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    The best place to start is the Community and Alcohol Drug Service. Its free and throughout NZ. It offers a range of different services and I have never heard of them turning anyone away.
    Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) - Auckland Home

    A sympathetic and knowledgable GP is also hard to beat.


      Good morning Nesters, happy Friday too

      Looks like a rainy day here, oh well.

      Choices, I hope you find what you are looking for. Just know that you are doing yourself a huge favor by kicking AL out of your life. It took me close to a year to physically & mentally feel the full effect of an AF life. Hang in there!

      Wishing everyone a great AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        I have a moment to reflect a bit. I was thinking about how my whole life, I just wanted to be accepted by others, needed their approval. Yes, low self-esteem. Very. And whatever happened in my earlier life created this need to numb myself later. Family genes has a lot to do with it also. Then, because I still needed to be accepted and had the need to be "normal," I continued to relapse. I would think, "yes, I can moderate like everyone else can. I will get this, I can do this." No matter how alcohol f-Ed up my life, I was determined to be normal, like everyone else. What the hell is normal anyhow? We are all different, all unique, all come with issues, challenges, and baggage that we just have to deal with. I'm glad I can accept who I am, warts and all. Thank God I don't have to put myself through the hell I have endured for so many years. I hope you can all see your special gifts and accept your challenges as well. What a boring world it would be if we were all normal.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          PAV, I think we have the same scheduling assistant! When I find her...

          Hi Choices! Junk food helped me too. You will get beyond it - just keep doing what works for now to NOT drink! What's an RPM class? Also, I never met a counselor who thought I had a problem. They just said I abused alcohol and sat there while I talked. I don't think their standards take into consideration how much it can personally affect YOU - whether you are textbook "problem" or not, if it is causing considerable unhappiness in your life, it's a problem. I totally understand wanting to find the right person!

          QW, What's your plan for Mexico?

          Just shoveled our driveway for 45 min... heavy, wet snow! I think a hot bath might be in order for this evening! I am still working on accounting. I get so sidetracked when I don't have the pressure of a lot of work on my plate - so today I will make a schedule, with breaks included, and FOLLOW IT. It's the thing I need to work on most. I am good at planning. Really good. I'm just lousy at following my plans. Too indulgent - I get to the second thing, and decide I'd rather ____. Not always, but I sure do it when I don't have any looming deadlines. It would help my stress level so much to work on this. Also talked with my accountant last night and we targeted some great ways I can simplify my paperwork. It feels good to be making changes and decisions that are helping with my overall goals of balance and lower stress!


          Done. Moving on to life.


            Good Morning All,
            Day 6 for me. This does feel different! My pattern over the last few years has been to drink evenings Friday, Saturday, probably Sunday - retire hurt - start to feel OK again by Wednesday - drinking thoughts return in the evenings - by Friday I've been "good" and "earned" it - and repeat. But this time, fleeting, easily dismissed thoughts so far - not coming from within but triggered by something I see or hear - been busy with my new career as a lawnmowing contractor and physically knackered at the end of each day - where I live the work could best be described as a 4-5 hour workout in a sauna - so good old endorphins may be my friend here. One day at a time anyway.
            Have a happy weekend all.


              Croc, those outside triggers will always be there as this is the only drug besides nicotine that is legal. It's hard for me, too, when I watch tv or movies and they're drinking and drinking, but nothing ever bad happens to them, most of the time. That's because movies and tv aren't real. I try to remember while I'm watching, that there's no alcohol in that glass. It's just fake. But advertisements and Facebook posts of alcohol are endless. I look at those and think, that's just a drug that'll kill me. Jane will say she thinks of it as heroin. I like that. Because everyone knows how dangerous heroin is, but alcohol kills more people than heroin does. So it's more dangerous. Heroin in a glass. Glad your new business is going well and kickin' in the endorphins.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Hi all - Appointment went well with therapist. Actually, beyond my expectations, I felt really good about it. Used your language verbatim G, thanks again.

