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    Originally posted by MalODrama
    No Im not
    you are sick (sic ) you are the new poster baby for all of a sudden he eh ..let me say ..Abstinence...I reckon you are a troll And since you just joined yesterday i reckon you are "spiritwolf" or the other one "spiritfree"
    post in meds
    spirit you may run but ya cant hide

    I have been here since 2015 dickhead . i am not a troll or new by any means
    Dear MalODrama -your name is quite fitting. This will be my only comment to you and I will not respond to any feedback.

    You may not seek the help you need now, but one day you will, one way or another. You bring my avatar name up in attempt to justify and rationalize your own behaviors. However, I will suggest to you that I am not nothing like you nor anyone else on this forum that you accuse of being a troll. I am not a harm seeking troll and I have been on this forum for three years. People get upset at the way that I say things and typically do not get upset at what I do say. I have never attacked anyone on the forum with negative words or personal belittling comments -and never will.

    MalO -you will be amazed beyond anything that you can imagine at how great your life can/will be once you stop drinking. I am just guessing, but I bet you a great person to be around when you are sober? I would also bet that you even like yourself when you are sober?

    Try sobriety for 30 days, stop posting negative comments, ask for some help, and at the end of thirty days, if you find that you still hate this sobriety stuff, get right back to bottle. You will quickly be given a full refund of the misery that you are now in.

    Fellow members, please be patient with MalOdrama and offer him/her support if they ask. However, as difficult and challenging as it may be, ignore replying to the negative harmful posts. There is a big difference in harmful posts vs difference of opinion posts -as you already know.


      HI Nesters,

      Came after a while here ....
      It's almost midnight here...
      Looking for to early morning cycling tomorow. ..
      Been sober now for 2 years ...
      Complete abstaining is the key for me...
      I didn't talk to others or my family about my drinking.
      Only MWO and my desire to seek help ...
      Help was here ...
      Tiny messages of encouragement. ..
      Guidance and plenty of reading material ...
      On this site and on the Internet. ..
      Life just so good and I don't feel like drinking at all ..
      But that's not how life was 2 years back ...
      I was chasing the high ..
      More I used to chase more it went farther away ...
      I had issues before I started drinking. ..
      with drinking I thought I found a solution ...
      Now off AL I face those issues head on ...

      Some people come to this site ...
      Like melodrama ...
      you abuse others ...
      remember when you point one finger at other
      3 are turned and pointed towards you ..
      Those whom you abuse. ..
      Lal, Brydlady, No sugar ... and more
      Have helped ...
      I don't care to about others ...
      But they have helped me ...
      any insult to them ..
      Is insult to me ...

      But then you are one of us ...
      A fellow alcoholic ...
      A troubled soul ..
      Like us ..
      And in here all is forgiven ...
      Seek help ...
      .. or offer help ..
      Offer solutions ...
      Not problems ...

      No one is perfect. ..
      Not certainly AL
      Nor is sobriety
      But it surely is worth chasing ...
      A way of life. ..
      I am blessed ... truly am
      I am not religious. .
      I am just a man who was like you ..
      still am like you. .
      still will always be ...
      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
      Rebooting ... done ...
      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


        Last edited by Eloise; March 2, 2016, 03:40 PM.
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Just checking in. Day 50. Very pleased with that. So glad I started this journey, it's been one day at a time but they add up. I'm certainly in a much better place than I was 50 days ago.

          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


            Hey formerly Alky,I've wondered about you all this time,glad you're doing good,you may have had a bit of a 'tude back in the day but you still helped me in some of my threads,glad you're back
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
              Hey formerly Alky,I've wondered about you all this time,glad you're doing good,you may have had a bit of a 'tude back in the day but you still helped me in some of my threads,glad you're back
              Hey Pauly, nice to hear from you. All the 'tude has been beaten out of me. Let's see, my marriage came to a catastrophic end (not that it ending was bad in and of itself - it was never a good marriage), I ruined my wonderful post-marriage relationship which I truly regret (we're back together, but it's not the same and I am on an extended "probation"), I was nearly homeless, I ruined myself professionally, and for the kicker, I got a diagnosis of liver disease. The latter though had a silver lining. I've been in jail, I've been in institutions and once it sank in that the possibility of death was very real, I really had no choice in the matter anymore (although that's not even enough for some people - one of my regular cycling/kayaking partner's second husband died of cirrhosis). Not that anyone has any business lecturing others, but I now know I really don't.
              First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                Moni, congrats on those 50 big days! That is a big reason to be PROUD right there! We are so happy for you!!! :dancin;

                aihfl, wow, I would have never known you were the same man!! Welcome to the nest! I am thrilled to hear the 180 degree turn sans AL!! I tell you, AL made fools of all of us and I plan to keep that in the past tense!!

                Rahul, beautiful words, as always. Thank you for being YOU! B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Good day friends!

                  I'm sure melo"douche"drama is sleeping off the hangover.

