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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Snake fillets.. check
    Magpie drumsticks.. check..
    Shall I make my homemade chutney with 'roach, funnel web spidey and mayo? not for the faint-hearted... :H
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Fennel - Be careful!!!! I saw Jorge on my way home today. Scary guy. He jumped out of his car right next to me & ran up to the car in front of him and started banging on the driver side window. DO NOT MESS WITH JORGE!!!!!
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        I find it best if you just smash the cockies with a newspaper and then just spread their innards on the meat of your choice.


          Newbies Nest

          If I drive the truck, can I wear a flannel shirt, a bandana and not wash for a week? And I want to be allowed to wipe my nose on my hand WHILST serving food.


            Newbies Nest

            Spam;840383 wrote: I find it best if you just smash the cockies with a newspaper and then just spread their innards on the meat of your choice.
            ewwwwwwww!! :H, or should I say yummy! the cockies down here in Syd are so big, one would provide enough paste for a whole roll.. i swear the cockies here are better fed than us humans!
            A bandana and not washing for a week sounds good.. think i'll join you on the truck, can I sit in the middle pls?. :H
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              How bout bobtails? Especially after they have been roadkill for a week and have sat festering in the sun.....mmmmmm.....
              Or echidna's, you can use their spikes as toothpicks...
              Dunno about wombats though... they are cranky and run fast!


                Newbies Nest

                Phew. It doesn't pay to leave the nest for too long. I've just read through about 10 pages of posts. Glad to hear everyone in a crazy mood.
                I have two mice to add to the tacos! i think that's all of them now.

                Lav - It's never easy breaking a long marriage. Even though I did have thoughts of leaving my 22 year old marriage, I didn't have the guts. However, once it happened I realised how sad things were, and it was a blessing in disguise - new starts can be good too. Can you txt him to tell you he is at least safe?

                KatieB - Sorry the date didn't work out as planned. I think you're wise to sort yourself out before adding a guy, but don't give up on the idea altogether. Some day there will be someone who loves you as you deserve. Just a thought - You tanked up to cope with this date, but it was you who wasn't that impressed with him for lying. Neither of you lose anything if you never meet again. So next time, why not make it an experiment to see if he likes you sober. If he doesn't, what have you lost that you didn't have before?

                I was all prepared to kiss the kids of to school on Monday, made the lunches and went to wake them up only to be told that High School had a teachers only day - DARN, only one little one back to school. They are all back now, thank the gods of hot water and broadband.

                Take care everyone. The weekend is close. Buckle up those nest straps.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Guys.

                  Good news -- I just got home from a long day downtown, and I was really hungry. WAS that is until I started reading about Oz Taco Varieties. They all sound so yummy, I'm not even hungry anymore just thinking about it. Saved me a ton of calories!

                  Glad to see you guys are having fun! Take care Everyone!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Tranq - LOL!! sorry we put you off your food.. :H
                    Dancing on - thank you for your wise words.. you are right; no-one deserves me if they dont like me sober! I will give dating a miss for awhile though as I have heaps of work to do on myself first still..
                    Katie x
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      How's this for a "sign"

                      Just got home and there were two big, fat, juicy, magpies on the drive. Managed to catch them and ring their necks before they knew what was going on.

                      Katie - I'll leave you to rip their legs off and marinade them.

                      Spam x


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh come on now Nestlings, get serious about this silly taco business:

                        Where is your nutritional content in these tacos ? For gosh sakes put some greenery in their peoples. My suggestion would be.....hmmmm..... pureed manure; cactus (or any succulent you prefer) and I'll leave it to you to decide on the orange and yellow veges!

                        Let's be realistic here okay!


                          Newbies Nest

                          My ex is Satan..

                          Mama; I go back on saying your boss is Satan - my ex is officially Satan.. He has been sending me abusive texts messages for the last 1.5 hours on,
                          1/ basically saying I am a terrible mother b/c my son had his dinner one hour later tonight (at 5.30 instead of 4.30pm) as I took him to see his "best" friend - a little boy of the same age who he hasnt seen for 2 weeks.. he had a great time and had biccy's when we were there - but my ex called when he was having dinner then went into a tirade of abuse.. also sending me abusive texts..
                          2/ our son has to have regular blood tests - and my ex found out today from a GP that there is a anaesthetic patch that can be used to numb the pain of blood tests.. he then started abusing me saying that b/c I am a nurse I should have known this and spared our son the pain of blood tests.. he was totally abusive, saying I am a shit nurse too basically; in my defence I have never used those patches and I am an adult nurse not a children's one.. i said the hospital should have known to use them.. but he blamed me..
                          3, he is still accusing me for "causing" his depression trying to say our son prefers him to me, and that our marriage break up is my fault - totally denying the fact he beat me to a pulp!
                          Help! sorry its so long but im feeling vulnerable right now.. this would be a time i would drink.. i need something or someone to say something to help me please.. im close to tears.. i had such a lovely day until my ex ruined it! yet again..:upset:
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            katieb. its easy to say but dont let him get to you. HE IS HISTORY. you are on the way out, leave him behind were he belongs. i know its an ongoing thing but look after yourself. you are the most important thing here. YOU AND YOUR SON. be strong for both of you
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi KatieB
                              Just read your post; hugs to you and keep strong.
                              Don't know much about your background as only recently joined, but from what I read your ex does not deserve to have you so don't give him the chance of ruining your plans for sobriety.
                              Keep in there.


                                Newbies Nest

                                spuddle; i know.. he just knows just what to say to hurt me.. he's so evil and makes me so angry! i just dont know what to do with him! he makes me go crazy,then uses when i react against me too.. he is totally narcisstic! he does not care about the pain he causes.. i just wish he would be locked up and get out of my life for good!!!
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


