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    Kensho: If u can make it to your appt., it should give you peace of mind. I've had the tests many times and depending on the results, I try to be better to my body. Good Luck.


      What a lovely positive thread!
      I think I have embarked on a new phase in my life. I am so grateful to be sober. I would have been a wreck doing all this if I were still drinking.

      Tonight I go to explore a place to make my art. New people, but I can handle it.

      I admit I had a passing drinking thought or two lately. Lots of bars around, bars are not for me because I do not drink.

      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        What a lovely positive thread!
        I think I have embarked on a new phase in my life. I am so grateful to be sober. I would have been a wreck doing all this if I were still drinking.

        Tonight I go to explore a place to make my art. New people, but I can handle it.

        I admit I had a passing drinking thought or two lately. Lots of bars around, bars are not for me because I do not drink.

        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Hi, any hints on how to start that first day?????:newhere:


            Off to the salt mines, have a great day, I don't see any drama but I don't usually stray from the best, Kensho, go get the test, gotta run 🏃🏻
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              OVERIT, good luck in the mines. I got the test.

              PAVATI, isn't if hard to see your kids sad? Mine had similar friend stuff - I just want to fix it! Lots of hugs to them (does yours still allow hugs?) I hope mine never stops - he still holds my hand at school at 10 so I have high hopes!

              UPANDOVER, sounds like you are ready for a change! That's awesome - you will never ever regret your sober time! Coming to the Nest is a great start. My thoughts on Day 1 (and the next few weeks) are that you give yourself a lighter schedule and plan to spend time here. Allow yourself to eat when hungry (it helps cravings!!), sleep when tired (can't drink when sleeping) and generally go easy on yourself. Do you have a plan? A lot of people find it really helpful to have a plan for how to deal with your trigger times - facing the ones that arise, and avoiding them when you can. Have you spent any time reading the "toolbox" thread here? Lots of great info! What are your goals? Fill us in and we can help? Hugs!
              Last edited by KENSHO; January 28, 2016, 11:34 AM.

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Originally posted by upandover View Post
                Hi, any hints on how to start that first day?????:newhere:
                Great advice, Kensho.
                Having done 1000 day 1's....I consider myself a bit of an expert on this one. Whenever I put it off sometime in the future, I found a way to put it off (justify) when that day came. I learned that tomorrow never comes. The very best place to start is TODAY!
                Get all the AL out of your space. Devise a story to tell others as to why you aren't drinking. Get your spouse/S.O. onboard. I resisted these things, and they ended up biting me in the arse. Dive into this site and read all you can about this disease...the Tool Box is 7 years worth of GREAT information. Post your questions to us...we all have vast experience in getting thru that first day.

                We are so glad you are here! I drank like there was no tomorrow for 25 years....if an old coot like me can get sober, I know you can, too!!
                Hugs, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Lav, if I chose an age where I think the best conversations took place with my son, it would be at age 4-5. They say the cutest things are are so darn honest, I just love it and I could watch those videos over and over again and never tire.

                  Kensho, glad you got business taken care of. I have my regular GP appt in a few weeks, which then will lead to mammogram, blood tests, gyne. We've got to take care of ourselves.

                  Up and over, such great advice. Did you check out the toolbox yet? I would write a top 10 list from that. Don't overwhelm yourself, as when I do, all goes down the toilet. Drink a lot of water and they say that lemon in water helps to flush out toxins. Lots of rest and ice cream. Treat yourself as you would your sick child. Watch some good movies.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    upandover, 2 things for me were a different routine during my drinking time and a new drink of choice. I brewed tea for a month or so before I received a tea maker as a birthday present from my folks. Once I had a drink that helped and something to do other than sit around and drink, just sticking around here helped.

                    Thanks for the wishes about work everyone. I definitely got overly upset about it, associating my self worth with how much I make, how trivial. I was even looking up new work. I am still stressing out about it, but am going to try to relax and just stay the path. Working harder nad getting lucky seem to be true, I am just such an introvert, I hate trying to sell people on the value of martial arts.


                      Just saw this news article relating to the recent public holiday here in Australia:-

                      One in seven hospital visits on Australia Day were alcohol-related – survey

                      In almost every major mishap in my life alcohol was involved. I used to enjoy my drinking in earlier times - now, if I was asked to choose whether to have it in society or not I would vote to ban it - ineffective as that has proved in the past.


                        Hi nesters. Haven't been posting as I feel so sick. Had a chest infection Boxing Day that took 2 weeks to clear up. Since then feeling ok but these past few days Uugh! Don't know what's up....last night at one stage I thought I might have to go to hospital, then it settled.
                        I am getting sicker than I should be from what I consider minor illnesses.
                        Haven't had an anxiety pill since quitting alcohol but have felt the need these past 5 days.
                        I am worried there is something more serious and I have done damage.....
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          kensho: thank u thank u for the nice things u said. I have actually not drinked for several months last year and felt really super, it's hard to remember that - except my body keeps reminding me. I have to make sure I take care of all my kids (they all have 4 feet) who would feed them if I checked out. This site is amazing and u all seem so wonderful, thank u.

                          Have an appt with my gastro tomorrow, he's not gong to be happey with me but he does help me to get a jump start. :yay::yay:


                            Up/Over....a gastro, huh? I have Crohn's/Colitis. In fact, that is the excuse I use for not drinking. I tell people that it's like battery acid to my insides. I wouldn't wish Crohn's/Colitis on's a pain in the arse!!! Hope you get a good report!!! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Originally posted by Dutch1988 View Post
                              I hate trying to sell people on the value of martial arts.
                              Marital Arts? - no need for convincing here! - where do sign?

                              Sorry to here about your business woes anyway Dutch. My little business is not panning out as well as I'd hoped. I mow lawns and it doesn't rain here anymore - bloody El Nino - and we have water charges also so no-one waters their lawns anymore. I may need to go back to neurosurgery ;<)


                                Good evening Nesters,

                                I did have a nice day with my super chatty granddaughter. Today she informed me that their house belonged to her mother, she just keeps her toys there, ha ha! Where do they get these ideas?

                                Daisy, please go see the doc!
                                Maybe your immune system needs a little boost after being sick for a few weeks, take care!

                                Upandover, the absolute hardest day is day 1! After that each day becomes just a little easier. I made a solemn vow to myself to never ever touch AL again. That was nearly 7 years ago for me, you can do it too!

                                Stay the course everyone, the results are well worth the effort
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                Last edited by Lavande; January 29, 2016, 08:12 AM.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

