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    It's Monday morning already. :egad: At least this week will be easier than last with fewer after work appt. Breathe!

    Lav, that's what Freedom is. Being able to make a dinner for family without having to worry that you've been drinking, that they'll know, and just being able to enjoy them even if it is last minute. That's a blessed house. People can count on us anytime of the day. BTW, I saw a chicken stroller on Facebook just now.

    Moni, sorry to hear of your meltdown. I have those, and I don't know if I attribute them to alcohol or just life. Whatever it is, it'll pass, because it's normal to feel these emotions. Don't try to push them away. Here's a hug for ya.:hug:

    AG, you're feeling it all, too. Keep doing what you're doing. Healing is what it is and that's good.

    Have a good Monday.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Good Monday morning & the 1st of February!!!!

      Yay, we are one day closer to Spring now

      Dutch, I honestly do not miss the self-loathing that daily drinking creates, who would? Quitting & staying quit, no matter what life throws at you has got to be the best self-esteem booster ever! A big thing for me was learning to be patient & let life unfold as the universe sees fit. No more trying to control everything because it only leads to frustration. Hang in there, OK?

      AG, glad to see you are using the right tools to help you thru rough days. It really helped me a lot to realize that feelings won't kill us so there is no need to fear them, medicate them or try to drown them in AL. The longer you are AF the clearer your thinking becomes, keep the faith

      Hi there Daisy!
      j-vo, there will be NO chicken strollers here, I promise!!!! People are really going overboard in Facebook treating their chickens like children. I am definitely not that crazy, ha ha!!!!!

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF day ahead!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Lav, you are so right about trying to control things. Especially AL. Addiction goes WAY beyond will power, and thinking that we can control this thing is frustrating. What works? Admitting that there are some things we just can't control! AL is one of them. The best plan for me was to MOVE ON! Let it go! Looking back only glued me to the past and held me back from the future. YES, I was scared, but not as scared as I was of what AL was doing to me. Shake free of this awful thing and you will be so glad you stuck it out. I know in the beginning, I was just looking for excuses to blow it...even tho nothing was really wrong, I just needed my fix! Recognizing that these are just thoughts that don't have to be acted upon helped tremendously. I COULD get thru a craving!!!

        Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          It seems like most of us spent so much time trying to control our alcohol intake and repeatedly failing. It seems to me that the key definition of addiction is being unable to stop once you start. All of those other "Are you an Alcoholic?" questions seem irrelevant to me (I was able to honestly answer No to many of them) if your answer to this one is Yes. An inability to stop something is to have complete lack of control.

          Lack of control is one of the scariest things a person can experience so no wonder we became so desperate and distraught as we felt more and more trapped. The irony of course is that we actually have complete control in this - much more than in many other aspects of our lives which like Lav says, we need to step back and allow to unfold. Even when it doesn't feel that way, taking that first drink is always a choice. Not having to struggle with making that decision each and every day is FREEDOM.


            Good Monday morning all,

            AG bad days come and bad days go, caving in to drink will only make it worse in the long run. Suppressed feelings are hard to deal with but your therapist is a professional who knows how to help. Way to go!! you made it through and now you will be stronger and know what works for the next time. So proud of you!

            Dreary day here, gearing up for the predicted storms tomorrow.

            Have a wonderful AF day,
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              NS, lovely spring flowers on your avatar! We are due to get 14" tonight, but as Lav says, we are one day closer to warmer weather here in the states!

              Dutch, I LOVE that you will get to experience your daughter's birthday sober - I'll bet it is WAY more rewarding and fun than the drinking ones! You mentioned that you sometimes miss that inflated self-confidence you get from a drink or two - but you could turn that around too. Try focusing on the confidence you feel from being AF for this long - it's quite an accomplishment!

              MONI, sorry you cut your finger!! Stitches? Procrastination seems to be a theme with people here. Interesting.

              JVO, how special to focus on people, not booze - isn't that how life is supposed to be? Glad your basketball celebration was enjoyable. Thanks for your thoughts on taking breaks... I don't do that enough!! I used alcohol to just keep plowing through items until they were done (and they were never done). A challenge for me is that "productive time" you talked about. Mine is between 3-7pm (right when I have to get kids and do dinner). But again, what small problems

              I finished crocheting my son a hat this weekend, and he couldn't wait to put it on. He would wear a ball of knotted yarn if I gave it to him - my heart went sploosh on the floor. My husband asked me to make him one in Bronco colors, so it must have been halfway decent!!

