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    Dutch, my son and husband used to take martial arts, and I credit that for boosting my son's self-esteem at such a young age. My husband loved it for the health benefits. He still runs around the house karate chopping everything! Maybe that will be my next adventure. Me and my husband when son goes to college!

    Daisy, I concur with Lav. Get to your doc. This is nothing to mess with. Take care of yourself!!

    Croc, those stats suck, but I'm sure it's the same here. One good thing...we will not be one of those stats.

    Another long day. Finally got my roots colored!! What a relief! Night all.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Thanks Lav and J-vo.....I hope that is all it is....going to ring the doc in the morning.
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        clocking out after only 9 hours today, I'm tired. Gonna spend some time with my loved ones this evening and come back refreshed ready to tackle the world tomorrow. Have a great night.
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Daisy - I'm sorry you are STILL so sick! That sounds miserable. Hang in there and let us know how it goes with the dr. Thinking of you!!


            thanks Byrdie, sorry if this reply is late, I'm still learing how to navigate this site. I have heard that you are a very wise byrd... Look forward to more of your advice. mucho gras u/o:sohappy:


              Just back from the doctor....she reckons I have had a flu and sinusitis......actually relieved as I was imagining all sorts. I have to rest for a week. Also told her I don't want to be on the anxiety pills any more so she has given me propranalol that are only to be taken if and when I feel anxious. This is a definite result of being sober....I know if I kept drinking I would be on constant glad I went today. Hopefully get back to my old self (the sober version!) soon.....
              Happy Friday nesters!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Good morning Nesters, happy Friday to all!

                Daisy, I'm glad you saw your Doc & got things sorted. I know we are still spring chickens & all but it does take longer to get over these respiratory attacks these days. Take good care of yourself :hug:

                j-vo, taking control of our own destiny is a wise thing to do. No, I will not be a contributor to those awful statistics either. We are too smart for that

                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day ahead!
                Get your plans together for the weekend to stay safe & far away from that nasty AL.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good Morning, Fellow Nesters!
                  Daisy, glad you went on to the dr!! Peace of mind is worth a lot in my book! Hope you feel better soon! You hardly got to enjoy your 80 Day Accolades!

                  I am still underwater at work, so will exit with this thought: It's only Friday!!!! Not a ticket to BoozeVille! Do whatever it takes to get thru THIS day! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Nothing remarkable with Dr. - tests were normal. She thinks my liver is healing...

                    Having pretty strong cravings lately. I am back on a heavier schedule with work. I like my work a lot - but it takes a huge amount of focus. Which I struggle with. I have to get hyper focused to be focused - and then I seem to want something to "wind down". I know alcohol is not an option - but I find myself thinking about it and wanting it. I have to play it through. Every - and I mean EVERY - time I've wanted a drink for these reasons in the last 6 months and chosen to imbibe, I've immediately said to myself "Oh, is this all it is? This is not great - I don't like this". I KNOW I will feel that way, yet I still crave something about drinking. I am not eating as well as I was - that seems to really affect my cravings too.

                    Anyway, happy Friday everyone. Glad you are OK DAISY! Keep recovering!!

                    BYRDIE, hope you get some down time this weekend! You sound BUSY!

                    How are you doing today UPANDOVER?

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Morning all,

                      Nothing pressing here today, just being lazy. I will be so glad when it gets warm and I can get outside or when I can finally find a job. So frustrating but not allowing it to drive me to drink, 'cause I don't drink.

                      Kensho - glad all things were good.

                      Daisy45 - glad you went to doc and got peace of mind. Do what the doc says and allow your body to recover from this. Feel better soon.

                      Lots of good posts here today. Happy Friday and remember it only the weekend, just like any other day, so get your plan and backup plan ready.

                      I hope your day is as awesome and you all are,
                      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                        Kensho, I know exactly what you mean when you need something to unwind after that hyper focus. And it was a quick fix that I used, but really, quick wasn't the way it ended up ever. You know as you play it through in your head. The first drink was always meant to unwind me, then the second, third, and subsequent ones were meant to knock me off my ass and into oblivion, because really, that's where I wanted to be. It's scary to think I didn't want to be conscious, needed to be that numb. Can you take a look in the toolbox for some good ways to unwind after that long day? A nice hot bath, some deep breathing exercises, a nap (always my go-to tool), a mindless tv show?

                        JD, hang in there. That's the great thing about having four seasons. This leads into spring, new life, new adventures.

                        Glad you got yourself to the doc's Daisy. Rest, rest, and rest more.

                        Byrdie, I hope you can come up for air a bit. We don't want you drowning!
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Yo Nesters near and not so far,

                          Jvo, it was important to me to find out why I wanted to get numb. This self exploration really helped me to understand my thinking much better. It helped me to understand what my link is with getting numb/booze. The search continues, but I have uncovered some reasons and I acknowledged these reasons and am working with them however I feel I need to. Some things I am accepting about myself, and others I am changing/addressing. This takes away the mystery of why I like to get numb and I am finding the self questioning very useful, helpful and probably life saving.

                          Byrdy, make sure you come up for air and take your tea breaks!

                          The weekend aint no ticket to no cotton pickin boozeville see.

                          Wishing all a safe sober and magical weekend.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Good Morning Nesters,

                            If someone could bottle the feeling of waking rested, clear headed and ready for the day - to be used later on, when the irrational urges hit, we could probably close MWO down :<)

                            It's forecast 93deg here - humid - showers and storm likely - more lawns than I can possibly cut - but my mood is one of "let's get started" - so different to my drinking days. To all here who are feeling a bit underwater at work or home I wish you a sober and productive day.





                              Howdy :checkin: Just checking in. I feel so good today after leaving work at a decent time last night. I have a clear head today. Getting lots done.

                              Kensho-I was going to say something in response to your last post but forgot. I do feel like it would be hard to separate things for me if I worked at home. I would be where I always was drinking. At least having to leave to go to the office gives me boundaries.

                              Everyone, have a great day. I will.
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                G, that's great progress and all a part of healing. Good for you.:hug:
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

