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    A hearty hello to everyone! Don't return to work again until Friday, and the weather has just been glorious this past week in Central Florida (apologies to brag to all of you hit by this week's Arctic blast) and I took advantage of it by kayaking on a tributary of a local river with some friends. Certainly beats being passed out in bed!


    Is there a way to make pictures larger? MWO seems to automatically resize them.
    First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


      Welcome back Just me again and e3!
      Just, maybe this is the point at which you say, 'ENOUGH'. If you are like me, AL almost took it all! I know that as long as I stay quit, no one can talk about my AL problem any more. It is all in the past. If you can use it as a tool to quit, then all won't be lost. I will hope for the best possible outcome for you! Keep us posted.

      e3, we underwent some changes back in October, but I've never clicked on a link and gotten that response. Which thread were you trying to open? I know a couple have been closed so you can longer respond but they are few and far between. We are glad you are here! 4 days is awesome!

      aihfl, my pictures are tiny also....I always have to click to see them! Great photo! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Originally posted by Justme Again View Post
        Hi all
        Not sure where to post.
        Someone said they smelled alcohol on me at work and that i will be reported.
        I am sooo scared of loosing my job. Want to kick myself senseless.
        Do anyone have advice for me on how to handle this?
        Hi JustMe. Wow, I know that you are scared and in pain and I am sorry. JustMe, if the do report you and bring it up, go ahead and be truthful. Your life is worth more than a job or anything else. You never know just who might be there for you willing to help you. You don't have anything to lose by being truthful and you have a who,e lot to lose by doing otherwise. Peace to you -always.


          Originally posted by Justme Again View Post
          Hi all
          Not sure where to post.
          Someone said they smelled alcohol on me at work and that i will be reported.
          I am sooo scared of loosing my job. Want to kick myself senseless.
          Do anyone have advice for me on how to handle this?
          Justme, I've been exactly where you are. I've lost several jobs due to drinking and drugging on the job. Unfortunately, just as if you are caught driving drunk, an alcoholic's alcohol use almost always has consequences. Have you tried AA? "Working the program" requires rigorous honesty about the state of your life and the mess we have made of it. It is a difficult process but it is very cathartic in the end. Best of luck to you.
          First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


            Originally posted by Justme Again View Post
            Hi all
            Not sure where to post.
            Someone said they smelled alcohol on me at work and that i will be reported.
            I am sooo scared of loosing my job. Want to kick myself senseless.
            Do anyone have advice for me on how to handle this?
            Hi Just me. Great to see you here.

            Here is another view since you've asked.

            Having been down a similar road before, I would be careful how you respond to this if you're dragged before management etc. If it's a case of your word against anothers, you don't really need elaborate much. If so, you could be ok. But if it is an ongoing issue, you will likely be found out one way or another (if they opt for a test). Are you in a union etc. for workplace support? But seeing you are from this day forward a courageous, committed, alcohol free warrior, you won't have to deal with this again. :happy2: This may not be where you are at right now though. Another option might be if you can take some time off to get yourself sober and see a Doc to help put a plan forward together if need be?

            Keep us posted friend and take care of you.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Hi, All:

              I am here checking in between events this evening. Welcome to all you newbies. No matter what kind of jam you find yourself in right now, or how much confusion you feel, there is one thing I KNOW for sure - alcohol will absolutely NOT make it better. In the immortal words of Mr. G, the only way out is THROUGH. No amount of wishing will take back that which as happened (unless we get to time travel soon). So now is the day to find the way forward.

              Fin, newfound respect (on top of oldfound respect) for you in running the Pike's Peak marathon. All that distance with NO air. I'm impressed.

              Stay close, nesters. Post and ask for support.



                Good evening Nesters,

                Great to see some newcomers - welcome JustMe & e3, glad you found us!
                Be sure to check out our fabulous Tool box for great ideas to help you put your plans together. If you plan to succeed, you will.

                Regardless of the stories or lies we may tell other people about drinking I really think honestly was what helped me finally quit. I stopped lying to myself, stopped the excuses & all the BS. Once I finally accepted the truth that I had no power over AL the struggle came to an end. I remain grateful for that day & always will.

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hi justme and e3 - welcome back
                  I know is probably scary to have someone say they smell alcohol on you - I don't have any wise words but I do feel your fear and am thinking of you

                  I made Day 2 but I know I would have drank if my DOC would have been available at this certain get together tonight so I feel like it doesn't really count?


                    Hi E3 & JustMe! Glad you are here. This is a good place to find your best self again

                    Here in AZ with record heat. Not ready for 100 yet! The husband had two margs tonight and lost his temper with his father. His father is an asshole and it's easy to get angry at him. But I was able to coach my husband on how to better handle the situstion. I used to be in the middle with a cloudy head, but now I can feel level headed and helpful. Yet one more way my life has improved without alcohol.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Good Morning, Nesters!
                      e3, I was just re-reading your note from long were you sober previously? NoSugar has a thread 'Relapse in Retrospect' that documents that experience, if you want to share what is really helpful to all of us to see how that process unfolds. We are glad you're here with us!!

                      A stormy, windy day here in the Southern part of the nest...a two-can day! (2 cans of hairspray!)
                      Ican, easy days count!! In fact, most days that's my sign-off! I hope you have an easy day today! They are a blessing and they DO count! Hugs to all, hang on to your hair! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Having the same weather here in my mid-Atlantic portion of the nest Byrdie!
                        As a bonus, we are expecting a bit of snow on Saturday. Why??

                        Ican, Like Byrdie says, count your blessings! Glad things are working out for you.

                        Kensho, isn't it fabulous to be able to step back & observe things as they really are & not immediately feel drawn in? It feels good to hsve those calm, observational skills back again I hope your husband & his Dad can find some peace!

                        I'm spending the day with my energetic 5 year old granddaughter. Life is good!
                        Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hello Nester,

                          I was today reminder of hang over from my drinking days. Heavy head, bit of depression, lack of will to do anything, terrible feeling I must say. But then why today ? Infact I have been feeling low since past 2 days. Is it coffee and sodas ? Can 3 coffee and 2 diet cokes can cause this..

                          But then turns out I know why ... I have fever!! Just popped in the thermometer and said 102. Hmmm.... So that's how the hangever felt like ...rather thats how EVERY DAY felt like .. 2 years ago ...

                          The feeling is bad .. I am glad it's not due to AL or AL related. ...
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            Need to plant myself back in the Newbies.......and grow!
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Originally posted by Rahulthesweet View Post
                              Hello Nester,

                              I was today reminder of hang over from my drinking days. Heavy head, bit of depression, lack of will to do anything, terrible feeling I must say. But then why today ? Infact I have been feeling low since past 2 days. Is it coffee and sodas ? Can 3 coffee and 2 diet cokes can cause this..

                              But then turns out I know why ... I have fever!! Just popped in the thermometer and said 102. Hmmm.... So that's how the hangever felt like ...rather thats how EVERY DAY felt like .. 2 years ago ...

                              The feeling is bad .. I am glad it's not due to AL or AL related. ...
                              Rahul, Im sorry you are sick, but Im thrilled you are not hungover! Feel better, friend!
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Dodged all sorts of thunderstorms & got myself back home

                                Rahul, I really hope you feel better soon. Take good care of yourself!

                                Daisy, stay with us for the long haul, OK? We can help you meet your goals!

                                Hope your weather has cleared up Byrdie - this is not the kind of spring we all expected.

                                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest as winter makes one last (hopefully) return.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

