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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nestlings!

    It is 7:20am here and the offical start of Term 2!

    I will get eldest chick off to school and then spend some quality one on one with the youngest fledgling!

    I will be checking in a bit more today, just in case Lav...or anyone for that matter needs an ear or a spare *hug*.Fortunately I will be home most of the day until the school pick up run, when I have to take eldest to Gym class.

    For myself, I did succumb to another drink last night, 4 infact, but then pulled it in line and filled up on water and feel okay today! But I know that is the way of darkness and so shall pull self up by my bootstraps today and be a good Chook!

    Mama- who is Satan? Lol

    Pap- I wish I was as productive in my garden! Stay strong and grip that twig firmly!
    Thanks for the pm Running!
    To all others who come through the Nest.....have a good af day!
    Love and thoughts to our Nest-Mum!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all,
      Mama - Satan - LOL! :H.. i guess anyone who does not pay their staff and gets the electricity cut off deserves to be called satan!
      Nora - do you mean Superman as in the cartoon figure or Superman; Christopher Reeve or Dean Cain??
      Chook - Good to see you here - thank goodness the kids are back at school! I can go shopping in relative peace again.. lol - where abouts in Oz are you again?? if you don't mind me asking - are you in Perth?
      Spam - I agree; lets use those bags of lav-initude to get us through our own journey/s.. I am positive Lav is a super-strong person and she will be fine.. she knows we are here if she needs us,
      Papmom - I love IHOP! I went to the USA a few years ago and adored the pancakes.. we have an aussie version here called.. "pancakes on the rocks" - they don't have many branches, but I have been to a couple in Sydney.. so yummy..
      I've had a pretty good morning; apart from my 2yo son refusing to have a haircut.. the moment we walked into the barber's., he had a huge screaming fit and refused to sit in the chair.. he never minded before but now he's older i guess he is more aware and knows what he wants and doesn't want! I had to leave.. he will have to grow his hair and turn into a baby-hippy! lol
      Take care all,
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Newbies Nest

        Hey Nesters,

        I'm sorry I ruffled so many feathers this morning but I do want to thank all of you for your care & concern, it means a lot to me!
        I'm sad & hurt right now & cranky as at least one of you know (sorry Sunni). I will be OK, I just need to figure out how to proceed. I have never, ever wanted to end my marriage even if it has been dead for a long time. I always had hope things would improve, doesn't look that way any more.

        I will check in with you guys, just don't want to be a depressive influence on anyone right now.
        Take care of all the nestlings
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            You just be whatever you need to be right now, luv
            I'll reprimand you laterz!

            Everyone.. just got back from brushing and stacking wood - I think I would have been better off going to boot camp! Pulled a muscle, me thinks. Damn, I hate getting old!

            Anywho... I'm pooped, pizza is in the oven and I definitely need a relaxing bath tonight.. might check back later... be good, nestlings!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all.

              Chook - YAY! I just waved my two off for the start of the term..... Can you hear that collective sigh from all the WA mums?

              Lav - I know that even in this dark time for you, you will be teaching us and showing us strength as you do ever day in the nest.
              Teaching us that it is possible to deal with terrible things and not pick up a drink. To show us strength by dealing with what is happening to you sober.
              Take care Lav - we are with you in spirit.


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks for checking in.. I truly hope that everything works out for you.. your hubby may have just needed some time away to think? Even if not, you know you can get through this.. we have every faith in you,
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  fennel;839691 wrote: you go!
                  Thanks fennel...I needed just a little bit more...
                  The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well, fledglings... it's getting late in the nest.
                    I had my bath, feeling a bit better, albeit s l e e p y. Mr. Tranq must be out gallivanting again.. better leave the light on for him.

                    Lav, I hope you are getting some much needed rest by now - hopefully a good night's sleep will bring that BP down to where it ought to be. We're all thinking of you and sending you strong and positive vibes.

                    Alright.. night night everyone... chirp at you in the am. Btw.. who's on coffee duty?
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello all.....I will take on coffee duty this time.....French Roast and Diet Coke (for me) along with bagels, English muffins and some fruit. Any other requests?

