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    Inspiring posts to wake up to, Nesters!!

    Congrats on 30 days yesterday, JDG!! Well done!:welldone:

    See you all after work..


      Originally posted by moni View Post
      I remember being in the store one evening and they had no alcohol free wine but had a very low alcohol wine, 4% or something. I thought to myself it couldn't be too bad, after all I hadn't had a drink in a year, I have it all under control and it's only 'low' alcohol. That was the start of my downward spiral again. I stayed on low alcohol until I went to the store one evening and they were out of that too... of course I could handle full alcohol but just drink one... Well, we all know the rest of the story. We've all been there.
      Alcohol That cunning and baffling MF!
      The power of it is amazing, Slowly and methodically crept it's way back in and convinced you the "lesser" alcohol percentage was ok, "WTF you deserved it" It's only 4%?

      Reminds me of a story in the Big Book of AA- a man manages to string together quite a bit of sobriety, out having lunch one day and was drinking a glass of milk, when out of the blue a thought occurred to him of having a drink, he knew is was wrong, then the Alcoholic mind went into overdrive, he then convinced himself that if he put a little whiskey in his milk, the milk would cancel out all the bad shit...He ended up having many more whiskey and milks that day, then off in another bender.
      Like we need it, just more proof of we turn our backs on this and try to go it alone, we are doomed.
      Thanks for sharing that Moni.....
      That's all I have to say bout that........
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Good Wednesday morning Nesters,

        OMG, it's still snowing here. I thought it was supposed to stop overnight
        I'm hearing reports of lots of accidents due to icy roads too. I am definitely not in a rush to go anywhere this morning!

        Keeping my quit going has been relatively easy - all you have to do is say No Thanks!
        I am not sure I have another quit in me, therefore I protect this one

        Wishing everyone a good AF day ahead!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Good Morning, Nesters!
          BRRRRR, it's chilly here with my Southern Exposure!! :congratulatory:

          Great discussions on getting quit and STAYING quit! There is a commercial on tv at the moment of a guy who says of smoking, "I quit many times, and I started back many times, in the end, I got nowhere". That's just the way it is, when you start back in any amount, you are back to square one! This really IS an issue of black and are either still drinking or you are not. Not much 'spin' you can put on it (altho I tried!!)
          Really meaningful posts overnight, these stories help all of us to keep our quits intact! Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Good Wintery Morning,

            Have to say, fresh snow looks beautiful, but that feeling doesn't last kind of like the first drink and what comes after that sucks.

            Having a rough day. Needed a bit more sleep, but I'll get through this day tired but sober. Have a good one all.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Originally posted by Matt M. View Post
              Alcohol That cunning and baffling MF!
              The power of it is amazing, Slowly and methodically crept it's way back in and convinced you the "lesser" alcohol percentage was ok, "WTF you deserved it" It's only 4%?

              Reminds me of a story in the Big Book of AA- a man manages to string together quite a bit of sobriety, out having lunch one day and was drinking a glass of milk, when out of the blue a thought occurred to him of having a drink, he knew is was wrong, then the Alcoholic mind went into overdrive, he then convinced himself that if he put a little whiskey in his milk, the milk would cancel out all the bad shit...He ended up having many more whiskey and milks that day, then off in another bender.
              Like we need it, just more proof of we turn our backs on this and try to go it alone, we are doomed.
              Thanks for sharing that Moni.....
              That's all I have to say bout that........
              I know, reading this back today even it seems so ridiculous. So, they didn't have Alcohol Free wine - why not just buy a juice or cola or something! Amazing how the mind works... and that was after a year! I've really had to re-wire my thinking this time and as Daisy said above, taken the pressure off a little with other things. If I pig out on food right now, so be it.. I'm not going to ring somebody and cry down the phone or declare my undying love for them after eating too many snacks!

              Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                SO I have been cooking. And washing dishes. And cooking. And shopping for food. And then sleeping.

                This Whole 30 diet is off to a great start, but it is taking some time! I have been hesitant to talk about it here because I know it is a little extreme for being newly sober. But it is something that I know I can handle. In fact, it is becoming easier to handle it because my husband is also not drinking, and getting through not drinking has actually prepared me for the sugar cravings!

