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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    oh jeez, you guys are gonna make me change my avi. hee hee
    Sobriety Is Wasted On The Sober


      Newbies Nest

      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        Sunni - cross post.

        Hope that you feel you waddle off.:H:H
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone.
          Was just going to order some more AllOne but thought I would check in the nest first. You guys are crazy..... dont think Katies ex would taste very good on man-o-bobs, Mama.... too sour!
          Roamer - excuse the craziness - just letting off steam. I think they are trying to teach me that you can actually have fun without alcohol in your system.... Welcome! Glad you have found us and when you are ready, tell us your story. Ask us anything, someone usually has been thru something similar to what you are going thru. Visit us often. Read the book, take the supps and listen to the CD's - it works!
          Katie - I hope you dont respond to his texts. By giving him nothing back it will drive him crazy. Stay strong, Katie, you are doing so well.
          Well, going to go order the Allone then to bed I think. I had a chinese girl give me a back massage today and I really hurt! Thought massage was supposed to be pleasurable?
          Hi Lav if you pop in. x
          Hey Tranq - you've been very quiet lately..... any particular reason
          Stay strong my friends.
          N xx


            Newbies Nest

            Roamer - No!!! We are not too old to enjoy legs.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Nemed - been thinking about you! How's the computer issues? Massage is supposed to feel good. What kind of massage did you get?

              Ok - I'm really going to go get ready for work. I am putting it off obviously but I guess I'll get going now.

              Have a great AF night/morning/afternoon/evening everyone. :l:l:l:l:l
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                KatieB;840520 wrote: Mama; I go back on saying your boss is Satan - my ex is officially Satan.. He has been sending me abusive texts messages for the last 1.5 hours on,
                1/ basically saying I am a terrible mother b/c my son had his dinner one hour later tonight (at 5.30 instead of 4.30pm) as I took him to see his "best" friend - a little boy of the same age who he hasnt seen for 2 weeks.. he had a great time and had biccy's when we were there - but my ex called when he was having dinner then went into a tirade of abuse.. also sending me abusive texts..
                2/ our son has to have regular blood tests - and my ex found out today from a GP that there is a anaesthetic patch that can be used to numb the pain of blood tests.. he then started abusing me saying that b/c I am a nurse I should have known this and spared our son the pain of blood tests.. he was totally abusive, saying I am a shit nurse too basically; in my defence I have never used those patches and I am an adult nurse not a children's one.. i said the hospital should have known to use them.. but he blamed me..
                3, he is still accusing me for "causing" his depression trying to say our son prefers him to me, and that our marriage break up is my fault - totally denying the fact he beat me to a pulp!
                Help! sorry its so long but im feeling vulnerable right now.. this would be a time i would drink.. i need something or someone to say something to help me please.. im close to tears.. i had such a lovely day until my ex ruined it! yet again..:upset:
                Katie, please save these abusive texts. It shows a pattern of behavior on his part that can be used by you in a court of law. Giving your toddler his dinner an hour late is not neglect, nor is not using an anesthetic patch for blood tests. The guy is just trying to get to you. Repeat, he's just trying to get to you...he's trying to wear you down. Please save his texts, print them off, whatever you can do to have some sort of evidence against him.


                  Newbies Nest

                  mama bear;840568 wrote: Jeez... .I go to bed early and miss all the taco fun....but i think we should dice up katie's ex and serve him....Mwauhahahahahaha....evil laugh
                  or he could be a side dish served on a
                  Hmmmm.....wanker carnitas...


                    Newbies Nest

                    mama bear;840568 wrote: Jeez... .I go to bed early and miss all the taco fun....but i think we should dice up katie's ex and serve him....Mwauhahahahahaha....evil laugh
                    or he could be a side dish served on a
                    You know that I can't get that laugh out of my mind now. And the image. I am going to have Dr. Evil from Austin Powers in my head all day long. :H
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nora. I just went into one of these little booth thingys in the shopping mall that has slave labour and you dont have to wait for a massage. Usually very good but today she must have had PMS.... ouch!
                      Computer is still dead however the computer guy has finally picked it up and is trying to retrieve our stuff off the hard drive.
                      Hint for everyone.... BACK UP YOUR PHOTOS AND MUSIC AND EVERYTHING ELSE ON YOUR COMPUTER before it is too late... Wish I had listened to my own advice!

                      Serious question for my fellow Aussies and Kiwi's. Focus for a minute... stop thinking about wanker tacos and cat burgers.... I have a question.
                      Does anyone know of an Australian or New Zealand distributor of All One? I have been on the net trying to get it however I am going to be charged over $40 in postage if I order it from the USA (which is more than the actual powder.) I feel it is probably the only supp (maybe evening primrose as well) I will continue taking when they have all gone but dont want to have to pay that much just for postage.
                      Now I am really going to rest my aching bones...
                      Talk to you tomorrow
                      Oh and Roamer please dont change your pic...


                        Newbies Nest

               ahead of myself here.

                        It's a beautiful Wednesday morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the crickets are chirping. Suddenly, the audible tones of a far off fractured tune emerge..gradually, it draws closer. It's an off-key, mangled, electronic version of "La Cucaracha". In the distance, a truck appears on the horizon, clouds of dust and noxious blue smoke spewing out behind it as it rolls down the dirt road...

                        ...the colorful truck rolls to a stop beneath the ancient tree.

                        Good morning, nestlings!
                        Anybody up for breakfast burritos? I have scrambled egg carnitas, and for those avian types who don't want to commit infanticide (I'm thinking Coco-nut, Chook), I have a nice tofu scramble...plenty of coffee, diet coke and Mexican coke (with real sugar, not corn syrup). I also have assorted pastries and scones, ummm....let's see here...almond croissants, oat currant scones, assorted berry scones, cheese danish, bran muffins and orange chocolate-chip muffins. Half-and-half, 2% or skim milk. Orange juice, too.

                        Jorge' came through for me big time! I switched out the cooking grease this morning. I'm taking the truck to a cheeeep mechanic later today to get the truck fixed and I'm going to repaint it with the "Dos Gatos" logo this weekend. So, what do you think, nestlings? :H


                          Newbies Nest

                          Spam;840627 wrote: We could serve him to Fennel's bad neighbours.

                          I've got bad neighbours too. They get together for Friday nights and Sunday breakfasts, make too much noise, ignore their kids, scream, shout and no they're not students, they're CHURCH MINISTERS and they are the worst neighbours I have ever had.

                          I can't even throw my empties over the fence any more.
                          Good lord...sometimes the holy rollers are the worst ones! :H


                            Newbies Nest

                            I have got this image in my head Fennel. And since you are serving vegetarian. :H:H
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              sunshine_gg;840644 wrote:

                              Well, ladies and gents, I believe today will be my final tax day. I finally have ALL the receipts I need - so I might as well get this done and over with. I was hoping to finish this last night but came home from riding totally pooped. And there'll be more riding tonight. And Sunday. LOL I do believe my masochistic side is shining through. German heritage, I suppose.

                              Right then, off I waddle. Have a fabby day, nestlings!
                              Good luck with the taxes, sunshine_gg. At least it'll be over and done with.


                                Newbies Nest

                                And welcome to Roamer...please feel free to pull up a twig and tell us about yourself! :welcome:

