the junk I've been eating today either. Very stoked. I did an rpm class today and I am whipped! So tired but it feels great to be tired because I was doing something I enjoy and inspiring. Two good eating days. Yippee. I think tomorrow I'll feel some of the benefits. I have a kids birthday party to go to tomorrow with Sara my daughter. So there will be cake and all the rest, I think I'll be fine not having any. Geese, I'm sounding like junk food is like alcohol lately. I'll still do whatever I need to do regarding that. I just really miss being all around healthy and active. January is a good time for this.. Lots of New Years resolutions etc.. People seam to be supportive... Etc. I googled some psychologists but got side tracked. I'm not quite sure what type of help I'm after... I just want to talk about some life stuff.. Not necessarily connected to alcohol.. But I do want a dr, who is substance abuse educated. Years ago I'd told my physiologist I thought I might have a drinking problem and he just didn't really think I did... And I have a close friend here who is an addiction social service counselor who also doesn't think I have a problem. I do for sure have a problem. Not at all a question in my mind! I just maybe don't look or seam as 'bad' I guess? Not sure.. Some of my posts here are pretty bad! I guess I don't want to try and prove I have a problem.. With alcohol if that makes since? I want a doctor I can trust.. Me on this one. I don't want one who thinks I can moderate because it's a big part of society etc.. I think if I hear that I won't go back.. Sorry for the ramble.., just trying to figure out how to find a really good doctor.
                              AF January 7, 2018


                                Originally posted by Choices View Post
                                Years ago I'd told my physiologist I thought I might have a drinking problem and he just didn't really think I did... And I have a close friend here who is an addiction social service counselor who also doesn't think I have a problem. I do for sure have a problem. Not at all a question in my mind! I just maybe don't look or seam as 'bad' I guess? Not sure.. Some of my posts here are pretty bad! I guess I don't want to try and prove I have a problem.. With alcohol if that makes since? I want a doctor I can trust.. Me on this one. I don't want one who thinks I can moderate because it's a big part of society etc.. I think if I hear that I won't go back.. Sorry for the ramble.., just trying to figure out how to find a really good doctor.
                                Hi Choices. Well with respect, maybe your addiction counselor friend needs to reflect on why they are in the job. I reckon if we think we have a problem, then we usually do. If I can't put down booze, even if it's 1 standard drink per night, and it is causing me stress and/or unhappiness, then it is a problem for me. And if I am using booze as some sort of daily/nightly or far too regular crutch, and my 'go to' relaxant, but feeling like crap after drinking, then it's a problem. If I go to a substance abuse counselor or Doc, I expect them to listen and to provide some solutions.

                                Maybe the local AA office has some numbers for good Doc's, or re psychologists, you could try the peak body e.g. psychologists assoc. of N.Z. whatever they're called and look for addiction specialists. Hospitals or Rehab's might have some idea's. Your friend must know some appropriate Doc's. Good luck with it and keep up the gr8 work.
                                Last edited by Guitarista; January 8, 2016, 03:02 AM.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

