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    This tram/car accident happened in The Hague before we moved. I didnt post about it because it seemed so obsurd, how many bad things can happen to the same person without them being the cause? I am the common denominator after all!
    The passenger of the car that hit my doggy was hysterical by the way. Crying . I felt terrible . I was in shock and couldnt speak at first. Poor woman. It turns out they come from the village next to where we live now. How about that for a coincidence?

    Since we have moved things have calmed down a lot and I do not blame myself.
    There are so many trams in a day and after so many months you are bond to have trouble?
    I don't know.
    Thank god we are okay.
    Last edited by Eloise; January 13, 2016, 03:51 PM.
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      Eloise....what a time you've had. It's only a small consolation, but someone said it to me once: Everybody has a period of BAD TIMES and it's just YOUR turn. It was true....every single person I know has a bad spot or two.
      Mine was in 2007. My nephew was killed in a car accident on 12/21/07. He was coming home from work and there were street racers in the opposite lanes, one ran off the road, overcorrected and flew airborne into my nephew's car, killing him instantly AND the passenger of the other car. On that Christmas Eve, my first cousin's ex lover committed suicide on the hood of his car (outside the window). Then on Jan 18, 2008, my next door neighbor was killed in a motorcycle accident. I can't ever remember when my heart was so heavy. I wish I had been sober then, I think my coping skills have vastly improved. I think yours have, too! You sound so much better! XOXO, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        For those of you in the UK, there was a documentary on tonight on channel 5 called 'I am an alcoholic, My name is....' At last, a programme on mainstream television that may open peoples eyes and be of benefit. It is time the truth came out about alcohol and the destruction it is reigning on society. I can only hope that this is the start.....
        Today is the best I have felt since getting sick over good to feel normal again....whatever that may be?!?! Going to give myself a few days before I get back to swimming but looking forward to it. Life feels good today....I am grateful, hopeful, the load is lighter, the future brighter! Wishing the same for all of you!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Good evening Nesters,

          Glad you're feeling better Daisy

          Byrdie, very often bad things happen in threes.......
          We always noticed that working in the hospital.
          I hope your day has vastly improved!!!

          This non-drinking thing never gets old! The freedom to come & go without plotting & planning is awesome. Having some extra cash in your pocket is nice too
          Stick with your plans everyone & have a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Afternoon nesters

            Daisy I read an article about that documentary, what was it like?

            El, i am sorry about you and you dog and glad everything is ok now but there is nothing like feeling so guilty about it. I suffer terrible anxiety with regards to my dogs if they even look sick. My year last year was shit but for a few years before that everything was good, i am not sure if it is better if all the crap is dumped on us at once or over time. I just hope this year is better than last. You have had a good start with moving so thats a positive. I always think now that at least i am not dead!

            A much nicer day today weather wise. The good thing about Melbourne weather is it can be 40 one day and 20 the next.

            I am nearly up to date at work before it gets busy again for the year. I had a dummy spit with a co-worker yesterday who avoids work like the plague and he spoke to me quite rudely in front of patients. I went to my office manager and boss and told them to deal with this guy and suprise suprise nothing was said. I am not going to let it get to me but sometimes i wish guns were legal in Australia! (kidding).

            Lav, i totally agree, i go day after day after day without plotting or planning, i never ever thought i could feel happy and be content without alcohol but as the oldies have always said, time and more time is what we need. I am so glad i listened finally.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Ava, it was a group of individuals anywhere from a couple of weeks to 25 years AF. They each told their story from how their problems began to where they are now. Lucy Rocca was one of them. For us on MWO, we have heard a lot of similar stories amongst ourselves, but it is good to give the general public a better understanding.......although the message from every one if them, as we also know, is that the only person who really understands us is someone with a drink problem themselves.
              It was very honest and nice to see real people telling it like it is.....I really admired them.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Hi all - Nothing too exciting to report except my discovery of ice cream! Yum. Something to look forward to and as I've said before, I would NEVER eat it while drinking my vino. Tonight I had an ice cream sandwich that is at least a little lower (for ice cream) in calories.

                I've managed to drop 9 pounds (or a little over 4 kilos, see Americans can do that too :happy2: ) since 12/14. That just shows how many empty calories I was consuming before that date! I'm not doing anything special now. And then I would have to have some salty snacks to balance things out at the end of the evening. Yuck. (I'm not at my 30 days as I had a few hiccups the week after Christmas on vacation. But no feck-its and I've been back on track ever since. )

                Daisy - so glad you are feeling better.

                Stay safe, warm and healthy in the nest!! AG


                  You all sound good tonight. I'm here to say I'm good too. Leaving for a long weekend in the mountains tomorrow. Everyone knows I'm not drinking - just immediate family and my mom/step-dad will be coming. No desire to drink.

