I finally have my house back in order after my granddaughter's 4 day 3 night visit. We had fun

Dutch, keep reading because it sounds like you are catching on to something very useful to you!
We all have to learn to ignore the inner critic & at the same time we have to forgive ourselves for our imperfections. It really takes the pressure off while we heal.
Pav, the entire month of February is a bummer as far as I'm concerned, always has been.
I don't like the direction my thinking takes each year but at least now I recognize it for what it is. Yes, this too will pass. Hang in there!
j-vo, super heavy rain moved in & melted the ice & most of the snow - yay! Glad you had a good snow day

Daisy, perhaps you need more AF time to strengthen your resolve. You can quit smoking but it has to be the right time. It was a hundred times harder for me to quit smoking than it was to quit drinking - I get that. Use any tool you can find to help. Do you take any probiotics? Strengthening your immune system goes a long way in preventing repeated chest infections. I hope everything is OK with your daughter!
Hi there Kensho & Pauly!
Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!