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    KENSHO: that is so nice of u to ask. went to gastro today need ultrasound and need needle drainage on my stomach. looking 4 an up day sometime soon.
    may take my puppy great dane to doggie park tomorrow. should cheer my up he is a handful!!!


      meant to tell u am glad your doc says everything is cool:welldone:


        Hello Nesters,

        It was my birthday yesterday but then I have 2 birthdays now. The second one is the day I quit drinking. Or is it the realisation I "must" quit .

        It was indeed and new chapter in life. Being sober not only give me a new prospective to see and enjoy life but health !

        The days of eating cholesterol lowering medicines gone, medicine for lever gone, no tablets for headache etc.

        Rebirth for me was around 2 years back when I hit my bottom, when I realised ai need to stop. I didn't stop then, I stopped much later but that moment of realisation is what I would call Rebirth.

        For me that moment was 2 years back. I have been sober for almost 1.9 years now and no better way to celebrate by Birthday then logging on to this site and saying hi to all wonderful folks who helped me ...

        Daisy you get well soon
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Good evening Nesters,

          Happy Birthday Rahul
          So glad to hear you are happy, healthy & doing well! Keep up the great work!

          I hope everyone keeps working toward our mutual goals of feeling happy, healthy & free. That's what this journey is all about!!!
          Wishing everyone a safe 7 cozy night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Evening my friends,

            A quiet night here with Netflix, the 4-legged kids and coffee. Ahhhh. Very relaxing to say the least.

            I hope everyone has there plan close by, I know I do.

            Have a safe and sober Friday night. Hugs to all :hug:,
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Oh JDG! Wishing I had just four-legged kids tonight... the other kind are noisy!

              Upandover, sorry about your stomach - sounds rough!

              Rahul... you give me hope! Glad to hear from you! I'm struggling a bit tonight. I've pulled out the ice cream, sparkling water and chocolate!!! Can't wait for bed!
              Last edited by KENSHO; January 29, 2016, 10:28 PM.

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Afternoon nesters

                Hope you feel better soon Daisy. I always thought i was sicker when i got sober than when i drank but i then put it down to the shit i put into my body for all those years had to come out somehow.

                Happy birthday Rahul, its great being sober isnt it. No more day 1's for us!

                Welcome Up&over, stay close to here and you cant go wrong. We are all here for the same reason and soon the days will start zooming by.

                Kensho, thoughts are thoughts its if we act on them that gets us into trouble. Would you give into your children if they were as demanding as al? No, so tell al to feck off and close that door hard. Listen to some music with your headphones on or something. The voice will fade if you distract yourself. Sometimes i wonder how i have gotten so far - sheer luck - no, it was dogged determination and i am so grateful to be winning.

                My son is 6 weeks sober today and is now learning the guitar. It gives me great pride to wish him his weekly achievement day and to tell you guys.

                Had a busy week at work and getting over the summer flu but all on the mend now. I have a plan to sand down my 8 seater dining table, well if i can be bothered that is. No hurry, its not going anywhere!

                Had a lovely lunch with Mr G yesterday that went over my lunch time but was a great catch up. I am not sure who talks more though! I like having sober friends, there are not many non drinkers out there!

                LC where are you? I miss your posts.

                Take care
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Clocking out. No thoughts of drinking in sight but still have a plan in place, just in case. Have a great evening everyone.
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    It's all my fault but will work it out, thanks for the support.:love:


                      Hi Nester Friends,

                      I've been finding that when I have the girls with me (every other week) I can't deal with much more than work (a lot!) and trying to keep sane in a less than ideal living situation (with ex and his son..ughh..). I've made the choice to stay here for financial reasons.. and because the girls and I have long standing plans to visit my family for a month over hasn't made sense to move out YET.. but come mid April I will find a new place!
                      So last night I went to bed at 8 and woke up this morning at 7.. after that I'm feeling quite optimistic..

                      Available! so good to hear about your son's 6 weeks.. and that you got to meet up with G for lunch. How nice for both of you.. Are you living near each other now?

                      Daisy, I sure hope you're beginning to feel better now. :hug: It does take patience to take the time to let the body heal, doesn't it? I'm not very good at that.

                      Kensho! How are you doing today? It's still work for me to change my thought pattern.. Some days are easy and I think, hey, I've got it.. and then from out of nowhere comes a punch (like Pav talked about the other day with Mike Tyson!) and I have to re-group. It is becoming easier though.. I'm looking forward to the day when the AV is almost non existent..

                      JDG, I'm jealous! what a great evening with 4 legged friends and Netflix! Bliss!

                      UpandOver, I'm wondering if something has happened? I couldn't understand your last post.. do let us know.

                      Happy belated birthday, Rahul! I love it when I check in and see you here. It's always inspiring to read of how your life has changed and improved wit sobriety..

                      Today is rainy and our plan is a bit of shopping, including buying a new puzzle.. renting a film then cozying up at home.. watching the finals of the Australian Open as well.

                      Hope you're all looking forward to a relaxing weekend. We have the power within ourselves to use the time to revitalize, strengthen, build upon our resolve for a better life.


                        Good morning Nesters, happy Saturday to all!

                        Sunshine & above freezing temps predicted today so I hope some of this snow melts. You get tired of looking at it after a week, ha ha!!

                        Kensho, I hope you are in a better frame of mind this morning. Chasing away those drinking thoughts as soon as you recognize them is very effective. Maybe it's time to address whatever is causing these thoughts in the first place. I know I accomplished the task myself by radically changing my thinking. I just didn't want to spend the rest of my life in battle with my thoughts

                        Ava, I think it's my turn to have lunch with Mr. G! You are a lucky girl

                        uoandover, wishing you the best with your health concerns. Kicking AL out of our lives is the first step to wellness!!

                        LC, I sure hope your plans to move on work out in the very best possible way for you & your girls :hug:

                        Hello to everyone & wishing for a great AF day for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hi All,

                          Thanks for the wishes.

                          So I have an employee who joined up about 8 years back a junior clerk in accounts. Later on he grew in organization and is now head of sales.

                          Must be in mid 20's. We go back together as we moth did dirty work of developing market and also drinking whenever we had the chance. He seen me drink a bit (mean a lot). I probably also glorified it by taking him to trendy bar and making it look cool.

                          He seen me sober since last 2 years and yesterday he shared he is 30 days sober and I am his role model.

                          I am glad if I can in any ways inspire someone else. But then this inspiration and strength in me flows from all of you and MWO.

                          Take care.
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            lifechange -- no worries, thanks 4 asking. Just need some tests to see what my next steps are. Have a great Sat.


                              Good Saturday Morning,

                              I think we are going to have a bit of a 3 day heat wave here in the southern states, a whopping 70 degrees. :sohappy: WooHoo, I am ready. If it does get that warm, I am going to spend a lot of time outside doing some cleaning up and getting prepared for the colder and stormy weather that is behind this warm front. I sound like a weather girl, sorry.

                              Kensho, it was great but the older I and my children get, I do miss their noisy and messiness.

                              LC we do puzzles to!

                              Upandover praying things get better with your health.

                              Ava that is awesome that you get to have lunch with G man. It would be nice to live close to someone on here.

                              Rahul Happy belated birthday.

                              Lav and Byrdie a pleasure as always, and to anyone else I missed great to see you.

                              Stay strong nesters,
                              Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                                Good morning everyone! A quick fly by to say hello, everyone is sounding chipper. Even though I have a HUGE deadline on Monday, I'm attending a church conference today for visionary planning for 2016. I think it will be a great refreshment although it means I have to work all day Sunday 😝 off to the shower, have a great day!
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


