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    Quick check in.

    Looks like our nester in the Northeast of the USA are getting a blast of winter.

    Lav- There was a time when I loved being on Shift when the snow and ice hit. Not so much anymore. I've spent nearly 14 years at a station that covers to major freeways. I'm sure your son will be awake for 48hrs in that mess. I guess being the weekend it may be a little less hectic...

    Byrd-Safe travels and hope you have a great time. ..
    Moni- You sound great!

    Great to see everyone checking in....
    Idef, Jvo, over, Jdg......

    My thoughts for the day: :thumbsup:

    Stay Hard Freaks!
    AF 08~05~2014

    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


      AG, it's good that you're coming back here first thing. Why did you decide to drink? Were you planning ahead as you knew he'd be gone? Or did it get you by surprise? I'm just thinking that if you're quite clear as to why you made the decision, it could help you out in the future.. You can definitely get through today and set yourself up for a wonderful, Un-hung Sunday! Stay close to the Nest today and let us know how you're doing..especially if that AV shows up again..


        Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
        I get it! Get back up on that horse, here, I'll give you a boost! ��
        I agree. When I fell of the horse before I wish I'd hung around here and started over again quickly.
        Today can be day one again, never too late.

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.




          The one thing I have done differently this time is make a list of all my triggers and warning signs of a relapse, and when I see them, I immediately tell someone who is supportive of my quit. Remember the long standing proven triggers Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired and also some of the warning signs I have learned is being irritable, restless and discontented. Like LC said dust yourself off and get back on the horse. We are all here to give you a boost.
          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


            Sorry it was Over it that commented about getting back on the horse.
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              New Here

              Hi - I have been drinking wine for years. This last year I haven't worked so I can easily start drinking around noon or so. I drink by myself because I'm tired and I want to take a nap. My boyfriend does not drink so they days and nights I am with him I don't either. But I can easily down 2 bottles of wine in an afternoon and a bag of chips or cookies. I am sick of it...I've gained weight...again and quit running. I feel I am being dishonest with my drinking... no one knows except for my dear friend who suggested this site. I am starting over today and I just got back from running 3 miles. Just thought I could use some advice....
              Last edited by Cheers; January 23, 2016, 03:40 PM.


                Originally posted by Cheers View Post
                Hi - I have been drinking wine for years. This last year I haven't worked so I can easily start drinking around noon or so. I drink by myself because I'm tired and I want to take a nap. My boyfriend does not drink so they days and nights I am with him I don't either. But I can easily down 2 bottles of wine in an afternoon and a bag of chips or cookies. I am sick of it...I've gained weight...again and quit running. I am feel I being dishonest with my drinking no one knows except for my dear friend who suggested this site. I am starting over today and I just got back from running 3 miles. Just thought I could use some advice....
                Hey, your story is familiar - the only difference is that I worked so couldn't start until about 7pm each evening but trust me, I made up for it then. I could have an entire bottle of wine gone in an hour and I'd be on the telephone getting one delivered (yip, home delivery service - a recipe for disaster). I'm only 11 days off it but it's already making a difference. The support on this site is wonderful and you've made the right choice by joining.

                Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                  Welcome Cheers! You have come to the right place. You will find the help and support you need from the people here...and wonderful, lasting friendships too. I am newly back too, but there are many who have been here for years and have a wealth of experience to share with you. Its great that you have started running again...three miles is a decent must still be quite fit!
                  Anyway, the secret is to commit to staying sober for one day at a time. stay close to the site and keep posting. I know it is relatively quiet here tonight, but that is only because its Saturday night and many are out/watching movies on TV etc.,
                  Do wander over to the Army will find it under General discussion if you click on the home box at the top of this page.
                  Hang in, drink loads of water to keep hydrated...that is very important, and get as much rest and sleep as possible. God Bless. x:hug:
                  “It always seems impossible until it's done”
                  ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

                  AF 1 July 2015


                    Morning nest

                    Ive been hit with a summer flu and not happy but just going with sleeping and eating cold and flu tabs which i am sure do absolutely nothing. I remembered to when i was drinking and if i got sick then wow i could drink from morning till night as i was sick. If i was having days off i had to make the most of it. Now i just die quietly without adding any extra fuel to the fire.

                    Moni keep up the good work and whatever makes you happy then do it, i have learnt to do my own thing now and as long as i dont hurt anyone in the process then life is good.

                    Lav i hope you are safe, seen the pics of the storm and it looked pretty bad, though i do love looking at snow, not sure about being in it.

                    J glad you are home safe and had a good week with your parents, a new baby in the family, now you can learn to knit!

