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    Good morning Nesters, happy Hump day!

    More clouds, rain & wind today but hopefully spring shows up soon

    j-vo, I understand the theory behind these injection sites but I can't imagine being the nurse or doc staffing these places. Both my husband & my son carry Narcan when they are at work to administer as needed. The drug epidemic is everywhere, sad.

    Pav, glad you had a good day!

    Ava, I hope your son doesn't feel compelled to go back to his previous level of drinking. He's done so well & I am sure he has learned a lot.

    Wishing everyone a great AF day ahead!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Last night's outstanding Frontline concerned opiate addiction: Chasing Heroin | FRONTLINE | PBS.


        Morning check in. Hope everyone is doing ok. Feeling better Byrdie?

        Not much to say here. Our diet has been a good distraction from indulgence of all kinds, and I have not thought about AL a lot. Trying to remember that junk food or not, alcohol is the priority. Never want to lose sight of that.

        Happy Wednesday

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
          Our diet has been a good distraction from indulgence of all kinds, and I have not thought about AL a lot.
          Hey, Kensho - do you have any good recipes to share: ?


            Wow, NS, that's scary. Addiction is a very dark place to be.

            My Man-Flu (head cold) had me up all night coughing, even the dog got up and went into another room. Hoping that this is the worst of it and tomorrow will feel better.

            Hope everyone is having a peaceful day. Germ-y hugs, Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Hi everyone. I'm new here but have been lurking for quite a few months.
              I've been drinking too much for a long time and I'm sick of the stuff that goes along with it. I'm looking forward to quitting forever because, even though I've gone as long as 6 months without drinking, I end up convincing myself that I can moderate. Right. Within a few days of trying moderation I'm back to 1-2 bottles of wine a day.
              So, today is day 2. It was nice to wake up this morning without a fuzzy head!
              No Mo Merlot


                I am here again...I left a post "IM SO CONFUSED" I am really confused....I just want to live a happy normal life...this divorce and also losing my cousin in November is killing me...I make it a few days without drinking and then I do it again...I HATE AA, I am not doing that...I wish I was just at my 30 day mark...That feels so much better
                Honeysoup :heart:


                  Just checking in. Realized that if I had stuck with my latest REAL quit, today would have been 1 year. Oh well, onward...............

                  Busy at work, Tis' the season for me.

                  Honeysoup, what's up?

                  Have a great day everyone!
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    I posted this in another thread...but here is "What's Up?"

                    Okay, I know I have struggled with drinking for quite a few years now. I went to rehab back in May and it truly helped me find myself again. Then my husband didn't like my road to recovery because of all the AA meetings and reading the BB and meeting with a sponsor and all that. He and others in my family all told me that they thought I was just struggling with past issues of mine. For instance, my father left when I was 4 or 5 bc he was an abusive alcoholic, my mom got remarried and her husband adopted me and he had a boy and a girl that were much older than me. When I was about 7 the girl would supposed to be babysitting me and so she would take me to parties and give me shots of vodka to sleep so she could be with her friends. Then the boy was about 15-16 years old and started molesting me and I told my step-sister which they told my mom and the step-brother was kicked out of the house, but I never went through therapy. When I became a teenager I started hanging out with a crowd that smoked weed all the time and drank and then I started to become promiscuous. Which led to pregnancy, which led to abortions, which led to depression, which led to suicide at 17. I did finally get some help and I was once again convinced I would be okay. Life went on and then I started working at a bar, which led to drugs, which led to drinking, which led to sleeping with men, and then I got pregnant and had my son. I was was a single mom for a long time and I believe my son saved me from doing much more damage to my life. Then I met my husband, who I adored, I thought I would never love another man and he would never treat me badly, we had a little girl, he adopted my son, I adored his daughter and treated her as my own....but it wasn't easy. He started to become mean to me and the kids, he was smoking pot and other things and wasn't around much. Then he couldn't keep a job, meanwhile, I held down a full time job, obtained my bachelors degree in nutritional science, handled all the finances, all dr and dentist appointments, cooked, cleaned, even filled out his job applications so he could get jobs...and so my nightly routine of drinking bottles of wine continued to get worse which led to the rehab....then it turns out he has narcissistic bi polar disorder, ADHD, amounst other things. I tried marriage classes, marriage seminar, marriage mentors, church and we are now in the middle of a crappy divorce. I don't drink every day maybe 3 times a week now and its down to one bottle of wine per time...unless on occasion I go out with some friends. I just don't like how I feel after I drink, its like the old memories come back, like I am being bad for drinking. I am a single mom now...I had to get an order of protection against my husband bc things were spiraling out of control and he would not leave me alone...we were fighting all the time...even when he quit doing drugs and I quit drinking the yelling wouldn't stop and I couldn't take it anymore and it started to get violent.

