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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all.
    You lot do make me laugh... I was saying to Tranq the other day, that I didnt know I could laugh without AL however this morning my belly was aching from laughing so much. My (grumpy) teen is stomping around the house getting ready for school, looking at me weird cause I was giggling.
    Fennel - Didnt you know that Andy Wahol lives with Elvis and MJ?!
    Free- range cats..... my youngest kitty is a ferel cat rescued from a hole on the golf course. I certainly cant imagine him as a cat hat! I wonder if they taste like chicken?
    Meech - I did order the Topa however I havent taken it and wont. The thought of all the side effects put me right off. As I said in my PM, the book, CD's and supps worked for me. But everyone fights this differently, I think it is just a case of trying one thing and seeing if it works. If not alter the plan. Good luck. Am thinking of you.
    Nora - sounds like you had a great weekend with your friend. Alot of my friends from way back gave up on me as I drank too much for their liking. They had a point! And my friends now dont know me anymore as they only knew me with a glass in my hand.
    Katie - you sound optimistic. Keep it up.
    My day off so off to the gym then find something to keep me occupied.
    Love to Lav and all who pop in.


      Newbies Nest

      ChickenNumber3;840297 wrote: Morning the Nest!

      Fennel- one of our neighbours...a.k.a hillbilly types like yours, have about 20 odd cats that roam around loose all the time! They always seem to be having kittens! But I'm not sure about the Tacos..makes me queazy just thinkin' about it!

      Coco- regress to an egg! Me crack me up...OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Well, if we didn't have neighbors like those, there wouldn't be any carnitas for the taco truck!

      As for you and Coco regressing to "oeuf-hood" can't the two of you revert to chicks?


        Newbies Nest

        Okay, nestlings, listen up...I pulled some $ out of the bank today and I'm meeting some dude named Jorge' at midnight behind the Jade Monkey tavern to purchase a used roach coach- er...taco truck. I'll be bringing it around to the nest bright and early for you all to inspect. I'll have plenty of vegetarian breakfast offerings, including diet coke. I will also have NZ marmite and kimchee. I'm still working on all the ingredients. I'm setting out traps tonight. I'll keep you posted, and if you don't see me in the morning, send out a search party!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello all......

          Lav - So glad to hear from you!! As you can tell, we all went a little slap happy here.

          It was great to hear from you all today. I am so tired. It was one of those days at work. From beginning to end. My goodness. Started with a computer virus and ended with an employee calling me in tears. I just love being a manager.

          Anyway - I think I will say goodnight for now. Please stop giving Fennel new ideas for her kittie 'Dos Gatos Business'. :H There will be no stopping her now.

          I left out part of my adventure on Saturday. After our long 'margarita' lunch, we were back at the hotel. We were sitting on our patio and reading. I had been drinking water and diet coke by then. Several hours had passed. Anyway, we heard an accident. A car rear ended another car as it was pulling into the hotel and caused that car to hit a taxi coming out of the hotel. So, of course, I had to go investigate. The car that caused it all just took off. Hit & Run. So, there are all these people over there. And here I come. "Margarita Wonder Woman" ...... is anyone hurt??? Like I could have done anything. What a moron. There was a 10 year old boy that had been in the car and his father was so upset so he was sitting on the curb. So, I sat down by the boy and put my arm around him. Later I thought....poor kid.....he probably me, get this drunk lady off me. So, I not only met Superman this weekend. I was a Superhero!! I was Wonder Woman!! So, I think I better give up the drinking......I am not quite qualified to help these people in need. :H I will leave the job to the more qualified. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1205560=5576-attachment.jpg[/img]
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Dang it - not only did my picture not post. Fennel is already in cahoots with Jorge. I'm still trying to figure out her enema clock. Geez. Can't keep up with this girl.
            I'll be back................................
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              The link works, Nora! He's cute! I was wondering if you'd met the "Clark Kent" version or the "Caped Wonder" version...:H

              Did you see the enema clock pic? I posted in in the turtle drop thread, finally. It's resized and it didn't turn out the greatest, but it's there...


                Newbies Nest

                I found your clock. That's great! No wonder Mrs. Fennel doesn't want to get rid of it. . I do love your ideas though. Much better than your catering truck idea.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  This thread is just too funny this morning :H


                    Newbies Nest

                    tantangra;840295 wrote: Fennel - Free range cats??? I like that. We call them ferral cats here. People shoot them and wear them as hats. Maybe that could be a good side line for you Dos Gatos Business
                    Feral cat hats? Do you have any pics?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Spam;840346 wrote: This thread is just too funny this morning :H
                      I forgot about our Oz nestlings...what sort of taco fillings would you be interested in? Unfortunately, we don't have any wombats in these parts...


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nah, wombats are too tough.

                        Kangaroos are aplenty here but I take it you're not looking for anything legal. I'll go with moggy fillings. I hate it when they poo on my lawn.

                        Or perhaps magpie? They're a pain in the bum during nesting season. They swoop at your head when your walking through their "area".


                          Newbies Nest


                          LOL! - magpies are a pain here in Syd too.. they are huge birds and sooo tame, they come so close I am scared they will start attacking like out of that Alfred Hitchcock movie "the birds" lol :H
                          I hear snake is supposed to be quite nutritious and taste like chicken? Maybe a snake taco with extra chilli... yum! :H
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            Spam;840368 wrote: Nah, wombats are too tough.

                            Kangaroos are aplenty here but I take it you're not looking for anything legal. I'll go with moggy fillings. I hate it when they poo on my lawn.

                            Or perhaps magpie? They're a pain in the bum during nesting season. They swoop at your head when your walking through their "area".
                            Finally, a kindred spirit! You can even drive the truck while I'm heating up the deep fryer, Spam. Which reminds me..."spam" carnitas might make for an interesting taco...spam as in the tinned meat, not the nestling.


                              Newbies Nest

                              KatieB;840372 wrote: Spam,

                              LOL! - magpies are a pain here in Syd too.. they are huge birds and sooo tame, they come so close I am scared they will start attacking like out of that Alfred Hitchcock movie "the birds" lol :H
                              I hear snake is supposed to be quite nutritious and taste like chicken? Maybe a snake taco with extra chilli... yum! :H
                              Katie, you can be in charge of the Magpie "drumsticks"...and the snake filets! Oops...I better get my money in the envelope...gotta go meet Jorge' soon...hope the truck runs well!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Totally enjoyable thread, newbies.

                                An extreme oldbie.

