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    Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
    A little fun for the day:

    I recently ran across an article listing stars who don't drink - like Natalie Portman, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Hudson, Tobey Maguire, Colin Farrell, Eva Mendez, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Blake Lively, Ewan McGregor, J-LO, Tyra Banks, Keith Urban (you know - the HOTTIES of hot)... So I just wanted to remind everyone out there that:

    We are not alone if we choose not to drink. Have a fabulous sober day
    Many of those don't drink because of the negative impact alcohol had on their lives. Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell have both been quite public on how alcohol almost destroyed their lives.

    Ewan McGregor ''I got away with it more or less unnoticed. I was a maniac on the booze but I only remember it fondly'

    Colin Farrell "When I knocked the jar on the head seven years ago, it was a BIG life change. You know, you don't just not drink and then act the same way and live the same way. For me, the drink was a huge part of my identity and it was a huge part of who I felt I was as a man. I'd been drinking since I was 14. So when that's gone, your life changes a little bit."

    Bradley Cooper 'I always felt like an outsider. I just lived in my head. I realised I wasn't going to live up to my potential, and that scared the hell out of me. I thought, "Wow, I'm actually gonna ruin my life. I'm really gonna ruin it."'

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


      Hi all,

      LC- I live in the deep south United States. Hence all the country bumpkin slang such as ya'll.

      J- VO - I can only imagine the anxiety of leaving your parents for 2 months. Like LC said lean on Mr. J-VO for support. Good for you in dealing with the emotions in any other way than AL.

      Laid back night here. Staying in and staying sober.
      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


        Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
        A little fun for the day:

        I recently ran across an article listing stars who don't drink - like Natalie Portman, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Hudson, Tobey Maguire, Colin Farrell, Eva Mendez, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Blake Lively, Ewan McGregor, J-LO, Tyra Banks, Keith Urban (you know - the HOTTIES of hot)... So I just wanted to remind everyone out there that:

        We are not alone if we choose not to drink. Have a fabulous sober day
        Indeed Kensho. I see your name on that list. I think it's under the HOTTIES of HOT and Rock star category! Along with every single nester here.

        The weekend aint no ticket to no boozeville see.

        Living sober is badass. Totally badass.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Good afternonn. Yes, the AV has been LOUD these last few days but I'm up to date on my AB so there is not option, and my husband and I have been getting along the last few days....don't want to screw that up!

          Have a great evening everyone!
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Hiya, Sober Hotties. G - your hair sounds amazing. I think you should save for the "Sweaty Rocker."

            Happy Friday! I have a good meal to cook, something to watch on the TV, and 3/4 of my family home to hang out with. Now THAT's a Friday night.

            Sorry you're being bothered, Overit. Any chance you could get out to the gym? Or to pick up some delicious take out and ice cream? Journal? Hope you feel better soon. Good thing thoughts are not actions.

            I like that relapse trigger identification - excellent tip (was just distracted by something and now I don't remember who wrote it! JDG?)

            I have been noticing how much people post booze on Facebook lately. I know, a grown woman such as myself should give FB a rest, but I do love connecting with my friends all over the country and seeing their kids. I just don't need to see their beverages, too. Every time someone posts a joke about needing a glass of wine to escape parenthood I want to scream - NO YOU DON'T! Take a deep breath and engage with them. You can do it.

            Ok, rant over. Off to enjoy the evening. No ticket to boozeville here.


              Just popping in tonight to say 'hi' to everybody. I've been logging in and doing roll call, but laying pretty low for the last month or so. I've got 3 weeks under my belt which I'm not even sure when the last time that happened. It feels good! Still feel kind of not real a lot, but I do feel tons better! More hopeful and in control. Also just want to say THANKS to y'all just for being awesome people trying to better themselves and helping other people in the process. Good evening and weekend to everybody!
              "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
              “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                Good evening Nesters!

                Tried to post this morning but the thread (somehow) wasn't working?? I don't know....

                The snow started at 6 om tonight & we're being told it won't stop until Sunday morning - that's not good, ha ha!!!
                At least I got my errands done, picked up some food & cooked it assuming the power will be going out at some point, ugh.

                Glad to see everyone fighting hard & staying on plan. Don't listen to the AV - it's all BS!!! This I know for sure
                j-vo, imagine a great big virtual nest hug :hug:
                Byrdie, have a safe & wonderful trip!

                Wishing everyone a warm & safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good Morning everyone.

                  I'm awake since 7am, forgot to change the alarm to a Saturday wake up time. Got up and did a few things, made some delicious flat breads. Drove to the Park and ran 5km, now making some brunch.
                  So odd to have so much done by 11am. It's the one thing I notice first when I'm AF, so much more time and so much more productive.
                  Yesterday evening I treated myself to a manicure and have lovely sparkly nails now. They're a bit young looking for me but who cares!