              Snow storm coming in tonight, and I am expecting school to be cancelled tomorrow - so I need to be super productive today! I have my list of what tasks I'll do, and how long they should take me. This seems to work pretty well for me because I feel a lot less overwhelmed when I realize that many of the things on my list will only take 5 min. I feel like most of it's attainable if I keep moving!

              Happy Monday and keep plugging through the hard times... you get stronger and appreciate the easy times so much more!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Good morning! I made it through last night like a breeze. I was just tired and bored. LONG day ahead but it's ok. I got my workout in this AM and all of my food is prepped for the day so I'm off to a great start in the month of February.

                Look at everyone who has been sober for all of 2016

                Have a great day everyone!
                The easy way to quit drinking?:



                  Hi Ya'll!!! I have been in and out of here for several years, but I miss it and really miss the sober me. With that being said, I am super happy to start Day 1 with my new friends here on MWO! I have been a week on week off wine taster and I think its time for me to back off and I know I can't do it alone. I have gone through some horrible things these past 3 months that has left me so confused and I don't want to journey myself into a black hole like I was the past few years. I am currently going through a terrible DIVORCE, my choice, but in noway is it easy! I also lost another cousin who was drinking and driving and rolled his truck on Friday, Nov 13th the same day I filed for my divorce. I managed to stay away from AL for a while, but I am feeling myself slip back into the person, I don't want to be and I want to be PRESENT with my children and stop drowning in my sorrows! So here I am, asking for help and hoping I can help anyone else in here! I need an accountability partner and I choose YOU! Thanks for listening!
                  Honeysoup :heart:


                    Hi Honeysoup....I read your post and it was like reading my own story. I have been slipping back into the dark hole over the past 3 months and I have had enough. I am waiting for my husband to give me an ultimatum...Alcohol is affecting everything at the moment. I am a functioning alcoholic. Today marks Day 1 and I am determined to get through it.

                    I will gladly be your accountability partner!!



                      Hi Shell and Honeysoup...welcome! 84 days ago I felt just like you. I promise you that with each AF day there is a reward of some sort, should it just be waking up sober and remembering what you done the night before.
                      At the beginning you just have to trust that it will get better and it is worth it..,,keep doing that until that knowledge becomes yours because you see it for yourselves. It is great to have a quit extra bit of support.....
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Hello & welcome back to Shell & Honeysoup!
                        Glad you are both here, this is a safe place. Make yourselves comfortable & be sure to make yourselves a good working plan. Sobriety doesn't happen by accident, it takes work. Taking back control of your life is the best possible thing you can do for yourself.

                        Kensho, we are getting rain now & the 24+ inches of snow we got 10 days ago is melting, yay! I hope you don't get too much. Keep knitting

                        Daisy, you are doing great - keep going!

                        Hello & good night to everyone. Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Honeysoup-I remember you. Welcome back. I've been a yo-yo myself.

                          Shell-Welcome. You 2 need to put on a pair of handcuffs and settle down in the nest together.

                          Clocking out for the day. Have a great night everyone.
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Welcome back Shell and Honeysoup!! Come on in, there's plenty of room in the nest.

                            Thanks all for the boost. I kept myself very busy today and am feeling a little better. You are so right Lav, it is work. No matter how hard it is for me from 4pm on (and this is getting better, yesterday was just off), I am feeling stronger and proud of myself in the morning for keeping myself healthy.


                              Hi, Everyone'

                              Welcome, Shell and Honeysoup. Stick close with us. Like NS says, choosing NOT to take that drink is about as good as it gets. Actually, choosing not to make that choice every day- because alcohol isn't even an option.

                              Kensho- that's adorable. So cool he's excited to wear your hat.

                              I'm on a phone due to computer issues. I don't know how anyone does this with regularity. What a pain.




                                Hi y'all.

                                When you're feeling down, just remember you are worth it. You are worth fighting for.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

