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    Hugs Over it. I'm glad your here too. Take care of yourself and get better.

    G-man, I love my friend but I totally agree with you. He mostly works in prisons so I guess he sees me as nothing like that... At the same time, I wonder how good of a counselor he is.. But let's face it.. I quit before the gig was totally up... And covered my tracks.. Badly sometimes.. But enough for people who only know me.., but don't REALLY know me. That hidden world I was in. The counselor I went to years and years ago.. Was a good one but failed me, I think, regarding my concern over substance abuse. I'll start with TT's suggestion. I still have your PM also TT, I haven't re-read it.. I was too embarrassed about my mistake. Thanks for the support! RPM is a 'spin' class where you ride a stationary bike in a room with a bunch of people and an instructor to music. It is addictive.. But hopefully better then the junk food. I've done well on the food exercise front for 3 days. I am feeling heaps better. I figure if I'm not drinking I want to feel the benefits of the healthy side of life., My skin is SO much better. I'm feeling so grateful for that! Hope everyone is well.
    AF January 7, 2018


      Off to bed. Another day af. Glad for that.

      See you all tomorrow.
      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


        Originally posted by Quit wining View Post

        The sad part is that my Spanish is limited to ordering alcoholic beverages!

        I'm interested in your plan too Q Dubbya. What is your plan when everyone around you is boozing, e.g. ending up in some late night bar with everyone? Will you leave early etc? I imagine there'd be some cool AF activities available. I'd want to know I could retreat to a quiet room or somewhere to watch a movie, read or something if the going gets rough.

        Wishing you safe travels in every way my friend.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Just really have to get this off my chest n hopes of letting it go and having an art filled day.
          As some of you may recall my sister in law was a catalyst in my sobriety.
          She is coming today to pick up some things and my husband is in Amsterdam, so I hav to deal with her.
          She made the mistak of calling here drunk last night complaining that my husband has gotten a better deal re:family inheritance. My husband flipped, he never yells, asked her if she was drunk or just insane?
          Anyway, it went on for a while and she quickly turned things around inferring he is the one unhappy with things.
          I do NOT want to see her and will not let her in the apartment, we put her crap in the basement. Now, bacause I understand her problem I know I need to be empathic but am feeling anything but this. I feel annoyed, disgusted and horrified with her behavior.

          Ewh... I think I feel better!
          Yes, I needed to get that out. I do feel bad for her, honestly I do.
          Last edited by Eloise; January 9, 2016, 03:57 AM.
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            Hi Nesters!!

            Eloise, that's a tough one, for sure.. does she HAVE to come when your husband is away? If so, I think it's possible to be empathetic while keeping your boundaries.. I would say it's ok to be cordial, help get her stuff out of the basement and send her on her way. I would try to listen to my gut feelings and act accordingly and not worry too much about her at this point. Strength and patience being sent your way!
            It sounds like a lovely place you've moved to.. I could do with a lot more country in my life!

            Crocster, today must be day 7 for you! Well done.. my job is also very taxing physically so after a busy week, I'm taking today to relax! So nice to be able to do it Un-hung!

            Welcome back, Overit! So happy to see you in the Nest again!

            Byrdie!!! Congratulations on your success.. I thought of you this week as I dealt with some challenges at work.. Not as anxiety producing as yours, but difficult as I had to pull myself into a very positive mindset.. I had to let go of my (still) not so great self image and pretend to be the person I want to be.. fake it till you make it!! I'm happy to say it worked for the 3 days necessary and having made it through, I'm a couple steps closer to being "her". Now that I think about it, it was really fun.

            What a laugh, Dutch, with the ice cream forum.. I'm so glad there isn't such a strong ice cream culture here!! When I'm visiting my parents I eat enough peanut butter and chocolate to get me through the next 2 years!! I'm heading over in March for a visit and I can't wait..

            I hope everyone is getting ready for a nice weekend (or already having one!). It's 11 am here and it's so nice to have a clear mind, to feel like I have all the time in the world, to feel physically relaxed, not worried about whether or not I'll have to fight cravings.. because I've finally taken drinking for ANY reason completely off the table. My sober mind is soooooo much stronger than that AV.. and is soooooo capable of learning other ways to deal with the triggers that once upon a time and for years on end kept me a slave. I'm very happy and very grateful to have found MWO and all of you!:hug:
            Last edited by lifechange; January 9, 2016, 05:08 AM.