                  Hope everybody is doing okay x

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    Moni, the more sober time I got in, the less other peoples' opinion seems to matter to me. I wonder why that is? What was it about being obsessive about AL that made me care so much about what other people think? I need to think about that because it sure worked out that way. Maybe freedom from AL feels so good that I don't need the constant reinforcement of peers? Maybe I find that life is so precious that trying to please other people has fallen WAY down the priority list. Maybe its a confidence issue? That may have a lot to do with it. Self Confidence....something I have always lacked. In fact, its the one thing I was confident in! Thank you for the thought-provoking question!

                    Idef, I am thrilled to see your post and I will encourage you to LET IT OUT. Congrats on your 3 weeks!!! Tremendous job!!! You are not far from getting your honorary hat! Get your speech ready! I am so happy for you! Keep up the great work! Three WOOTS for for!

                    Travel weather has been awful! I cant wait to meet my nephew, so the weather doesnt matter! I know that getting thru this tedious drive and nasty rain/snow will be long forgotten when I get there to see him. Reminds me of another journey I took!

                    Stick with this, everyone! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Good Saturday morning from up north,

                      Made it home last night. Took a few hours to get home from airport. Scary! We've only got about 8 inches so far, and I think it'll stop soon. Lav, please be safe and take care of Stella. My sister and her family live in Phila. And both my BIL and nephew are clearing snow with their big trucks. On the turnpike, people are stranded, including the Duquesne men's basketball team (a former student of mine in that crowd). Praying for everyone's safety.

                      Moni, that's amazing for you, If I wasn't so lazy on my days off, I'd certainly get a lot done like that too! Your nails look amazing!

                      Be safe in your travels Byrdie.

                      Pav, yes, FB is a joy for me, as I love to see family and friends pictures, laugh hard at the dog videos and pics, inspired by posts, and love seeing the babies. But the wine and alcohol posts are really happening right now with the weather being like it is. The more snow, the more wine is acceptable to drink.

                      If it clears up a bit, going to meet my great nephew. If not, tomorrow. Have a great day all. Stay safe all.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Good morning Nesters!

                        It's snowmageddon here - oh my
                        This is supposed to be the third biggest storm in recorded history. OK, not like we get a choice, huh?
                        The power is still on, the house is warm so I'm not really complaining, not much!!!

                        j-vo, glad you got home OK. The airport in Philly is CLOSED until further notice, same in Baltimore I believe.
                        My son is in DC doing a 48 hour shift - geez!

                        So grateful to be healthy & clear-headed. Makes dealing with all this Mother Nature stuff much easier
                        Have a great AF Saturday wherever you are!


                        PS: I am baking up some seed treat for the Stellas in hopes I get a few eggs in return - BAWK
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hi all . . . well, I blew it last night. Yep. And I know why, hubby was gone. He is gone again tonight but I am NOT going to make the same mistake.

                          Sunny here today which will help. I am thinking back to how good I felt last Saturday with a clear head. Hmm . . .


                            Good Morning/Evening,

                            Wonderful AF Saturday here. House is full of warmth and everyone is busy doing something. Very nice distraction from the same 'ol routine. Laughter and memories in the making. So glad I woke up without a hangover or a bottle hid drinking already. AF life is great. Trying to burn that into my brain so I don't ever go back to the way it was.

                            Lav - good to see you. I was kinda worried about you yesterday, stay warm.

                            G- Living sober is BA, all the way.

                            Overit - keep taking the pill, then there is no option to drink. Wish I could take it.

                            Idef - congrats! Only 1 more week and you will have made it a whole month. Way to go.

                            Moni - Love getting a manicure. It is always good to treat our self.

                            Byrdie - continued safe travels.

                            J-vo - glad you made it safe.

                            Pav - I love FB also. When I see AL on posts, it makes me feel sorry for them. If they only knew how good life is without it.

                            Have a blessed day all,
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:



                              Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                              Hi all . . . well, I blew it last night. Yep. And I know why, hubby was gone. He is gone again tonight but I am NOT going to make the same mistake.

                              Sunny here today which will help. I am thinking back to how good I felt last Saturday with a clear head. Hmm . . .
                              I get it! Get back up on that horse, here, I'll give you a boost! 🐎
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Good unhung Saturday morning! I am waking up with a headache though, must be dehydrated. Got in some reading, heading to the gym and then to work. My head space is good right now.

                                I started a new workout challenge so in 12 weeks I should be rockin a bikini 👙 from under my bag, you'll need to put on your sun glasses and have barf bags at the ready 😄

                                LAV-I gave away 30 eggs last night, my girls love the snow. Stay cozy

                                Gotta run, lots to get done
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