                I also - mostly for my own record - created a little mini blog about it. (blush - not used to revealing deep thoughts to immediate family) - and I know they might read it. I just posted today about the advantages I have going into the eating plan - and this was part of it:

                "...Second, I quit drinking 2 months ago. This in and of itself is a separate post. But denying myself something I wanted with my every cell - well, it has taught me that I can get through craving things. I understand that strong cravings may be an unhealthy reaction to them, and that if we don't cave, the "wanting" eventually goes away. The rewards I have experienced by eliminating alcohol from my life have been - though sometimes subtle and vastly internal - substantial. I know I can get through hard things, and that they don't last. Ever."

                I am feeling - well - happy. Happy to be focusing on myself and my down time. Crocheting, making jewelry with my son (he wants to sell it on Easy, and call it "Little Bear Jewels" - how could I do anything but encourage that?), exercising, taking the morning off if I want, paying attention to what I want and need and not NUMBING IT ALL THE F'ING TIME. GOD - I feel like I'm living. And I can't describe the sense of peace that gives me. Even through hard and stressful times - I am alive. I have so much darn gratitude for this place and the people in it. We are perpetuating good energy - helping each other and moving toward an authentic life. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
                Last edited by KENSHO; February 10, 2016, 03:48 PM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Morning yall,

                  Lots of good stuff on here this morning. Well I have took the first step of reinstating my RN license, prayers for that to go well. I have been hesitant but at this stage in my life I think it is the right choice. I am getting stronger every day with my quit and practicing again will take some time off my hands and put a little more money in the bank.

                  Kensho cudos to you and the cooking and all. You sound good. Keep it up.

                  Lav - It may take until spring to dig you guys out if this keeps up.

                  Not much goin on here today, it is bitterly cold.

                  Stay strong my friends,
                  Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                    A few thoughts on recent posts...

                    LC, the eating plan is for 30 days. On day 3. Ask me at day 10 how it's going - supposed to be very hard then!

                    Dutch, it's been said several ways, but you KNOW you won't be happier if you start drinking again. I was just watching the Biggest Loser tv show, and one woman said that when she stopped eating, she had to deal with life. I think it goes for a variety of addictions. We use them to cover up stuff. We can only grow and move forward when we deal with it. Drinking is just the easy way out with a bad ending - not a path to happiness. You will get there! Keep going please!

                    JVO - Isn't the extra time wonderful? What a bore to myself and others I was to just drink the hours away! I hope your day gets better!

                    Upandover - Way to go getting to the gym! I remember being really depressed in high school, and I decided to make myself go to the gym. So I went. I didn't actually exercise every time - sometimes I layed on the situp mat and looked at the ceiling, or picked up a weight and set it back down. But I established a routine and eventually began working out more and more, and I think it really helped lift my mood.

                    Byrdie, if your soapbox post hasn't been placed in the toolbox yet, I think it belongs there. Your experience and observations are invaluable.

                    Moni - I remember too how clearly I felt alcohol controlled me. I hated that! That was the worst part for me! Glad we are moving past that and taking back the control!

                    JDG - big congrats on your RN renewal endeavor! You will be even better at your job sober!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; February 10, 2016, 02:16 PM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      What a great post. I haven't smiled too much today, but you just put one on my face. Thank you.

                      Good for you for renewing your RN license. That's wonderful.

                      Moni...nope, we alkies wouldn't think of buying something like Coke or Sprite, unless it was a mixer.

                      Cold, snowy, burrrr. Tomorrow I won't be coming home after work because we have our 8th grade formal tomorrow evening. Oh, the drama that will go on...wish me luck.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Good evening Nesters!

                        Brrr is the word but it did finally stop snowing, yay!

                        j-vo, the eight grade formal, oh my!!
                        Wishing you much strength & the very best of luck, ha ha!

                        Kensho, I'm glad to see you are getting more solid in your quit each & every day. Good for you! I hope your eating plan works out for you as well

                        JDG, I just retired my license last spring. I put in a full career & am done with nursing. It was a heck of a job, wishing you luck.

