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Newbies Nest

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    Good morning Nesters, happy Tuesday to all!

    Now we are getting freezing rain warnings & that's not cool. I am going to try to get out to get a few things done before all that mess arrives, geez.

    Have a safe trip Byrdie! Glad you enjoyed meeting family & they look like they are 'normal', ha ha!!

    j-vo, exercise definitely helps even out our moods

    Dutch, you sound good, stay that way!

    Wishing everyone a great AF day ahead!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning! Just popping in to say JDG, Moni, Croc you are doing great!! Welcome Up and Over!! Where are Cheers and Red?

      Any other folks out there not posting yet who want to join us newbies in figuring this out? You don't have to be perfect to give it a try . . .



        Quick check in, busy day ahead. I have church party here tonight. Check in late tonight.

        Stay strong nesters,
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Originally posted by crocster View Post

          Wow...she's really good!
          Mary Lou

          A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


            Hi Everyone! Finally reading and have a few minutes. I go to the Dr. tomorrow for an ultrasound for abdominal pain. Thanks for the info Crocster. I'm partly wondering if my liver/kidneys are just having "healing pains"? I drank every day for 10 years - maybe its just getting used to working without poison?

            Anyway, welcome UpandOver! Glad to see you here.

            LAV, freezing rain is NOT cool - how do you de-ice a chicken?

            LC - Nutella and good music... sound good.

            AC/LC/JD -What was it about 3am? I don't miss that sweaty hot-sick feeling AT ALL!!!

            Dutch - it's so very good to hear you say you are happy. I've also been thinking (and someone else just said it too) that it's not so bad choosing to be at peace with the hard times and weathering them - because there's a happy, funky James Brown swinging it on the other side.

            Some good-looking funk for the ladies:
            Last edited by KENSHO; January 26, 2016, 10:43 AM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Good morning! No time to sit and chat, gotta run, just checking in.

              Funny yesterday I decided that I wasn't going to stress out this SUPER DUPER BUSY STRESSFUL week of the year and wait until next week to start my new workout program. The thought popped in my head that if I was waiting to start my new diet and exercise plan next week that I could drink until then. HA! As soon as it popped in my head I LAUGHED OUT LOUD! What a ridiculous thought. I said out loud "now where would that get me" back into trouble with my husband? I've already used up my nine lives there. And my personal convictions with my Savior, not going down that road.

              I'm strong! Have a great day!

              Kensho-I missed your big 50th. Congratulation.

              Welcome to any newbies, hang around.
              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                Hey guys.... Just popping in.
                So many important milestones here... NS 3 yrs, Brdie 5 years... Amazing and inspiring and hopeful!
                Yes, gives me lots of hope. Thank you ladies,
                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                  I can't believe I'm alcohol and nicotine free for two weeks now. I know it's only a tiny, tiny drop in the ocean compared to the very hard work some of you here have done and maintained. I think the big difference this time is that I'm doing it for myself. I deserve better and the only person who can make things better is me. It's been a tough two weeks as I'm over worked, have tight deadlines in my studies too and the lack of sleep is catching up with me. In the evenings when I've been tempted I've put on my trainers and gone out for a quick run. But most importantly I've come in here regularly, read your stories and gotten such great support.

                  I am determined to stay on track now and in the great words of George Elliot 'It is never too late to be who you might have been'

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    Way to go Moni! The first two weeks are monumental! They are some of the hardest, so definitely be proud!!!

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Awesome MONI!!

                      My p.m. Check in is a bit early. Have dentist after work and basketball game. Have a great night all. Still al-free, BTW!!:happy2:
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad to report that freezing rain went somewhere else, yay!!! Although I do feel sorry for whoever did get that nasty stuff.

                        Moni, Congrats on your 2 awesome weeks. Two quits going at the same time - you are a brave one

                        No chicken de-icing required today kensho

                        I am watching my grandsons before they go to school tomorrow morning. That means up & out early for me!
                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Originally posted by Eloise View Post
                          Hey guys.... Just popping in.
                          So many important milestones here... NS 3 yrs, Brdie 5 years... Amazing and inspiring and hopeful!
                          Yes, gives me lots of hope. Thank you ladies,
                          You give me hope too Eloise. Thank you!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Hi all Nesters!!

                            SUPER, Moni on 14 days!! You're doing wonderful work..

                            Keep hanging in there, J-vo, my favourite hugger! :hug: I'm thinking I'll be baking a cake this afternoon for a celebration coming up tomorrow!

                            Great going on getting right back on board, Croc.. I hope you have a good day 2..

                            Off to work now.. looking forward to Friday this week.. to relax!


                              Hi, Nest:

                              Thanks for sharing the tunes today. Music makes me happy - another one of those things that can replace the buzz of alcohol for me.

                              Dutch - I am SO glad to see you checking in and doing well. Don't wander off too far, now. Keep us, your sober community, in your back pocket. I know what you mean about that liquor in the cabinet talking to you - my husband drinks still and there is plenty in our house. Every once in a while I hear a faint.. pavati! remember me! You all keep that voice low and slow. I am glad to hear the therapist is working, too.

                              (trigger alert - violence mentioned in this post)
                              I was listening to a Bubble Hour the other day and they talked about a saying from Mike Tyson - "everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." It made me laugh out loud. Life does keep punching us in the face, so while a plan is good, you need a plan for when the plan falls through. And if all else fails, you need a plan for who to call to talk you through that punch in the face. Don't know if that resonates with anyone else, but it did with me.

                              Way to go, Moni!
                              Up, are you still around?

                              Night, all.


                                Liquor cabinets? Never had one because I'd drink whatever we had.

                                Agree, Pav. Have back-up plans and someone to talk to. When I was in AA years ago (not a fan) I'd have to call a sponsor daily, even if I didn't have anything to say. I guess that's a good practice, just like it's a good practice to login here everyday.

                                100 days for me today. Patting myself on the back...It feels good to be sober and I'm grateful for all of you helping me through these still early days. I feel more and more that it's right to be sober, that anything other than this is not right for me.

                                Have a good day all.
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