                    AG, we all make mistakes and learn from them, some take longer than others lol, it took me awhile to learn to just not drink but i did learn that coming on here solved 99% of my urge to drink, even if there was no one around there are plenty of stories to make me realise that drinking was not a choice for me. I am glad i took the advice of the long termers in the beginning, i never thought i would or could be one of them with years up their sleeves but it does happen.

                    Welcome cheers, stick close to here and post and read and listen. Take what advice you need from others and one day at a time. Its hard but so worth the end result.

                    My son, five weeks sober yesterday, woo hoo to him. He is going through the "whats the point to this not drinking" stage although he posted something on fb and since i am so no tech savvy i have to type it.

                    MEMORIES OF ALCOHOL -

                    I drank for happiness and became unhappy
                    I drank for joy and became miserable
                    I drank for sociability and became argumentative
                    I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious
                    I drank for friendship and made enemies
                    I drank for sleep and woke up tired
                    I drank for strength and felt weak
                    I drank for relaxation and got the shakes
                    I drank for courage and became afraid
                    I drank for confidence and became doubtful
                    I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech
                    I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling and being in hell.

                    Take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom



                      Originally posted by Cheers View Post
                      Hi - I have been drinking wine for years. This last year I haven't worked so I can easily start drinking around noon or so. I drink by myself because I'm tired and I want to take a nap. My boyfriend does not drink so they days and nights I am with him I don't either. But I can easily down 2 bottles of wine in an afternoon and a bag of chips or cookies. I am sick of it...I've gained weight...again and quit running. I feel I am being dishonest with my drinking... no one knows except for my dear friend who suggested this site. I am starting over today and I just got back from running 3 miles. Just thought I could use some advice....
                      Hi Cheers, Welcome! I work too but on the weekends would be drinking and hiding it before breakfast. Would love to drink to take a nap too. Stay close, read and read and read some more.

                      AVA, great post by your son.

                      I have a puppy 🐶 on my lap that wont leave me alone, a pig 🐷 squealing and groceries to put away. Have s great night.
                      Last edited by Overit-still; January 24, 2016, 12:13 AM.
                      The easy way to quit drinking?:



                        Hi, Nest:

                        Ava - thanks for sharing. That is great. The truth, too. Hope you feel better soon.

                        Welcome, Cheers. You've come to a great place. I can't tell you how much better I am without the drink and the struggle. Read Ava's son's poem above - true, right?

                        AG - Get back here, quick. And listen to LC and JDG - assess the situation and make changes so that doesn't happen again. I'm glad you're back.

                        Overit - I'll take some of those fresh eggs... Enjoy the gym.

                        We are heading out to dinner and to an art show. Good thing I don't drink so I can drive my family around safely.

                        Stay hard hard but not hard frozen out there, Nesters.



                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Yep, it's still snowing but slowing down a bit, thank goodness
                          I believe we've gotten around 2 feet of snow (24 inches) but the drifting, due to the high winds has been a real problem. I am hearing on local message boards that most of the roads around here have 5-8 ft drifts & can't be plowed yet, ugh. I'm not going anywhere so I am not going to panic.....

                          Overit, what kind of chickens do you have that like cold & snow? Mine are buff Orpingtons, big busy real sissies, ha ha!!

                          Hello & welcome Cheers!
                          Glad you decided to join us. Stay put in the nest & make yourself a good plan. Kicking wine out of my life nearly 7 years ago was the best decision I've ever made. You can do it too

                          AG, glad you came right back. Don't let one day throw you off your plan. Revise your plan to include plenty of AF activities to keep you occupied while you are alone. There's always the Tool box if you need ideas.

                          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Timely post Ava, thanks. Dropped son off at brewery with husband and took daughter to nearby coffee shop. Feeling vulnerable so a brewery is not where I need to be. Didn't Byrdie say that you can only look temptation in the face so many times until you give in? Looking at a nice little piece of local art on the wall; a traveler with a lantern sitting in the fog at night looking at a paper or something... Seems to be searching for way, but content as well. It's of the unknown, traveling searching - but not afraid. Might buy it. A reminder that even if I can't see what's ahead to keep mi light and my wits and keep going.
                            Last edited by KENSHO; January 23, 2016, 09:28 PM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Anyone one use Fitbit? Let's friend each other for encouragement to move!
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Thanks for the encouragement all. I am here, dusted myself off, and back in the game.

                                Overit, I love my fitbit! PM me and we can figure out how to share steps.

                                Younger son is unexpectedly home with me tonight. I had so much fun just enjoying being with him, playing ping pong, hanging out, watching basketball. A nice evening.