                  I used to feel like drinking every night was the only way I knew how to live. I couldn't imagine another way - but I wanted it. After some trial and error - some bravery, eventual surrender, and just plain time - I've reworked my life to be without alcohol. And it's about a thousand million times better than it was when I was dependent on a liquid poison. I like myself a lot more. I've found the "me" that was missing - and I'm better at expressing her every day. I am better able to communicate with others - especially in conflict. I feel like a grown up! Cool. About time.

                  Eloise - take it easy.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Hi, All:

                    I am so busy at work - feels like I'm working two jobs. I had a particularly hard and stressful 14 hour day yesterday and was so tense when I came home. That's when I get thoughts of alcohol. Thankfully I've gotten to the point that they're just thoughts and they go quickly. I had a quick bite to eat, read a little and had a fitful sleep, dreaming about loss of control and waking frequently. I know this is a time when I have to take extra care. I don't feel like drinking at all, but I know I'm feeling like others were feeling when before they knew it they had a glass in their hand. My plan is to do what I can do to make it to the weekend and make sure I get plenty of sleep, exercise and down time. I know in the scheme of things my troubles are small, but they're MY troubles.

                    Thanks for being here, gang.



                      Hope you get a good sleep tonight Pavi.

                      Don't forget H.A.L.T. and feeling overwhelmed regularly can be a trigger for me. Our defences can be down when we are tired and/or overworked. Is there a balance that can be negotiated somewhere ruthlessly or otherwise? Take care of yourself my friend.

                      Ava, you can whip up a small but effective slingshot from stuff laying around the house or at work that might help your colleague get his mind back on the job. I fire off a couple of rounds at the bloke with the leafblower next door of a Saturday morning. It does the job, as he looks up to the sky perpetually perplexed with a look of irritation, but ultimately a look of understanding and surrender.

                      Take care out there Nesters. :llama:

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Plotting and planning took up a lot of my time. And I love, love to plan (my favorite thing in teaching) but not that kind. No, that kind made me into a person I am not.

                        Daisy, glad the documentary was a good one. Maybe it'll show on one of the networks here soon. I like Lucy Rocca.

                        Ava, I usually only hear disrespect coming from the kids, and I visualize slamming them against the wall like our teachers used to be able to do to us. Corporal punishment did have its perks...rubber paddles with holes. I never experienced that! But now, we praise them for being respectful with a lollipop and send them on their way. It's frustrating during the moment, but we have to let it go. That guy is a jackass for speaking that way to you, and he's not worth your time in anger or any other emotion.

                        Another bitter one outside. Another sober day. Have a good one.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Kensho, you sound as though you're in a great place. I'm happy for you.

                          Pav, the weekends are precious for getting that needed rest. I hope you get that. You don't want to drive yourself back to hell. Take care.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            I'm An Alcoholic: My Name Is... | I'm An Alcoholic: My Name Is... | Channel 5

                            You may not be able to view from the States if not let me know and I will try and get you a link to a uk IP address



                            Edit: Try THIS link - Copy and paste the URL from the link above into the box and it should work - Let me know if not
                            Last edited by Baclofenman; January 14, 2016, 05:31 AM.
                            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                              Thanks for posting this Brydie.
                              Makes me feel a bit less alone and like a weirdo.
                              And the truth be told I had to stop my art program because I lost my space to work. Pulled out from under me for unclear reasons? Jealously perhaps?
                              Part of it I think.
                              Also partly because I got tired to kissing ass and being grateful (we were paying 1250euros a months AND we had to be grateful, enough already).
                              Anyway, I am trying to RELEASE these feelings of confusion and hurt and live in the moment.
                              Which is why the YOGA is really key to moving on.
                              Not holding onto to bad and hurt feelings as it does not serve me.

                              Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                              Eloise....what a time you've had. It's only a small consolation, but someone said it to me once: Everybody has a period of BAD TIMES and it's just YOUR turn. It was true....every single person I know has a bad spot or two.
                              Mine was in 2007. My nephew was killed in a car accident on 12/21/07. He was coming home from work and there were street racers in the opposite lanes, one ran off the road, overcorrected and flew airborne into my nephew's car, killing him instantly AND the passenger of the other car. On that Christmas Eve, my first cousin's ex lover committed suicide on the hood of his car (outside the window). Then on Jan 18, 2008, my next door neighbor was killed in a motorcycle accident. I can't ever remember when my heart was so heavy. I wish I had been sober then, I think my coping skills have vastly improved. I think yours have, too! You sound so much better! XOXO, Byrdie
                              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                                there is a nice core of forward thinkers here and I am so happy to see you guys moving forward, picking yourselves up from time to time and just getting back on track.
                                jvo I have to say I am a big fan of yours, fellow teacher and know what that life is.
                                you keep at it! it is so worth it and will make your teacher role a lot easier.
                                i could not quit when i worked in a school, the stress, fatigue and lack of focus at the end of the day just took my clarity. so RESPECT coming your way!!
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