                      Ok - my weekend....I did pretty well actually. Picked my friend up from the airport on Friday afternoon. So wonderful to see her. We went to the hotel and did a lot of catching up. We have known each other for about 26 years or more. Anyway, she has been watching her weight so when I explained that I have not been drinking much, it was not a big deal. Worked out great. We did get some margaritas for the room but did not overindulge Friday night. Just spent a lot of time talking and laughing. It was fun.
                      We got up and went to breakfast and then on to Downtown Disney. We decided to play it by ear on what we were going to do. We went to Sephora and did some make-up shopping. (We have always done that together so that was fun ) Then we strolled from shop to shop. Then we stopped by a restaurant for lunch. Now this part was NOT my fault . We were going to have margaritas and they were pricey so I asked the waiter how many margaritas were in the pitcher. They were about $10.00 each so if were could get a pitcher for $45.00 we might as well do that. Anyway, he said that there were 5 margaritas in a pitcher. We looked at each other and discussed it. We decided that would be ok. Anyway, we sat there for hours, laughing and talking and catching up. Finally walked back to the hotel. I realized later. DUH!!! The waiter meant - 5 glasses EACH!!! We hadn't realized. We had been so busy talking and just had filled our glasses up to keep them cold. But later, neither one of was feeling well. No wonder. At least, I know I have a lower tolerance. :H
                      Anyway, the next morning, her oldest son and his wife & 2 kids came by the hotel to get Gran. I was walking out to put my suitcase in the car & looked up and there was SUPERMAN!!! I ran up & asked him if he would let me take his picture with a child. He sort of looked at me and said where. I said just a minute and ran off. Yelled for Taylor & Allison. Got their pics and there we go.
                      Wanted to try to add the pics but hubby coming to bed. You will see Superman soon.
                      Goodnight everyone
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ooh here's my twig,with the leafy bit at the end! *snuggle*

                        Lav-good to hear you.
                        NOra-I've always preferred Spiderman myself,but am also partial to Deadpool these days..yum! What a 'crumpet'!

                        Fennel-how are those neighbours treating you! We have these odd neighbours who have very little to do with us on a whole,despite the rest of the neighbourhood being friendly, yet when they go away on holiday they 'assume' I will feed their cat for them! Sadly, I do, cause I feel sorry for the poor thing when it is left alone for so long!!!

                        Sunni-oh for the days when I could have a bath and be left alone! When I try it these days,I end up with two other little bodies in the bath with me, and then its so cramped, I vacate!*sigh*

                        katie & Nemed- I'm north of Perth in regional WA and it was nice to get back into the 'old'weekly routine today..although I will admit that these holidays went quite fast for me.
                        It was nice to see my pre-schooler go happily,rather than with tears now that she has some friendships developing! In the meantime my toddler (almost 3yrs in May)loved having big sister home for two weeks, but really lapped up the one on one time with me today!! We are all happy here right now and I am preparing to roost on my twig!

                        But for all those who follow, for all those coming in late of an evening, I'll switch the old night light on (for Lav)-NOra's got the morning covered!

                        Chook (clucks contentedly)


                          Newbies Nest


                          I still have bath 10 year old STILL gets in with me. I may have to start taking sneaky baths when he's at school.

                          Spam xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,

                            Looks like everyone has had a good day,
                            Nora - how great! seeing Superman.. lol; bet the photo looks pretty cool.. I had my photo taken with "Spiderman" a couple of years ago.. I was at the beach having a birthday party, when a guy dressed in the outfit walked along and I insisted on having my photo taken with him! lol.. he was a bit of a weedier version but the photo came out good! :H
                            I'm back working, back on the wagon after an unsuccessful few days of AL last week.. Back to the start but I still feel I have improved heaps.. Have to keep optimistic!
                            Katie xx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning All
                              Mama is sleepy....sitting in bed sipping coffee with papa.....I think he's a little jealous of all of you and time I spend talking to you.....
                              I keep thinking about Lav.....I know perhaps the marriage was dead....but 37 years and GONE......what an adjustment....I cannot imagine
                              But I know what a strong warrior she is
                              I admit I drank a little last night....nothing serious....but I was just have to break the habit.....
                              On my way for Coffee Sister Nora!!!
                              Love to all from Chilly Florida!!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                cross post katie..
                                you sound great baby girl!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

