Morning Nesters!!
I've been reading each day, but not writing much 'cause I haven't had much to say. It's sort of the same ol', same ol' here at the moment. A lot of work, which is good..Today I'm heading off for a little weekend vacation with my best girlfriends.. so I won't be checking in until Monday..
Jane, thanks for posting the snapshots. God, I remember feeling like that with my kids..having to leave early or not going at all.. the guilt! and at the same time, like she described, convincing myself that I was a better mother after a glass of wine..?! Scary. Long evenings and weekends with the kids can still be a trigger for me.. I don't know exactly why, except that I feel somehow trapped and I panic.. but I'm learning to just relax! and enjoy the time I have with them.. not worry so much about all the other things I feel pressured to do, just be in the moment.
Big hugs to all you lovely people.. I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend and that some other MIA's pop by to say hello..