              Good Saturday morning Nesters,

              Cloudy & damp here but it's relatively mild - such weird weather this winter.

              Overit, glad you're back & I hope we can help keep you on board now. Stay close, OK?

              Eloise, I have many toxic relatives who I just won't deal with anymore. Do what you can to keep her from getting under your skin. You don't owe her anything & she doesn't have the right to disturb your mindpeace!

              LC, great to see you feeling strong & happy

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Im looking forward to being warm and seeing the Mayan ruins near Tulum. We've not been to Mexico before. I'm prepared for being offered alcohol on the 4 1/2 hour flight and will stick with coffee and water. Not concerned there.

                We're not bar types and don't usually go to late night parties at resorts we've been too. There are lots of AF activities available and I'll check them out as soon as we get there.

                I can remember other years at other resorts seeing people waiting for the swim up bar to open at 8am and thinking they had a problem! Yup, they did but so did I.

                With 140 AF days behind me, I don't anticipate giving into the temptation that will be there. The key for me is to be prepared. As we know, the beast is a tricky b**tard.

                Catch up with the Nest as time and wi-fi permits
                Last edited by Quit wining; January 9, 2016, 10:19 AM.
                AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                  Stay strong El.

                  There's a famous saying - where there's a will, there's relatives. And lots, like your sister in law, feel they deserve more, regardless of the fact that the executor of the estate is only following the final wishes of the deceased.

                  Too bad your husband won't be there but you seem strong in your resolve to get your sister in law her things and get her out of there. Good for you. Get this done and hopefully you won't hear from her for a very long time.
                  AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                  F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                    I am so happy to not have a hang over on a Saturday morning!! Feels great.


                      Good morning,

                      Lav, I'll take this weird winter weather anytime. It's beautiful out today and sun shining.

                      Lots of drinking dreams last night, but one that I will not forget is that somone noticed that I'd not been drinking. That means they knew of my drinking prior to this. Lots of people know, but that's ok. It makes it easier for me in a way. I want people to see the new me, the one that is not a lush but a responsible and good person.

                      El, good luck with SIL. Am sending you strength.

                      Overit, glad you're back. Take care of yourself.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Well, it is over.
                        I can't even believe this woman is part of this family?
                        It took me a ,while to calm down, and a nap to be honest. And a cup of sleepytime tea now.
                        She has absolutely no clue how to behave. We just gave her a small boatload of euros and she cant even remember why her brother wasnt home. I heard him tell her several times on the phone last night.
                        It is messy messy now folks.
                        She has got to stop all this drinking. She smelt repulsive. Sorry, but it is terrible and she looks a little yellow?
                        I dont know, but I do not want to repeat this.
                        We have had such a hard time since we arrived here, but none of this registers for her. She didnt even ask 'how are you?'
                        Amazing. Not ' do you like the apartment?' Nada.
                        Sad. But I owe her my sobriety in a way as she scared me straight. I do not want to be like her in 10 years, and I do not want my husband to be married to someone like this either.
                        Thanks for your support here folks!!!
                        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                          Checking in- all is well. I'll catch up later.....

                          AF 08~05~2014

                          There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                            Wow, Eloise,
                            Your SIL sounds like a piece of work. Glad that's over for you!

                            Waking up, Sunday morning here. I just love not having a hangover. And not worrying about how much I drank, what I did or said the night before. It feels so good to be free.

                            Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
                            AF January 7, 2018


                              Hey Nesters!
                              Eloise, Im so sorry about your SIL. She did at least one good thing for you, she inspired you to get and stay sober. Hopefully, that will be the last contact for a while. My older brothers and sister havent spoken for years over money disputes. CRAZY! We are a stubborn bunch.
                              Over-it, Im sorry you are still sick. Please be careful if you are taking AB and NyQuil. It has a fair amount of AL in it. Hope you feel better soon.
                              Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest



                                Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                                Over-it, Im sorry you are still sick. Please be careful if you are taking AB and NyQuil. It has a fair amount of AL in it. Hope you feel better soon.
                                Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                                I thought about that too after the first night, luckily no side effects, will try not to take any tonight. Just can't get this crud out of me, I did get to sleep in today, first day since 12/26, it felt good. I will not let NyQuil affect my sober day count either, not that OCD!
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