                  Anyway, for me the beauty of this site is the collaborative effort and pool of experiences that has been such a blessing for me...Even if I don't exactly agree with w everything all the time, SOMEBODY will...
                  I read many addiction, sobriety, spiritual books on this thing we have and I get little things from each...

                  Brings to mind, some of the recent struggles I've seen lately.
                  My opinion, so take it or leave it. Many of us had been unable or unwilling to admit they were Alcoholics, had drinking problems, "we're addiction relapse specialist" (only because they've mastered the art. Again call it whatever you'd like).
                  No person likes to think they are mentally and bodily different from their fellows. Therefore it is not surprising that our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink like other people. The idea that somehow, someday he or she will control and enjoy their drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker The persistence of this illusion is astonishing! Many pursue it to insanity or death
                  I Love that!

                  I've studied many things medical and understand the meaning of a "progressive" illness, is why I never had a problem calling this a disease. Every time I relapsed, eventually I got worse, never better. To be able to not drink for 10 months then go out and pick up exactly right were in left off, no tolerance problems, like I never quit. That is not normal. I had the ability to make alcohol and "upper" or a "downer" again, not normal.
                  I had to drill in to my brain, change my thinking but I know if I am to stop drinking , there can be no reservation,or lurking notion that someday I/we will be immune to Alcohol.
                  The baffling feature of this thing we have, I call Alcoholism, is the tremendous urge to stop forever, that I found impossible, with the utter inability to leave it alone no matter how great the necessity or wish.
                  I hated my life with alcohol,and in the same thought or breathe, I couldn't imagine my life without it.....

                  The good news is, One of may Revelations of Sobriety and not drinking is that your really not missing anything!

                  Just some thoughts on what I've been thinking of and reading about lately!

                  Stay Hard Freaks!
                  AF 08~05~2014

                  There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                    I agree Matt.
                    I don't think anybody here needs to defend themselves. I certainly don't feel I need to defend making my life a better one for me. Those other posts upset me actually. Reading between the lines of them bring back some feelings and memories. Being defensive when anybody would suggest my drinking might be a problem, all that anger and bitterness and the reason of course was because I knew it was true.

                    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Moni, a big CONGRATS to you on 50 AF days :welldone:

                      Matt, I don't feel the need to defend myself to anyone & I do not preach. I willingly share my experiences here with anyone who might be interested in knowing what worked for ME! If someone wants to do things their own way that is perfectly fine. We all come here in search of help, one way or the other.

                      I read RJ's book 7 years ago!
                      I started out on the recommended 30 days of abstinence with the full intention of 'learning to moderate' afterwards. As I approached my 30 days I just knew, deep down that the best choice for me was to remain abstinent. What do they say? Once a pickle always a pickle? There was no turning back into a cucumber for me, I had to be honest. I made that decision 7 years ago, it was the right one for me. Everyone needs to be honest with themselves & make their own decision. I have never regretted my decision, not for a moment.
                      Some people may not be aware but RJ posted off & on for a while. She eventually decided to go AF herself, her own best decision for herself. Anyone who thinks they can moderate successfully should do so. They should post their successes & their failures on the moderation threads. The nest has evolved into a safe haven for newbies, just starting out & needing a hand. A few of us have chosen to remain here over the years to offer a hand when needed. The occasional post written by an active drinker may be offensive but not enough to disturb the peace here.

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        MWO, Works for me, it's MY way out.

                        I usually stay out of this sort of thing, but, the name says it all.

                        Mal- word-forming element meaning "bad, badly, ill, poorly, wrong, wrongly," from French mal (adv.), from Old French mal (adj., adv.) "evil, ill, wrong, wrongly" (9c.), from Latin male (adv.) "badly," or malus (adj.) "bad, evil" (fem. mala, neuter malum), of unknown origin, perhaps related to Avestan mairiia "treacherous."
                        A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events.

                        Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.

                        People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting.


                          Loved your post Matt! Saved it for my personal file. So many good points.

                          Up working late tonight. Almost 1am. Used to be a ticket to getting sloshed, but I am clear and got my work done well. Just tired!

                          Have a great morning wherever you are!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Happy Thursday to all
                            I am grateful to be spending the day with my granddaughter who recently turned 5!
                            We're getting ready for a few inches of snow tonight, hopefully the last for this winter. Spring is just around the corner, yay!

                            Have a great AF day everyone!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Morning back to normal nest,

                              The posts yesterday reminded me of why alcohol isn't for me. I know everyone reacts differently when drunk whether it be obnoxious, sad, or isolation, but the truth is, those of us that are here got to the point that none of it was good, and for a very long time, it wasn't good.

                              Great posts Rahul and Matt. Thank you.

                              Moni, congrats on your 50 and glad to hear you're feeling so much better.

                              JDG, so good that your situation will help you with your sobriety. Sometimes big changes are what we need, a new environment to start a new life. Glad you can do that.

                              To the long-termers here in the nest, thank you so much for your unwavering, daily support. It's a selfless thing to do, and I appreciate you.

                              Have a good day.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Morning everyone,

                                Just a quick check in. All is well here.
                                Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:

