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    Originally posted by upandover View Post
    How does one find the Toolbox? thx
    Hi Up&over. In case you missed it. Toolbox is a sticky in 'monthly abstinence' section. Some of the best reading here. G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Good evening Nesters,

      Guess what? It's going up to 60 degrees tomorrow. Now they are predicting floods from all the melting snow. I seriously doubt that we will get floods but I will get the life jackets out for my chickens, just in case, ha ha!!
      Enjoy the snow if you are getting a fresh dose some of you!

      Moni, a few swear words never killed anyone - go ahead & just let it out

      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Hanging in there today, getting over the stomach flu. Pretty sure last time I had this was close to when I quit drinking, in comparison I really don't feel that bad. Only yakked a few times and the runs, I feel bad about not going to work today. Does anybody else feel that way? Like they are undeserving of a day off? Even when I was making more money I would feel this way. I am grateful I could get coverage for the day not feeling well, that's something I have going for me.

        upandover I always liked the stages of relapse in the toolbox, I wish I had a direct link. If you find it in there let me know, I always know when I am stressed out because I am somewhere on the 10-11 steps.


          Hi all!
          Upandover - I really hope your tests went well. That is scary. How are you today??

          Moni - You are doing so well!! great job, you sound really good

          Kensho - I hope you enjoyed a snow day with the kiddos!! Too fun as long as there aren't too many in a row : )

          Croc - How is your week going? Staying busy?

          Dutch, I hope you feel better! I hate that stuff.

          We are getting a ton of rain which is unusual for Feb in this part of the nest. Yuck. I managed to work 12 hours straight which is a feat when you work from home. I have a deadline coming up. I had a flicker of a craving tonight but chased it away real quick.

          Have a great Wednesday!!


            Happy Hump Day.

            Dutch - YES. My co-workers sometimes beg me to go home, but I feel so guilty if I don't go to work. Give yourself a break - and believe that no one wanted you in that condition any way.

            I am off to bed. Putting in long days lately - have to remember to take care of myself in times like these. The weekend will be more work, but at least I can exercise and get some sleep. zzzzzz.



              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Pav, yes, I agree. You need to take care of yourself. I was a wreck yesterday as I'd only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the night before. I was no good to anyone. Ended up going to bed very early last night and didn't get up to exercise. Just needed that extra sleep and I feel amazing today. Give yourself breaks in the week if possible.

                Lav, same here. 60 and lots of rain. I love the warm weather, but bitter cold is on its way.

                Hope you feel better today Dutch. I'd like to know where that relapse info is in the toolbox, too Dutch.

                Nothing much going on in this part of the nest today. A few appt after work and I'm grateful to feel good.

                Have a happy hump day.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Nice G, thanks!


                    Mr. G, I've never heard that song before! WOW! Gosh, those words still ring true....we are never really at the end of the road on this thing! Always vigilant.

                    Dutch, I work from home also. I get 4 weeks of vacation but I seldom take it all. Earlier this month I took 4 days and ended up working ALL of one day and some of the other 3. If I have a New Year's resolution, it is to TAKE my vacation. Shut off the work. Life is precious....the work will be there, but my life may not! It's hard to do....

                    Lav, can chickens swim?

                    Hope everyone has an easy day, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Good morning Nesters, happy Hump day

                      No sun, rain off & on but at least it's not snowing, yay!

                      Hope you feel better Dutch, that weird virus has been making the rounds.

                      I always felt guilty at work thinking I should be home taking care of things. Then I felt guilty at home thinking I should be at work. It's the human condition I suppose
                      I think we need to be kinder to ourselves, the world won't collapse if we take a day or two off.

                      Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Flying through to say that how special I think this place is. Thank you to everyone here - it has made such a difference in my life!

                        Have a strong and sober day my Nest friends!

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Morning all,

                          Survived the storms not to bad at all. Just checking in quickly. Have a sober and somber Wednesday.
                          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                            Hi Nesters Everywhere!

                            I've been quite down in the dumps the past few days.. just a bit sad and lethargic, all around bad mood and have had such a difficult time getting my mind in the right place. I've read here, but didn't have anything to say.. and since drinking wasn't an option/issue in any way or at any point, I decided to do as mama bunny says to Thumper in Bambi, "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all!" :happy2: Glad to say it's passing and just in time to celebrate 90 days AF!!

                            And happy to be doing it with Kensho at 60! Great job, girl.. I loved reading your hat story.. my youngest daughter loves knitting and just made some arm warmers for my mom.. do any of you in cold climates wear those? like leg warmers for the arms? They are beautiful and I've warned her that Grandma might never see them! Hey, have you started your new nutrition plan? I've been reading a super book called, GUT (Giulia Enders), which explains the digestive system so well.. it makes it clear how essential a healthy digestive system is for physical and mental health and how underrated and misunderstood it is..

                            Lav, I did have to laugh thinking about those chickens in life jackets! Thanks for the visual.. I'm also interested to know whether or not they can swim..? Good question Byrdie..

                            UpandOver, I hope your tests prove to be ok.. you'll let us know. My body was also crying for help.. and slowly it seems everything (at least physically!) is ok. The human body is pretty amazing..

                            Dutch, I always used to feel guilty missing work when I was sick.. even while working with kids, in gastronomie.. Precisely the places you don't want to see sick people working.. it's taken me many years living in Germany to realize that it's NORMAL and important to take time off to let your body heal.. Here if you're sick, people take care of you. They don't want to see you in the workplace.. And if everyone lives by those rules, there's no problem. I wish it could be more like that in the U.S... I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

                            Moni, Super on bringing in 3 weeks yesterday... Well done!! How's it been going with the procrastination? I'm so glad you brought that up.. it's my middle name and it was good to hear how others deal with getting things done.. or don't. For me it's also definitely a matter of prioritizing! And sometimes I play little tricks on myself.. like putting EVERYTHING down on a list on a day when I don't feel like doing anything (and haven't for days).. so next to filling out a tax form I have making a coffee, brushing my hair, feeding the cats, etc. then I can at least cross of a few things! :welldone:

                            J-vo, I'm also so enjoying being there for anyone who might need me at any time.. it's happened so often the past 3 months with my girls that I shudder to think of what I've missed.. but more than that I'm so thankful that that never has to be the case again! Congrats on the BB game and on your son's acceptance/choice of schools! So nice that he'll be able to stay close by..

                            Cheers.. how are you doing? and Mr. V, big call out!

                            Hi to Pav and Gman and Ava and Daisy and JDG and Actiongirl and Over-it and Lilbit and Matt.and Eloise and Mywayin (loved Try-umph!). and I know there are people I'm missing.. my memory is fading..

                            Oh!! I bought a piano on a whim a couple of weeks ago 'cause someone from the school was moving and had to get rid of it for an unheard of price.. was delivered Monday and the girls love it.. little one doesn't want to do anything else..beautiful..
                            Big hugs to you all..
                            Last edited by lifechange; February 3, 2016, 10:36 AM.


                              Hi first kinda normal day since getting sick. My daughter works with me so luckily she took over when I wan't well.
                              Lifechange quit buddy....congratulations on your big 90!
                              I will see you there in another 4 days......this is my biggest milestone! have never reached the big 90 before.
                              Being so sick this past month I can't wait to feel healthy again and get back to exercising. It has made me appreciative.....
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Congrats lifechange! Thanks for the words about a day off, it's just the last thing I want to do since I am falling behind financially. Finances has always been my trigger, and to be honest I don't think I have a great tool for handling it, even after 11 months. Last time I was this stressed, my wife was hired just in time to a new position and I didn't have to worry about being the only breadwinner. I didn't ever really figure out how not to be stressed about it. I know I am just afraid of not fulfilling my obligations as a husband and father, which I perceive to be providing for my family. I am also dealing with anger from the extra time I put in and only making a grand more than my bro and disappointment about not making more than I was despite my hard work. Of course there is also the frustration of seeing my friends move forward in their careers while I am stuck. I am definitely somewhere on that road to relapse. Exercising today really helped, but I can't go 30 seconds without thinking about another thing I have to do for work, which just creates a viscous cycle for the above. Then there is my wife who keeps telling me it will be fine when I don't think it will be, so she's getting irritated with me. Bleh, if anyone has some good ideas on how to deal with all this let me know.