                Having some cravings but I'm here. Already ate the ice cream which I would never ever do if I was drinking (dessert??? not me, never! but pass the bottle!) hang in there


                  Hi Fellow Nesters!

                  Day 139 today and going to Mexico Sunday for a break from the cold. Last year I was nicely into my quit when we went to an all inclusive resort in Punta Cana. All it took was the offer of champagne on the flight for me to get right back into it. I am better prepared this time I hope.

                  Thanks Kensho for remembering my upcoming trip. The sad part is that my Spanish is limited to ordering alcoholic beverages!

                  Catch up with the Nest in a couple of weeks, depending on Wi-Fi at the resort.
                  AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                  F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                    Wow, just finding a minute to check in! I had another presentation today and the guy actually bought it for a store they have coming up! Cool!

                    Busy, busy day, but its all good! Hope everyone has a strong plan in place for the weekend! Its only Friday, not a ticket to Boozeville!!!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Hi, All:

                      QW, have fun in Mexico. Rahul (who pops in from time to time) wrote a post about being on a beach vacation, and while everyone else was at happy hour he snuck off and went for a sunset swim in the ocean. I ALWAYS think about that, because actually I would much rather be swimming in the ocean at sunset then drinking in a bar with a lot of noisy, sunburned people. I hope you find relaxation and tranquility. Do you want to tell us your plan for staying sober? That might help you cement it in your mind.

                      Kensho - it sounds like we have that "sidetracked" problem in common, too. Maybe our scheduling assistant can quit scheduling us and instead sit next to us and poke us on the shoulder when we wander off...

                      As they say here in the nest, Friday is just another day. No ticket to boozeville here. I have plans to make a good dinner and watch some bad television with the family. Delightful.



                        Good evening Nesters,

                        I'm laughing because I don't think I even remember the way to boozeville any more, ha ha

                        Have a great trip QW, think about us & your plan too!

                        Byrdie, you are having a spectacular week, good for uou!

                        J-vo, kensho, Pav & everyone, we are all doing the right thing for ourseleves. That makes us 'normal' I think!!!

                        AG, glad your appointment went well today.

                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. I'm parked in front of the fireplace, feels pretty good.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Howdy. Back home from moms funeral, back at work, still sick as a dog. Fell off the wagon, it's OK, long story, not going to discuss it and give it glory, just know that I am learning and it is all for me. Everyone sounds great! Figuring out what to order for supper, gonna cuddle up with popcorn, ice cream and NyQuil. See you tomorrow!
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Hi Overit - I'm glad you are here. Pass the popcorn please. So sorry again about your mom. Also this is a lousy time to be sick, knock it off!! (that was a joke) Please rest and get well. If you have the same cold/cough I do, it is taking awhile.

                            Sounds like you are being kind to yourself which is great. Hang in there, we can do this.


                              Hey Dudes! Just a quick check in. Day 25 for me. So far so good. I’ve been away from the boards for a few days and am really behind. I’m gonna start trying to catch up in the morning.

                              Anyway, I did want to report on a small success I experienced this week. My division at work had a cocktail party Wed evening. I really didn’t want to go. But being in management I am “required” to go to stuff like that (it’s frowned upon if you don’t and usually remembered when promotion time comes around….Seriously). Anyway, I went. Almost everyone was drinking. However, this time I enjoyed my diet coke and lots of snacks – wings, sliders, shrimp, etc. To say that I blew through my 1500 calorie/day budget is putting it mildly – but there was no alcohol and I really didn’t miss it. I mean, I was more of a social retard than I usually am with a few drinks – but I still managed to make it through the evening. It’s little things like that that lets me know this is possible.

                              Hope everyone is doing great. Hopefully I’ll get caught up on what everyone is up to tomorrow.

                              Take care,



                                Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                                Hi Overit - I'm glad you are here. Pass the popcorn please. So sorry again about your mom. Also this is a lousy time to be sick, knock it off!! (that was a joke) Please rest and get well. If you have the same cold/cough I do, it is taking awhile.

                                Sounds like you are being kind to yourself which is great. Hang in there, we can do this.
                                Thanks Action! I'm very content.
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