                    I know my history and I hope I didn't offend anyone by spilling my guts about what I have done...but I wish I could just come to some kind of happy medium, where drinking is okay, but not feel bad about it. I know its not helping my situation any but it does help take some of the pressure off at the time...anyway...thanks for listening.
                    Honeysoup :heart:


                      Hi Fellow Nesters,

                      Its been awhile since I've posted but only because I've been so busy doing things I would never have had the inclination to do (like volunteering, hosting visitors, and now visiting mom) nor the desire if I had been drinking. I have been reading though every day, if even on my phone.

                      A big welcome to No Mo and welcome back to Honeysoup. No Mo, keep building on that momentum you've started. Imagine no fuzzy head everyday! It is freedom. And not only that, but the benefits keep piling on. I was a Chardoney Girl (Merlot would do in a pinch though) for many, many years. It nearly ruined my marriage - thankfully that's a work in progress (progress being the operative word) after 2 years sober.

                      Honey, I'm glad you've come back and I am so very sorry for the trials you've endured. No one should have to have that kind of a childhood. But I know you must be a strong woman because you made it through and found your way back here. I thought drinking helped me handle all the crap in my life but boy was I wrong. It just made it all even more crappy! I tried AA in the beginning but I was completely closed the the idea of nearly every step. Thank God, and I do, for MWO. Every single post helps in some way -- a quick check in provides accountability. Everyone's success (for a day AF) is encouragement. Those who relapse and share remind us how devious the beast is. It all helps. Please stay close, read, keep posting and you'll be at 30 days before you know it.

                      Gotta run now - I hope you start feeling better soon Byrdie. Thinking about you Ava - and I agree - you son has had a taste of the free life. Hoping he'll hop back on soon. Kensho - I'd like to see some recipes too!

                      Sending hugs to all Nesters and lurkers too.

                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Good to see you Mary Lou
                        Life doesn't automatically become perfect when we quit but it sure is easier to handle

                        Hello & welcome No No!
                        Glad you decided to join us. If you've been lurking then you know about the importance of making a good working plan for yourself & of course our fabulous Tool box. Please stick around & let us know how you are doing.

                        Honey,I am sorry you have had so much difficulty. It sounds as if you truly know the best thing for you is to commit yourself to doing 30 days AF & see how that feels. I hope you can focus on doing what is best for you. Stick around so we can help.

                        Byrdie, shame on you for scaring Rubi with your nighttime coughing, ha ha! I do hope you feel better very soon.

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                        I see Zach put up a message that the site will be down for a few hours for maintenance tonight, don't anyone panic

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Marylou, that's great you're doing those things. Where do you volunteer?

                          Ava, what a great thing your son is doing. Let us know how the show goes. And the good things about your younger son is he has felt the effects of sober life.

                          Hi No Mo. Glad you're here.

                          Honeysoup, glad you're back. One thing at a time, one step at a time, one day, hour, minute at a time. Come here and post everyday. All you have to do is get through this day. I sound like a copy-cat. I am! I hated AA also. It wasn't for me, and I really think that coming here allows us to post our thoughts more, help others more, and be more accountable. With FaceTime and other technology, this is just as good as if not better than AA. But some people do both AA and online. Everyone's program is different. We do what we need to do and what suits us.

                          Have a good night.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Checking in...I don't know if this is just a strong cold or if I'm getting so old they affect me more, but yustaday was TOUGH...first I was afraid I was gonna die, and then I was afraid I wasn't! Feeling better today, thankfully!!

                            Welcome, No Mo!!! So glad you are here! This is a process so you are underway to a better lifestyle!! Climb right up! I'd offer you a seat next to me, but I'm highly contagious at the moment. Pass the tissues.....

                            HoneySoup, glad you are back. Tell us about your PLAN. We can help!

                            Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Sorry you are still sick Brydie, sounds like it is a bad one.
                              I hope you are able to stay home and rest?
                              All is well here, we are having a nice visit. I am very glad I came, my being a new non-drinker is really a non-problem.
                              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                                Morning. Just a quick fly by..............
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