                        Wishing a safe & cozy night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hi, All:

                          NOW I get to celebrate my 800 days. Those big, round, loopy numbers sound great to me - maybe because I am big, round and loopy myself? It feels good to reach those milestones, and I suspect it always will. Wahoo!

                          Great discussions here. I found this article interesting: Grace Slick, Starship to Sobriety. One of them talks about relapsing, and the old metaphor of the disease doing pushups. A good reminder that we only "heal" from this if we don't drink.

                          I really like the successes we're having around here. I win for one of us is a win for all of us. AND, if you're struggling or deciding whether or not to jump into the conversation - DO! I am so grateful I did 800 days ago, and that these lovely people were here to help.



                            For those of you that are hoping to have a better life...

                            Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 12.28.43.png
                            Go as far as you can see.
                            When you get there, you'll see further.


                              Happy 800 days quit buddy. Not many quit buddies around on MWO still together in their sobriety but i know i could never post on here and say i had relapsed. I could just imagine your sadness as i hope you could imagine mine if you drank. Being accountable in every direction is necessary with this addiction. The more accountability the better and the more secure i feel. A huge hug for today and see you at 1000 days in August i think.

                              I have had a crap week at work although today was much better. 3 days of shit but i knew drinking was not an option although i was driving home the other day and thought a wine would be nice and then i thought "god know a lovely cup of tea and a chat with my daughter sounds much better". So glad there is no overwhelming thoughts to pour that crap down my throat anymore.

                              My mother has her house on the market and she thought she had a buyer this week. I have told her that i will not live in the same house as her. She has these urges where she just stops talking to me and i start to feel guilty for some unknown reason. This non talking can be anything from 3 days to weeks. She has found a house without a granny flat even though i told her how i felt but did not explain fully why. I know that if i have to live in the same house with my mother i will drink, it will only be a matter of time so as much as i know i will hurt her i will be explaining why i will not live with her in the same house. She was one of the people i drank AT. Nothing or anyone will take my life from me again. She wont understand, not many people do. They think after two years that we are cured of alcoholism but for me i never will be and knowing that means i have to protect myself at all costs.

                              The positive is that i am strong enough to stand up to my mother, if i had been drinking i would have given in and been a miserable shell of a person who had another excuse to drink. As Lav says "if people dont understand then tough" and i am going with a long termer on this one.

                              Glad everyone is going strong. Take care x
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Hi Guys,
                                I've just quit at 2 days from both cigs and 10 - 15 375ml heavy beers a day cold turkey. My bloodwork returned back fine for everything which I was surprised as have been a long term drinker (Did 3 months in 2014) but am going through withdrawls. I use mega vit B+ complex x2 a day with main meals, L-Glutamide when I wake up , Whey protein shake b4 breaky and lots of water. I don't touch coffee or sugary foods and eat lots of protein and low GI carbs. Really eating heaps today after 2 days and smelt a smoker today and It was destinct so smell has returned to me after 2 days

                                Doc gave me some valium today which I've used before as I'm doing a home detox. I did start off on the Bacs but missed 1 day so decided to stay off as have valium which I know works. I will try later. I only just started using L Glutamine and want to know if that's helping me first without putting the bacs on top. I have them for later if need be

                                Biggest thing for me in 2014 quit session was fitness. Do a bootcamp or gym class so someone can push you. There's a beep test where you run between 2 x witches hats. I only got up to level 3.7 first go which was pretty suckfull. With only 2 x 1hr trainings per week, over the course of 2 x 6 week bootcamps, I was able to get to level 9, enough to get you in the police force

                                Now I have spent the last few months in my old habits and had 17 cans in one sitting b4 this times quit session and went through hell that morning and just said to myself that this has to stop

                                Next interesting area is Creatine Monohydrate which should help the mind focus . With my bloodwork perfect I do wonder about supplements but think my body has to repair the abuse alcohol and smoking has caused and regardless, will keep pumping these in for the first month which should speed recovery and reduce stress of quitting.

                                Another interesting article on Phenibut similar to Baclofen and exercise Does Phenibut Really Increase Human Growth Hormone? - Corpina . We have an advantage
                                Last edited by Neo; February 11, 2016, 06:55 AM.

