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    Originally posted by Lavande View Post

    Moni, I quit smoking less than 2 months after I quit drinking. I developed a serious fascination with sugar & immediately put on 13 pounds
    Yeah, 13 pounds is roughly what I've put on and really didn't have room to put it on. I know it shouldn't be my focus now.

    Woke up today feeling quite lousy but went into work anyway. As the day went on I got worse and worse and now feeling so ill. I think it's a chest infection and bad cold.
    I opened the cupboard a while ago, couldn't remember why I opened it so stood crying like a 2 year old in frustration. I think it might be best take to bed for the evening altogether.

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


      Moni, sorry to hear you are sick, too. Please feel beyter soon. Warm hugs, B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Morning nesters

        Moni dont stress about the weight gain yet, everything will fall into place eventually. i have gained 5kgs since stopping drinking and i am happy anyways. i needed it as grapes were my main dietary source. I know i am healthier and happier and that is very important to me. I do enjoy the gym now and i suppose at 50+ my body is changing in shape.

        Work has quietened down so that is good. A co-worker is off for 5 weeks so i am a happy soul now. Going on a date tonight and i wished before i could have a drink to quieten my nerves but looks like he will have to put up with a blithering idiot until i calm down lol. He has been told already Inc do not drink, i say it by rote now as its important.

        J, isnt it nice to sleep in and its not a hangover!

        "You have to constantly work at maintaining the correct frame of mind or life will intervene and you will find yourself back where you started very quickly."

        This is why i start my day opening MWO and closing it at night. I know i have to maintain my thinking as a sober person each and every day. I would hate to imagine the thoughts that would drift in if i did not do that. Even after two years i have thoughts of "maybe one day i could be normal and have a drink like normal people" but i so definitely know that i am never going to play Russian roulette with that drink. Drinking hardly enters my mind now, the memories fade to a certain degree and new memories pop up, the drinking dreams get less, there are no voices telling me to drink and the door is closed but i know that door could open at any time and that scares the shit out of me although it does not rule my life.

        Take care x
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Evening all,

          Quick check in. I am in the process of moving to the great state of Texas. It is the best for my sobriety. Will check back in when settled.

          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


            Hiya, Nest:

            Quick check in on our way out this Friday night.

            Welcome, NoMo (I like that abbreviation!) Settle in, use us for support, whatever you need.

            Hi, Honeysoup. I concur - you've been through some crap. What I have learned about drinking is that it isn't actually about how much you drink, but how it makes you feel - not just physically, but emotionally and psychically as well. If wine isn't making you your best, maybe try something else for a release? Check the toolbox for some idea, but here we have ice skaters, cake bakers, chicken raisers, black belters, horse riders, swimmers, hikers, knitters, grandmothers, chefs, musicians and everything in between. Maybe find something that gives you a release AND makes you feel good about yourself.

            Ava, how was that date? Matt, good to see you stop by, and how is that new job? Byrdie, get well soon.



              Good evening Nesters,

              Well, we had a great day, birthday girl was happy.
              Ag, my granddaughter is more into My Little Pony' than princess stuff, go figure, ha ha!

              Ava, I hope your date went well. I just read your post & thought 'I would rather drop dead than go on a date at this point in my lfe', LOL

              Glad you are improving Byrdie.
              Moni, a blanket & a big steaming cup of tea sounds like what uou need right now. Feel better soon.

              Glad everyone is doing OK & feeling grateful. Keep up the good work!
              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Wakey wakey Nesters! Happy Saturday to all
                Sunny & chilly here in my portion of the nest.

                Have a great AF day everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Morning, Lav and all. 'Had another drinking dream last night. They're never about actually having a drink. Almost always, in the dream, I'm realizing that I've already relapsed (like it happened the day before) and am so mad at myself. I guess it's just the new neural pathways in my head being solidly forged. I hope that's what it is. Even after a brutal workweek with a 15-hour day, yesterday, the very last thing I want to do is come in contact with any AL.

                  Byrdie, glad you're feeling better. The worst is when you run out of tissues and seek other things on which to blot your nose. I considered the cat, once, but never went through with it.

                  Happy Saturday. Off to skate and then back to work. Tomorrow, I have a blissful Day Off. Will binge watch TV and loll about. Cheetos may be involved. Just sayin.
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Morning! Well, afternoon!

                    JDG - How are you?? Sounds like you are doing what you need to do??? I hope you are well . . . your last post made me curious.

                    Off to exercise and then some basketball. Happy Saturday to all.


                      Headed up skiing this morning... The kids' first time. This diet is killing me - LIL I had EATING dreams! It must all be connected. I'm definitely tired of being on the kitchen.

                      ACTION, how were the carnitas?

                      I've been craving alcohol quite a bit. Excited to move into a more normal diet and have indulgences, AKA Hagan Daaz java chip. Yum.

                      Have a good day everyone!

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Hi all

                        ActionGirl - yes I am doing ok, just realized that it would be more beneficial if I traveled with my husband. He is currently in Texas, so that is where I am going. Currently in Houston waiting for a connecting flight, will provide more details later.

                        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                          Morning nesters

                          A really nice date actually and he is a non drinker so that was good. Will wait and see what happens. No breath holding from me. I feel like you Lav sometimes but grown up company other than the kids and people from work is nice.

                          A nothing day for me today, i am so not used to late nights anymore. Going to watch The Blacklist, Mom, Nurse Jacky and anything else so there goes my day.

                          Happy moving JD, i keep thinking i would like to move closer to work but the thought of packing feels like a nightmare to me and i am settled now. I hope it all works out for you.

                          Where are you LC?

                          Take care x
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Happy Sunday,

                            Is anyone else having trouble with the site today?

                            Available - sounds like you had a nice time. Sometimes adult conversation is good.

                            We made a family decision for me to travel with my spouse for a while. Both of my children are grown and can take care of themselves. Most of my time at home was idle and alone and led to way too many temptations to drink. I know it is a choice to drink or not but it does make it easier when you are busy or learning about your new surroundings/people. I had become too complacent and comfortable. I knew the kids routines and when my best opportunity to get away with drinking was. So, since I was able to travel, we felt like a change of scenery was my best option. I don't have another quit in me and they are supporting me 100 % in this endeavor. I am very thankful for this opportunity because I know it is not an option for most, so I am taking full advantage it. I also know this is a temporary fix so I have a lot of things to figure out in the meantime. Forgive the rambling but as my support family I wanted you guys to know.

                            Hope everyone has a very blessed day,
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                              Yes JDG, I wasn't able to get on until now. I thought somebody had broke the internet

                              Best of luck with the travels!

                              Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                                Easy like a Sunday morning.

                                I am working a bit this morning and then sports, cookies and dinner with the family. So glad I can enjoy it all with a clear head.


